Duke of Edinburgh Award

Post date: Oct 21, 2014 7:25:56 PM


On Saturday April 26th 2014 at Queens Park, in Toronto, Air Cadet Warrant Officer 2nd Class Rebecca Mather of 3 Striker Squadron RC(Air)CS received her Silver Duke of Edinburgh's (DoE) Award. The award was presented to Warrant Mather by Hon. David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Warrant Mather started on her DoE awards path in 2011.

 In May of 2012 she participated in a Bronze level expedition with other members of 3 Squadron, and staff, to the Bruce Peninsula National Park. In Becky's words "... we hiked a lot. ".As part of her awards program development, Warrant Mather has increased her personal physical fitness, conducted many extra community service hours and has learned a number of new skills. Warrant Mather said that "the silver award differs [from Bronze] as the duration of involvements increase and they look for more dedication and that you learn more."This past summer, WO2 Mather attended the Central Region Gliding School on a Glider Pilot Scholarship and received her glider pilot wings. Becky is working towards her Gold DoE Level. " I am just finishing up my gold award now, trying to send it in the next few weeks to meet a member of the royal family in Ottawa when they come this summer. I did my trip, canoeing at Fanshawe [Lake], at the conservation area in Strathroy and in the boys and girls club in London" said Becky.

The staff, Cadets and supporters of 3 Striker Squadron are proud of WO2 Mather's achievements and are confident that she will attain her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

[More about DoE]

Bronze - Bruce Trail


 Silver - Sailing


 Gold - Gliding, Canoeing ...
