Barrel Volcano

Barrel Volcano-1-V0oid.mp4

(video credit: V0oid)

Level up (if you got a Bowser or Mallow clone):

Mallow [15] - HP

Geno [13] - HP

Bowser [14] - HP

Peach [14] - HP

Level up (if you got a Mario clone):

Geno [13] - HP

Bowser [14] - HP

Level up (otherwise):

Geno [13] - HP

Bowser [14] - HP

Peach [14] - HP

Barrel Volcano-2-V0oid.mp4

(video credit: V0oid)

behind the stumpet 1 [592487565].mp4

Technique: Skip the first Stumpet

The fastest (but more difficult) way to do this is to face up-right and then jump to the right, but this must be done precisely.

An easier way to do it is to use pause buffering. Open a menu, hold down left, and start mashing B to jump around the stumpet in a different direction, then you can walk around it by getting close to the edge.

Contributed by Mill and SeanCass

Level up (if you got a Bowser or Mallow clone):

Mario [13] - ATK

Level up (if you got a Mario clone):

Mario [13] - ATK

Mallow [15] - HP

Peach [14] - HP

Level up (otherwise):

Mario [13] - ATK

Mallow [15] - HP

Barrel Volcano-3-V0oid.mp4

(video credit: V0oid)

volcano bridge [3699853926].mp4

Technique: Fast Lava Bridge

Just delay ever so slightly, then book it.

Contributed by Mill


Technique: Fast Lava Bridge (alternate)

Contributed by エモンガ

Barrel Volcano-4-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)