Japanese to English translation

You are not required to use the Japanese version of SMRPG to speedrun it.

English is about 9 minutes slower due to text render speed. English runners and Japanese runners share a leaderboard, but there are no time conversions.

You do not need to understand Japanese to run the game in Japanese. You need to recognize up to 40 item names and memorize 40 Dr. Topper quiz questions. You can do this with symbol recognition if you cannot read Japanese. 

Reference lists


If you would like to learn the game in Japanese, there are a few sticking points. Most of the text is just mashing, but there are a few times when you will have to pick an option. Most of the time, it's the 2nd option.

Mario's Pad: Item tutorial - 2nd option

Mario's Pad: Timed hits - 2nd option

Mushroom Kingdom: Mallow joins your party - first option

Midas River: Waterfall - 2nd option

Midas River: Barrels - 2nd option

Tadpole Pond: Frogfucius explanation - 2nd option

Moleville Mines: Mole conversation - 1st option both times

Moleville Mines: Minecart tutorial - 2nd option

Booster Tower: Switch tutorial - 2nd option (you will lose over a minute if you pick the first option)

Booster Hill: Tutorial - 2nd option

Birdo Fight: 1st option

Bowser Doors tutorials: Always 2nd option

The next thing to worry about is the item shops. There are a number of shops you will have to learn and you have two options. The first is to learn the text, and to recognize what J item corresponds to E item. Luckily for us, there's only a few items that share similar characters. 

The practice app has a flashcard tool for memorizing items that appear in the Peach Chart.

Credit to The Mushroom Kingdom for all translations.



Peach abilities

Abilities for Peach once she hits level 15 at the end game, in case you don't remember. Geno Blast is the bottom of the first page, and Shocker is the first ability on the second page.

Memorization & recognition tips

If you don't know anything about Japanese, here is a basic guide that might help you with symbol recognition.

Distinguishing alphabets

Japanese has 3 alphabets that are each used for different purposes.

"Hiragana" characters look decently complicated and usually have curves and swirls in them. 


あ い う お つ た ち さ な の ふ は... you get the idea.

"Katakana" characters are often simpler and are usually more pointy, angular, have more straight lines, and use less or longer strokes than Hiragana. The same letters as above would be written as: 

ア イ ウ オ ツ タ チ サ ナ ノ フ ハ

Finally there are "Kanji" characters which usually represent an entire word and are very complicated (more than 4 lines). Examples: 花 海 青 宿屋

Hiragana (the swirly ones) and Kanji (the really complicated ones) are used to write out native Japanese words. They are sometimes used together in Dr. Topper quiz answers, like 海のいきもの where the first character looks much more complicated than the last five.

Katakana (the "simpler" ones) are used to write out the pronunciation of foreign words and are usually (not always, but most of the time) used on their own in Dr. Topper quiz answers.  Katakana is also used in a lot of item names. 

ハニーシロップ is pronounced like "ha-ni shi-rope", and when said quickly sounds like "Honey Syrup", which is what this item is.

You don't have to know these alphabets or what they are used for, but it might help you to distinguish them from each other.

For example:

Looking for specific characters

It can also help you to memorize what a couple of Japanese characters look like so you can tell them apart in menus and Topper questions. For example, look for ハ when looking for Honey Syrup, look for リ for Able Juice, etc etc.

This can also help with Dr. Topper questions, and extends to numbers and symbols as well as Japanese characters. For example:

Some other things you can do for Topper quiz

Marathon Game

If you can memorize 4 Japanese characters, simply look at the first character of the final line to determine their position:

If this is too difficult, you can try looking for spaces between words:


As far as learning item names for shop/X and battle menus, it is much easier because you can learn them from just playing the game. It is easier to recognize items since they have icons to indicate the item type, and Equips filter by slot and character. You're not going to see a bomb icon and wonder if it's an Able Juice. The most difficult ones to distinguish are Ice Bomb (こおりだま) and Rock Candy (こんぺいとう) since they start with the same character and use the same icon. You can distinguish them by recognizing that Rock Candy has 6 characters and Ice Bomb only has 5.

If you have run the game before, item positions in menus have not changed. For example, if you're fighting Bowyer and scroll to your 3rd item screen and see a single item called 

ツヨクナール where you would normally find Energizer, that's probably an Energizer. If you're on your first turn of an earlygame fight and you see a grayed out item called 

ふっかつドリンク, that's probably a Pick Me Up. This will help you with most items, but you can use the practice app to keep your memory fresh on all of them since you will need to be able to recognize up to 40 items, and freebies, equip menu mistakes, and Box drop/RE freebie can throw you off.

If you haven't run the game before, you are probably using the wiki or pastebin as a guide through learning the route. The World Areas section of the wiki always shows both the Japanese and English names of items, equipment, and special attacks.