10. Rose Way
First Screen
Jump on the first platform and ride it to the first island.
Switch to the new platform on this island, then ride this new platform for two hops to an island with another new platform.
Switch to the new platform and ride it to the next island, but don't switch platforms yet! Ride it for one more hope to an island with a flower. Pick up the flower, then ride it back to the other island.
Switch to the other platform, ride it northwest to an exit but don't take it. Instead, ride the platform back to the island you just came from and stay on it to ride to the right.
Jump and try to grab the coin in midair as you pass under it along the way, then ride this platform for one more hop to the correct exit in the northeast corner.
Second Screen
Run north avoiding the wandering bandits and lakitu drops.
Follow the path around east and then back south again, avoiding all the enemies along way. Straight path, no choices to be had.
Third Screen
Ride the platform to the first island, and switch to the new platform there.
Ride this platform to the next island, jump off to the left and grab the coin in the air, then get back on the platform and ride it to the exit.
Fourth Screen
Run southeast and watch the Bowser cutscene.
After the cutscene, continue to the exit to Rose Town.