Summer Camps

A wide variety of Summer Training courses are offered to cadets. Squadrons are allotted only a limited number of positions for each course and so cadet eligibility is based on individual effort and attendance during the past year. Cadets typically need to be enrolled in the squadron by December 31 in order to be eligible for Summer Training. Summer training courses offered to Air Cadets include: Basic Training Courses; Advanced Leadership Courses; Instructors Course; Aviation Courses; Marksmanship Coaching; Survival Training; Physical Fitness and Recreation & Music and Band.

2024 Summer Training

Here is a document which outlines the summer training opportunities for Air Cadets this summer. For parents and cadets who have not participated in summer training. These opportunities are available for cadets to apply to. There are limited spaces and we will not know about acceptances for a few months. There is no cost to participate. 

Cadets who are level 2 and above will have the opportunity to participate in a summer training course. We strongly encourage anyone interested to apply. Please select up to 3 options and rank in your order of preference. On page 5 there is a form you can print off and submit or you can respond to this email. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION ASAP DEADLINE FOR SUMMER TRAINING COURSES IS MARCH 26.

Capt Sarah Redfearn

Commanding Officer, 3 Striker Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)

2024 National Courses Interviews

The Merit Interviews for the Power Pilot Training Course (PPTC) and Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC) are coming up.  Talk to the TrnO for detaails.  The interviews may be conducted virtually.  

To assist cadets with preparing for the Merit Interviews, please see attached Interview Guide (a 2024 version will be posted when available). Link to guide is here.

6 Week Course Cadets - Earn Secondary School Credits

How to Contact a Training Centre or your cadet at a CTC

More info here
This chart is for 2019.  Subject to Change.  National Courses are highlighted. 
( 4m48s - Youtube - Dec 2014 )


Click on the title or the down arrow to expand.

How long are Summer Courses?

These courses range from 1-7 weeks in length based on the specialty.

How do they supply me on course?

Cadets are fed three meals a day and are given quarters to stay in while they are training.

What does it cost?

Except perhaps for International Exchange...Nothing!  It costs the cadet nothing to train for the summer.  Cadets may wish to bring a little pocket money for spending at the canteen and for some trips off base.  In fact cadets are compensated for attending Summer Training. A training bonus of $10 per day is paid to every cadet for each day of training they complete (to a weekly maximum of $60, and a course maximum of $360). Depending on the course and CTC, this may be paid upon completion of the course, or portions of the bonus may be paid during the course.

Do boys and girls train together?

Yes they do. The Air Cadet program is a non-discriminatory program that integrates both males and females fully in the program. They will have separate sleeping quarters and washroom facilities.

Can I apply if I am turning 19 soon?

A cadet's 19th birthday must occur after the return travel date.

How many courses can I apply to? 

Review the following before applying

What is a CTC?

A CTC (Cadet Training Centre) is a portion of a Canadian military establishment designated specifically for training sea, army and air cadets. It is not "boot camp" but it is not a summer camp in the general sense either. It is more like summer school with attitude: a concentrated stream of programmed learning opportunities, training experiences and fun activities designed to prepare young people for increased responsibility and further advancement at their home corps and squadrons.

Trenton CTC

What about National Summer Courses?

There are over 8,000 Air Cadets in Central Region – the area of Ontario Provincial Committee jurisdiction – and only 365 National Course billets were available in 2011. For more information, senior cadets should visit the OPC web page for National Summer Courses.  For International Exchanges please visit

SUMMER TRAINING - CTC BROCHURES (single click on the PDF icon)

Trenton CTC Brochure
Blackdown CTC Brochure
Connaught CTC Brochure
Canadore CTC Brochure
Mountain View Brochure

Does every applicant get to go to camp?

No, not every one, there are limitations. All cadets applying for air cadet summer training must meet the prerequisites and submit an application for summer training. These applications are submitted into the FORTRESS (the National Administration System) by Squadron staff. Additionally, senior cadets applying for a National Course must complete a National Course Application and provide additional documentation for the selection process. Cadets applying for any music courses must submit their application to Squadron staff to be entered into FORTRESS. Note: Due to the remote location of some CTCs, cadets with severe allergies or other medical conditions that may require rapid medical attention may be precluded from attending certain courses.

Applicants must have parent/guardian consent and must be recommended by their Commanding Officer (CO) and Chair of the Sponsoring Committee. The cadet must have successfully completed the required training level and also meet any other prerequisite(s) specific to the course(s) for which the application is made. A cadets 19th birthday must occur after the return travel date. In all cases, the cadet must have demonstrated an interest in, and aptitude for, further air cadet training. A cadet enrolled after Jan 31st cannot be credited with completing a training level by Jun 30th. Cadets who report for summer training and are found not to meet course prerequisites may be re-coursed or returned to unit, at the discretion of the CTC CO.

Cadets are selected for a National course by a board comprised of officials from the Air Cadet League of Canada (Ontario and North Western Ontario Provincial Committee) and officers appointed by the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central). Selections for these courses follow strict criteria that consider length of cadet service, rank, training level, previous summer training, school marks, general knowledge, dress, deportment, motivation, interest and aptitude. In order to evaluate these attributes, cadets must submit a one-page written narrative, a copy of their school transcript, copies of their cadet training record and previous CTC course report(s). Further, some courses require attending an interview board, and successfully passing a qualifying examination. The League publishes detailed instructions that are available on-line or from Squadron staff. National course applications are submitted through the Squadron, but must arrive at the League's Ontario Provincial Committee office, postmarked before Jan 15th.

The Regional Cadet Music Training Officer selects cadets for music training; all other selections for Regional courses are made at the Area Cadet Detachments. Selections are based on area allocations, previous training performance, and the Squadron CO's recommendation.

What are Joining Instructions?

In the military world, training bases and establishments prepare a document containing all of the information trainees will need to know in getting ready to "join" the other people taking the same course or going to the same training establishment. That document is called "Joining Instructions". These are not instructions on how to join the Canadian Cadet Organizations. The "must complete forms" and Kit List are now included in the Joining Instructions listed below. Please ensure that all of the forms are completed, printed and brought with you to the Summer Training Centre.  Joining Instructions may be found in the Attachments section below. The file will have JI in the name.

Additionally, there are Joining Instructions available, for Cadets selected for a Staff position at a CTC. These can be downloaded from the Cadets Canada data repository. This site is password protected but cadets can create an account and then access the Central region folder for the CTC Joining Instructions.  

Visits and Leave: What's the Difference?

For the cadets' protection, and parents' peace of mind, the CSTC system maintains a tightly documented chain-of-custody policy. Cadets are not permitted to leave CTC premises without either adult supervision by competent authority or parents' specific written permission. During their courses, cadets are allowed to depart the CTC for short duration with their parents, or an adult identified by the parent as holding parental consent. This is known as "Leave".  If parents wish to visit their cadets during training and remain within the CTC premises, this constitutes a "Visit".  CTC staff will make every reasonable effort to accommodate visits or leave outside of training hours. Parents are requested to recognize the necessity for maintaining continuity of cadets' training and refrain from making requests that would conflict with training routines. Parents should read the Joining Instructions in full, well in advance of your cadet’s departure date.

What about accommodations?

Central Region CTCs utilize a mix of permanent structures for sleeping accommodation, instructional and administrative functions.  Blackdown and Connaught CTCs employ semi-permanent softwall shelters for instructional and sleeping quarters. Trenton CTC employs permanently erected single-storey modular quarters. Advanced Aviation course cadets are housed in community college student residences, and HMCS Ontario cadets occupy student quarters at the Royal Military College.

Cadet accommodations are multi-occupant, gender-specific and access-restricted. Sleeping equipment consists generally of two-tier bunk beds. All bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows) is provided. Security for cadets' personal belongings is provided by "barracks boxes" or steel lockers similar to those in school. Cadets are expected to bring their own padlocks.

Meals are served to cadets in a cafeteria style mess-hall environment three times daily. CF facilities do not offer allergen-free foods or food preparation conditions, and cannot ensure avoidance of certain ingredients in food preparation. Whenever possible, foods containing or prepared with identified possible allergens (e.g. nuts, dairy, shellfish) are so identified when served; however, under Director Food Services policy, it remains the individual’s responsibility to monitor their own food intake to avoid an allergen. Personal stocks of foodstuffs (snacks, confections, beverages) are discouraged in living quarters. Prevailing seasonal weather conditions promote early spoilage and the presence of foodstuffs tends to attract vermin and insect pests. Foodstuffs and beverages brought to the Training Centre are subject to confiscation.

When will I get my travel orders?

What must I have to board the bus to camp?

Power and Gliding School Flight Safety

Power and Gliding School candidates please read the following Flight Safety Message from

Colonel Conrad Namiesniowski, Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (2017)

To all Cadets:

Flight safety is a priority concern, especially when it comes to Cadets. All Cadets with a Ministry of Transport (MOT) license to fly are obligated under the Aeronautics Act to report medical conditions to their Civilian Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) to determine continued fitness to fly. DCdts in coordination with medical experts will be developing a more robust screening process of all Cadets to ensure this aspect of flight safety is met.

If you have any current medical concerns that may affect your ability to fly, we recommend that you follow-up with your CAME soonest so that these issues can be addressed and do not affect your license. Your CAME may recommend follow-up with your family doctor for investigation and/or treatment of these medical issues. Access to this medical care could become the rate-limiting step in ensuring your fitness to fly if not done in a timely fashion.

No exceptions will be made for Cadets who show up for flying instruction and activities but need to be grounded pending further medical work-up based on this new screening process. Your pro-active assessment of any medical concerns will ensure a successful and safe flying experience for everyone.

For further information regarding your MOT license, please contact your local CAME or phone the Civil Aviation Medicine Headquarters at 1-800-305-2059 for further guidance. The Aeronautics Act can be found at the following hyperlink:


Joining Instructions

JI = Joining Instructions.  Current year JI documents are typically posted by DND in May or June. We will post them here as soon as they are available.

Common CTC JI   (May 2019)

Blackdown CTC JI   (May 2019)

Canadore CTC JI   (May 2019)

Connaught CTC JI   (May 2019)

Trenton CTC JI   (May 2019)

Mountainview JI   (May 2019)

Staff Cadet JI   (May 2019)

Medical Care for Cadets at CTC   (May 2019)

National Courses and Other Docs

National Course Handbook (2019)

National Course Guidelines (2018)

CATO 12-50 Searches and Inspections of Cadets

     CATO 12-50 Annex A Inspection Consent

     CATO 12-50 Annex B Prohibited, Restricted and Unauthorized Items