Route Auditing Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet by pidge allows you to write down the actions taken in your route, one-by-one, that affect the state of your party in any way. This includes obtaining items, swapping equips, winning battles, finding coins, selling stuff, using flower tabs, etc etc, literally anything that can affect the state of your coins, frog coins, flowers, inventory, or party members' stats & EXP. It is intended to help you recognize if there is anything in your proposed route changes that would be spending money you don't have, equipping items you don't own, maxing out your inventory when unintended, and such.

How to use

Make a copy of this sheet to start from scratch. Here is the sheet pre-filled with the Any% 2.01 (2021) route.

It runs pretty slowly, so I recommend just writing stuff to it instead of waiting for it to update after every action. It's a google sheet with a lot of math going on in it.

Columns A through OZ are output (calculation) columns, so don't overwrite them. 

Column PA, Action Name, you can write anything you want. It's there for you to remember what's going on with the steps you take. e.g. "Sea star hit 1" or "Beat Croco" or "Sell stuff in Moleville"

Columns PB through ACU are your deltas (NOT totals!). This is where you can write what's changing with every action you do.

Happy routing!