Local Info


as of May 2021 - Subject to Change

These are Squadrons nearby

Wing 7

532 (Maitland, Goderich) http://www.maitlandaircadets.ca/

Wing 9

19 (Stratford)  https://19air1.wixsite.com/mysite

153 (Varnavair, Tillsonburg) http://153varnavair.weebly.com/

Wing 11

3 (Striker, Strathroy)  striker3.ca

27 (City of London) www.27aircadets.com

44 (Imperial, Sarnia)    https://www.facebook.com/44AirCadets/

201 (Dorchester) http://www.aircadets.ca/201/

294 (Kinsmen, Chatham) http://294kinsmen.blogspot.ca/

364 (Lancaster, Windsor)  http://www.364squadron.ca/   https://www.facebook.com/364squadron/

535 (Archer, Leamington) https://www.facebook.com/535archer/ 

614 (Forest City, London) http://www.614aircadets.org/    https://www.facebook.com/614AirCadets

741 (Elgin, St. Thomas) https://www.741elginaircadets.ca/

862 (Lightning, Lambeth) http://www.862lambethlightning.ca/



Strathroy Flying Farmers R/C (Radio Controlled)

MAAC (Model Aeronautics Association of Canada)


Open to new members whether they are an experienced flyer or wishing to learn to fly. They encourage anyone considering radio controlled model aircraft as a hobby and interested in joining the Strathroy Flying Farmers to contact the club before buying any equipment. Main activities of the club are sport, acrobatic and electric flight. Field location 10 km north of Strathroy on the VanErp farm on Center Rd (Lat: +43° 2' 20.58" Long -81° 38' 8.1815"). Club Contact Info: Robert Bennett, (519) 871-8051, bobbennett at sympatico dot ca

11 Strathroy Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps

Strathroy weather from Environment Canada at  https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/on-18_metric_e.html


Air Force Association of Canada, 427 (London) Wing  http://www.427wing.com/

Jet Aircraft Museum  http://jetaircraftmuseum.ca

The Jet Aircraft Museum currently is operating from a hangar located at the London International Airport in London Ontario, Canada.

It's Mission: To acquire, preserve, maintain, display and fly jet aircraft of the Canadian Forces from the DeHavilland Vampire to present day and future aircraft.

The Jet Aircraft Museum (JAM) exists to create and maintain a dynamic and living history of the modern age Royal Canadian Air Force and to provide permanent honour for those valiant Canadian men and women who flew these aircraft with distinction in periods of war, peace, and peace keeping.

Diamond Aircraft  http://www.diamondaircraft.com/

Royal Canadian Regiment Museum  http://www.thercrmuseum.ca/

the 99s - Maple Leaf Chapter  https://www.facebook.com/groups/259948757375534/


Airshow London (London ON)  http://airshowlondon.com/

Great Lakes International Airshow Airfest (St. Thomas ON)  https://www.airfest.ca/

CNE Air Show (Toronto ON)  https://theex.com/main/entertainment/canadian-international-air-show

All Air Shows in Canada  https://www.airshowcenter.com/airshows/canada/current

Links were active at the time of writing. Content at external sites is not necessarily endorsed by 3 Striker Squadron.