Rescue Dogs

If you would like a dog, please consider adopting.

Dogs from the Dog Pound, Humane Society, or other rescue group can make excellent pets.

Dogs end up in the pound for many reasons – people die or lose their home. People who can’t properly take care of a dog buy one on a sudden impulse or for their girlfriend / boyfriend at the pet store etc.. etc.. etc..


-You are often saving the life of a wonderful animal.

-When adopting an adult dog, you have a better idea of the personality when you meet the dog – If you would like a friendly dog, you can choose the dog that wags it’s tail – not the one that growls and tries to bite you. Occasionally, a dog ends up in the pound because it is a "problem dog". However, the real problem is often not the dog but the previous owner. When you adopt from a pound or rescue organization, you actually greatly decrease your chances of getting a dog with serious problems.

-Rescue dogs seem to know that you have rescued them and can make excellent and wonderful pets..


Learn something about dogs.

Decide the type of dog you would like and make a list before looking at individual dogs.

Make sure you have the resources to properly care for a dog

I have a lot more tips and information further down the page - please keep reading and see more information further down the page.

ABOUT OUR RESCUE DOG -- Tofu (The Fastest Poodle) is a rescue dog from the pound who loves to run. She probably is half Poodle and half Italian Greyhound which may explain why she can run so fast. Please check out our video and band.

Is this a dog trick or a people trick ? -- I'm not quite sure who taught who!

Click on the picture to watch our video with original music about the fastest poodle.

We have a web site for the fastest poodle:

MORE INFORMATION: I want to make a few additional points and tips to encourage rescuing dogs:

**There are many types of dogs available from the shelters and rescue organizations – including many PUREBREEDS. If you have allergies there are also many HAIRED dogs.

**Adopting from shelters, rescue organizations and the local pound is the best way to get a dog. While I have met nice dogs from pet stores and breeders, the rescue dogs always seem to be even nicer and a great match for the owners. Because you have such a big selection of dogs to choose from you can pick the best match for your lifestyle.

**Tofu - The Fastest Poodle - was picked up as a stray and ended up in the pound.  We aren’t sure if she just ran off or was abandoned. Now she always wants to stay close to us. When she is outside running she has amazing energy. In the house she is a sweet lap dog. Tofu wouldn’t be the dog for every family but she is perfect for ours and will pull us up the mountain when we go backpacking watch:

For most people, I recommend adopting an adult dog from 1 to 2 years old.

Oftentimes shelters don't know the exact age of the dog and will often underestimate the age. You can look at the teeth, eyes, and walk of the dog to help determine the age.

**If you would like a very mellow dog there are many senior dogs to adopt. When my daughter was very young and wanted a dog we adopted Sinatra – The Slowest Shnoodle – who had been an old ladies dog. He was such a gentle and wonderful dog for a young child. It was a beautiful experience to care for him during life and through the end of life.

Thanks for all the comments and if you would like a pet please consider adopting and encourage others to do the same.

**Puppies and Genetics – Puppies are cute and adorable but chew up things and are a lot of work. With a puppy it is hard to know how the dog will turn out both in size and personality. When you adopt an adult dog you know about their final size and personality. While the way a dog is raised plays an important role in a dog’s life, genetics is also a very important factor. It is hard to know if the adorable puppy you get will turn out to be the dog you want when it is an adult. Normally the only place to get an adult dog is from a shelter / rescue organization or someone re-homing their dog.

**Finding the perfect rescue dog can require some patience. Sometimes you need to look at more than one shelter or rescue organization. Shelters and rescue organizations have events to help get dogs adopted – these can be good places to look. Even better is to look just before the adoption event when they are gathering dogs to have in the event. Talk to volunteers at the shelters, rescue organizations, and adoption events. You can also talk to people at a dog park or similar gathering spot for dog people. Some rescue organizations specialize in certain breeds and types of dogs.

When you find a good candidate for adoption, spend lots of time looking him/her over, have the dog meet all your family members including pets you already own. Look at the list you made before you started looking at individual dogs and make a well thought out decision.

**I have nothing against responsible breeders & pet stores – I just hope you would look first at rescue dogs.

While some people think dogs at the pound are less than the best, often the exact opposite is true YOU CAN CHOOSE THE FINEST OF FINE DOGS WITH AMAZING PERSONALITIES.

In addition to saving a wonderful creature’s life, you are getting the best pet possible and for a bargain price.

Thanks for reading this and if you would like a pet please consider adopting and encourage others to do the same.

See how much we love our rescue dog - we even wrote songs about her:

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This article (c) Copyright 2012 by Mister Dave and The Fastest Poodle