Low Level

Low Level beats the game at the lowest EXP count possible. This is done with the use of the Lucky Jewel and Lucky Hammer to force the Yoshi egg game to appear at the end of mandatory battles, and requiring a result of 0 EXP to proceed.

This challenge differs from its SNES counterpart because you actually can visually follow the Yoshi egg now. However, the positioning of the bird and fuzzy eggs relative to the Yoshi egg are random. This means that battles which have a 1/6 success rate on SNES instead have a 1/4 success rate on Switch, and battles with a SNES 1/3 success rate have a 1/2 success rate on Switch.

Switching difficulties during the run is not allowed.

Low Level (Normal Difficulty) route by Iateyourpie and Alanim:


Low Level (Breezy Difficulty) route by KeiperDontCare:
