Bandit's Way

Bandit's Way-1-IamTehShark.mp4

(video credit: IamTehShark)

SMRPG - 19 Dogs.mkv

Technique: 19 Dogs

You want to hit at least 16 K-9s with the star, but exactly 19 is optimal. Follow this movement to get comfortable with it.

The room starts off with four slow dogs, which are each replaced with fast dogs when knocked out.

The idea is to take out the first three slow dogs, take a detour left to hit an incoming fast dog, head in the direction of the exit and slightly jut left and right to hit more fast dogs (and the fourth slow dog if you're lucky), and stand where fast dogs enter the room to automatically knock them out.

There is some RNG to deal with here. The fourth slow dog might walk away from you instead of toward you, in which case you won't be able to hit it without losing control over the fast dogs. The fast dogs coming from the left entrance might get stuck on the walls, or they might run up and collide with you, which can also throw your count off.

(Video credit: SeanCass)

Level up (if you got at least 18 dogs):

Mario [2] - SP

Mallow [3] - SP

Level up (if you got less than 18 dogs):

Mallow [3] - SP