Land's End

Visit 1

Land's End-1-V0oid.mp4

(video credit: V0oid)

geckos [1465736224].mp4

Technique: Edgewalk around geckos

(video credit: kbz)

Land's End-2-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)


Technique: Fast Sky Bridge

(video credit: kbz)

Level up:

Mario [9] - ATK

Mallow [11] - SP

Geno [10] - ATK

Bowser [11] - ATK

Land's End-3-V0oid.mp4

(video credit: V0oid)

Level up:

Mario [10] - ATK

Mallow [12] - SP

Mallow [13] - SP

Geno [11] - ATK

Bowser [12] - ATK

Peach [12] - HP

Land's End-4-V0oid.mp4

(video credit: V0oid)

Level up:

Mario [11] - SP

Land's End-5-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)


Technique: Fortune Skip

Go to the corner, then walk (don't dash) by tapping up for about ~2-3 frames. Start running northwest, and jump very late when you approach the wall to get on the shaman's head (he will force you off if you don't do this precisely). Then, jump onto the statue's notes. This saves you 50 coins and a big chunk of time time if you can do it consistently.

Contributed by MTP and エモンガ

Land's End-6-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)

Level up (if you got a Mallow or Bowser clone):

Mallow [14] - SP

Geno [12] - ATK

Level up (otherwise):

Mallow [14] - SP

Levelups written from this point onward assume that you hit at least 18 dogs in Bandit's Way and hit all 10 bombs in Moleville.

Land's End-7-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)

Visit 2

Land's End-8-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)


Technique: Fast Troopa Cliff climb

You need to finish in under 11 seconds to get the Troopa Medal.

Contributed by slopdop