Language of Instruction 



West Middlesex Memorial Centre. 334 Metcalfe St. W., Strathroy, Ontario.  Local Headquarters (LHQ) is the Gym. 

Health Protocols - revised

revised September 2023 - Subject To Change

If there is an increase in COVID cases in our area then permission for in person activities will be suspended.

Training Night Timings

1830 Arrival

1845 Fall-In/Inspection/Opening

1900 Period One Training 

1925 Break

1935 Period Two Training

2000 Break

2010 Period Three Training

2040 Fall-In/Announcements/Closing

2050 Dismissal, Clean Up

Times are subject to change. 


CO's Parade

Once per month a Tuesday Parade Night may be designated as a CO's Parade. The Commanding Officer's Parade is a full dress review and may include music by the squadron Band, a Flag Party and a march past a Reviewing Party. This takes place at the beginning of the night (starting around 6:45 pm). Parents and family members are encouraged to stay for the inspection and presentations. Promotions, appointments, achievement awards, commendations, and important announcements may follow the parade. A guest Reviewing Officer may be present.


Cadets must notify a squadron officer of their absence by calling the squadron phone 519-852-2359 prior to 1830h or contact the Duty NCM.  Cadets are responsible for any material missed when absent from a Training Night. Being absent with an excuse will not harm your attendance record, but unexcused absences will. Any absences excused or not, will have an effect on your training as you will miss classes, so you should make every effort to make it to parade.

When not in Uniform or part of the uniform is missing or needs replaced

Please wear black pants, a white shirt and dress shoes.

Paying of Respects and Saluting Zones

All Squadron members are required to pay respects in accordance with the customs and traditions of the Canadian Forces. Respects are paid to both Cadets and Officers. 

The following areas at the Local Headquarters are designated as Saluting Zones:

a. The Multi Purpose Room (i.e. the Gym)

b. Meeting Rooms

c. Front Hall 

Cadets must salute when entering a classroom or office, if a commissioned officer is present. Squadron members are NOT to salute in the washrooms or while in the stairwells. Respects shall be paid at all times, whether the Squadron members are in a Saluting Zone or not, and regardless of the dress of either the subordinate or superior. Respects, when saluting is not appropriate, will consist of a greeting, such as 'Good Evening, Sir/Ma'am'. The subordinate will also 'check' their arms and perform an 'eyes right' or 'eyes left' when passing near a superior, when a salute is not appropriate.


The training schedule is available from the Squadron's Training Officer.  Instructors are to ensure they have the most recent version.


Visitors to the Squadron are subject to the squadron’s policies and procedures. It is incumbent upon those members who are hosting visitors and transient personnel to advise them of those orders which apply in each case.  Ensure visitors are informed of the evacuation exits and exterior assembly locations.

Keeping Our Facilities Clean

We appreciate every cadet's cooperation in keeping our facilities clean and in order, whether at LHQ, OLI Gym or at 116 Branch of the Legion. It is EVERY cadet's responsibility to clean up after themselves.

Cancellation Due to Weather

Check e-mail or the Facebook group, the day of cadets, for any cancellations due to inclement weather. Or call or text the squadron phone.

New Recruits

Download, print and read the handy Reference sheet.  Click here to Download

Download, print and read the 3 Sqn Cadet Handbook.  Click here to Download

Read your Expectations & Rights

Read your Responsibilities

I wish to resign. What do I do?

If you no longer wish to belong to 3 Squadron then speak with a staff member, preferably the CO or Admin officer.  Inform the Weekly Announcements E-Mail senior cadet so that your name can be removed from the e-mail list. Please return the uniform, since they are only on loan from DND. Return the entire kit even if the Cadet is transferring to another Squadron.

Central Region Cadet Code of Conduct

All Cadets annually read and sign that they will follow them

1. I hereby agree to carry out my duties to the best of my ability, and to conform to these rules:

a. I agree to respect the people around me, my environment, and the belongings of others;

b. I agree to not purchase, sell, consume or distribute alcohol, narcotics, prohibited substances, drug-related paraphernalia, or pornographic material and to not take part in illegal gambling activities;

c. I agree to not purchase, sell, or distribute tobacco products;

d. I agree to not consume any prescription or non-prescription medications not specifically prescribed to me for a current health condition;

e. I agree to not commit theft or to borrow the belongings of others without having been authorized to do so by the owner(s] of the belongings in question;

f. I agree to not sell, barter, or steal any items belonging to the Department of National Defence, or the government, or a Cadet League, or sponsor;

g. I agree to conduct myself toward others following the values and direction of the Positive Social Relations for Youth Programme;

h. I agree to not fight with, shout at, or bully anyone;

i. I agree to be loyal, honest, courageous, diligent, fair, and responsible;

j. I agree to respect all rules and regulations and to report to my supervisors any breach of the rules of which I may be aware;

k. I agree to conform to the approved cadet dress regulations;

l. I agree to obey proper orders, directives, and instructions issued by persons in positions of authority;

m. I agree to do nothing that might endanger the immediate safety of other persons;

n. I understand these rules apply to me when I am engaged in authorized cadet activities, in or out of uniform.

2. I acknowledge that a breach of one or more of the aforementioned rules may result in administrative or disciplinary measures to include release from the cadet corps/squadron or training centre. I agree to obey these rules of conduct while enrolled as a cadet in this corps/squadron or attending a CTC.

Typical Training Night

6:30 Arrive at West Middlesex Memorial Centre (Old Arena). This is the squadron's LHQ (Local Head Quarters). Please enter only at the automated doors on the southeast corner, off the rear parking lot. Cadets in uniform must ensure their wedge is worn correctly at all times while out in public areas. Cadets must pay respect and salute according to the rules of the Squadron. If this is your first time then please walk up to any officer (adult in uniform) and introduce yourself. Cadets that have not been issued a uniform should wear appropriate civilian clothing (black pants and a white shirt and clean shoes). Parents are encouraged to stay at the beginning of the first Tuesday of each month and watch the COs parade. Cadets with a backpack or binder can place it next to a wall or on a bench in the Multi-Purpose Room (Gym). Please don't leave any personal items in the washroom, change room or lobby. The Duty NCM for the month will assign cadets to prepare the parade floor, raise the flags and banner and set up tables and chairs for training. See the Training Officer or designate for the key for the locked storage area. Cadets are reminded that the fitness and sports equipment in the gym and locker area are NOT to be used by anyone without permission of the Staff. You will then form up in your flights which can consist of about 15 cadets in three rows (ranks) of five with a senior cadet as flight commander. New recruits on their first night may wish to stand behind the squadron ranks, next to the training staff main tables, and observe. Cadets, with a wedge on, are reminded to pay respect to the Canadian flag while passing in front of it.

7:00 Training Period One. A Supply session may be held for new recruits and cadets who are exchanging ill-fitting uniform parts. A Supply session will be announced by the Supply Officer. New recruits, obtaining their uniform, may be asked to try it on. Use the change rooms next to the Gym. Please keep your personal items together in a bag so that you don't go home missing the articles your arrived in. Reminder: do not leave valuables in the locker room. Training will take place in a different location in the LHQ for each level.

7:30 Training Period Two. During any of the three training periods you will be grouped by level. Senior cadets, staff and officers will instruct you according to the squadron's training plan. Adult staff, not in uniform, are Civilian Instructors and they are addressed by 'CI' followed by last name. New recruits will learn about the air cadet movement's history, the squadron's history, chain of command, ranks, squadron rules and regs, forming up on the parade floor, standing at attention and at ease, uniforms and much more in the first weeks of the training year. If you have joined the squadron after September then a senior cadet may teach you, one-on-one, to catch you up to the other new recruits. So don't worry if it is Fall or Winter and you just heard about our squadron. There is still time to join and you won't be left behind.

8:00 Break. A member of the Squadron's Sponsoring Committee will have items for sale such as water bottles, fruit and granola bars. Proceeds are used to re-stock the canteen and all profits are used to help finance the squadron's Annual Trip. Cadets must stay in the designated areas used by the squadron and are not allowed to wander around the hockey rink or concession area during break.

8:15 Training Period Three. You'll never know how much fun the night may present. Build and fly a paper glider, listen to a member of the armed forces, study the parts of an aircraft, learn how to build a survival shelter and much, much more. Each year just gets better and better. By the time you are in high school you may want to take the squadron's ground school and prepare to become a pilot one day. Don't be discouraged with the military style of doing things. You will find that you will become more attentive, organized and you will have a greater sense of accomplishment by mastering drill. Air Cadets is all about citizenship, loyalty, professionalism, mutual respect, integrity, fair play, teamwork and more. Also you will learn life skills and leadership and some day you will have the opportunity to teach a new recruit what you have learned in air cadets.

8:45 Closing Parade and Announcements. This is the time that cadet's parents or guardians should arrive and enter the LHQ to hear the announcements. After dismissal, there may be opportunities for cadets to sign up for squadron events. New recruits are encouraged to sign up and attend any gliding opportunities. Cadets are reminded to NOT leave any person belongings behind. The squadron has an announcements white board which Cadets and parents may wish to review to ensure all special dates are recorded accurately. Especially for mandatory events (which are those events that ALL cadets and staff are required to attend to ensure success).

9:00 Clean Up and Departure. Duty flight cadets will pick up all trash, fold and return all tables to storage, respectfully put away the squadron's flags, return all chairs to storage, etc. If you are a parent of a son and/or daughter in the duty flight. Don't panic. It only takes a few minutes to put everything away...this is where they practice teamwork. Senior cadets and staff will ensure the #3 Squadron storage room is securely locked. The lost and found may be in that room, so if you left something behind then call the squadron's phone number and leave a message or talk to an officer.