29. Bean Valley
Screen One
Switch the party to Mario/Peach/Geno.
EQUIP Mario:
Troopa Pin
EQUIP Peach:
TrueForm Pin
Enter the right pipe on this screen.
Screen Two
Head left to the next pipe while avoiding the bees.
Screen Three
Head up-left to the next screen.
Screen Four (Five Pipes)
Head past all the pipes.
Save if you need to, then head up to the next screen to fight...
Phase 1 (1plant)
Mario Attacks
Phase 2 (2 plants)
Geno Boost Mario, Peach defend, Mario Attack.
Geno Boost Geno, Peach defend, Mario Attack.
Phase 3 (3 plants)
Geno use Ice Bomb
Phase 4 MegaSmilax
Peach use Ice Bomb
*Petal Blast*
Everyone use Attacks to finish off Megasmilax, Peach use Group Hug to get people out of Mushroom State.
After the fight, pick up the SEED that falls at the top of the screen and head down the pipe.
Bop the brick block to grow the vine, then again to climb into the clouds.
Climb straight up the first cloud screen.
On the second screen, take the red vine on the left first to grab a flower chest, then head back down and up the right vine to keep going.
Third screen, climb all the way up to reach Nimbus Land. Take the left spring to reach the town, the right one is the exit.