
[If you don't see an Air Cadet acronym listed here then please contact us using the form here]

AAC - Advanced Aviation Course

AASC - Advanced Aerospace Course

AATC-AM - Aircraft Maintenance

AATC-AO - Airport Operations

AC - Air Cadet

ACA - Area Cadet Advisor

ACL - Air Cadet League of Canada

ACO - Area Cadet Officer

ACR - Annual Commitment Report

Adm/Admin - Administration

AdmO/AdminO - Administration Officer

Adj - Adjutant - a cadet parade position not a rank

AFAC - Air Force Association of Canada

AGM - Annual General Meeting

ARMIC - Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course

ASD - Assigned Squadron Director

AVC - Area Vice Chair

BAC - Basic Aviation Course

BandO - Band Officer

BATAC - Basic Aviation Technology & Aerospace

BFSC - Basic Fitness & Sports Course

BGen - Brigadier General

BLC - Basic Leadership Course

BSC - Basic Survival Course

Bush Ex - Bush Exercise - Survival Training (not always in the bush), see also FTX

Canex - Canada's Military Store

Capt - Captain

CATO - Cadet Administrative and Training Orders

CCC - Community Coordinating Committee

CCM - Canadian Cadet Movement

CCO - Canadian Cadet Organization

CD - Canadian Forces Decorated - recipient of a Canadian Forces Decoration or Medal

CF - Canadian Forces

CFB - Canadian Forces Base

CFS - Cadet Flying Site - formerly a Gliding Centre

CI - Civilian Instructor

CIC - Cadet Instructors Cadre

CJCR - Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers

CMDR - Commander

CO - Commanding Officer

COATS - Cadet Organization Administration and Training Service

CoC - Chain of Command

Col - Colonel

Cpl - Corporal - cadet NCM rank

CRCO - Central Region Cadet Office

CRGS - Central Regional Gliding School - cadet flying site

CRSU - Regional Cadet Support Unit

CSTC - Cadet Summer Training Centre

CTC - Cadet Training Centre

CV - Civilian Volunteer

DCO - Deputy Commanding Officer

DND - Department of National Defense

Dress - Clothing type worn by cadets - such as full, civilian, summer, ceremonial and combat. Full dress is the complete uniform.

EDT - Eastern Daylight Time

EO - Enabling Objective

EST - Eastern Standard Time

ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival

FCpl - Flight Corporal

FSgt - Flight Sergeant

Flt - Flight (refers to the parade groups of cadets)

Flt Comd - Flight Commander - Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)

Flt Sgt - Flight Sergeant - Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)

FSIC - Fitness & Sports Instructors Course

FTU - Field Training Uniform (C5)

FTX - Field Training/Trip Exercise (commonly referred to as Bush Weekends)

Gen - General

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

GPS - Glider Pilot Scholarship

GPTC - Glider Pilot Training CourseĀ 

GSU - Garrison Support Unit

GTC - General Training Course

HQ - Headquarters

IACE - International Air Cadet Exchange

IMP - Individual Meal Packet - full meal in a bag, main portion is a boil-in-the bag entree

LAC - Leading Air Cadet - a cadet rank

LCol - Lieutenant Colonel

LGen - Lieutenant General

LHQ - Local Headquarters - or local cadet offices

Lt - Lieutenant (pronounced leftenant)

Lvl - Level - beginner (Level 1) to senior cadet (Level 5)

Maj - Major

MB-BMC - Military Band - Basic Musician Course

MB-IMC - Military Band - Intermediate Musician Course

MGen - Major General

ML45C - Music Course, Levels 4-5

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MRE - Meals, Ready to Eat

MRO - Monthly Routine Orders

MVCFTC - Mountain View Cadet Flying Training Centre

NDA - Nationally Directed Activity

NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer - former term for an NCM

NCM - Non-Commissioned Member - an air cadet who holds a rank of Corporal or above. Replaces the term Non Commissioned Officer

NLT - No later than

OCdt - Officer Cadet - lowest ranking officer

OIC - Officer in Charge - refers to officer responsible for an event

OLI - Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Elementary School, Stathroy (3 Sqn Band practice location)

OPC - Ontario Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada (ACL)

OPI - Officer of Primary Interest or Office of Prime Importance (used in place of OIC)

OT - Oshkosh Trip

PB-BMC - Pipe Band - Basic Musician Course

PB-IMC - Pipe Band - Intermediate Musician Course

PDL45C - Pipes & Drums, Levels 4-5

PDO - Program Development Officer

PHASE - Promoting Healthy And Safe Experiences program

PO - Performance Objective

PPS - Power Pilot Scholarship

PPTC - Power Pilot Training Course

PRS/VSS - Police Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening

PT - Physical Training

RAF - Royal Air Force

RCAC - Royal Canadian Air Cadets - also RC(Air)C

RCACS - Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron - also RC(Air)CS

RCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force

RCIS - Regional Cadet Instructor School

RCO - Regional Cadet Officer

RCSU - Regional Cadet Support Unit

Ret'd - Retired

RGS(A) - Regional Gliding School Atlantic - Debert, NS

RGS(E) - Regional Gliding School Eastern-Quebec - St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC

RGS(NW) - Regional Gliding School Northwest - Gimli, MB

RGS(P) - Regional Gliding School Pacific - Comox, BC

RGS(Pac) - Regional Gliding School Pacific - Comox, BC

RGS(Pra) - Regional Gliding School Prairie - Gimli, MB

RHQ - Regional Headquarters

RLMI - Royal London Military Institute

RMC - Royal Military College

RO - Range Officer or Reviewing Officer

ROs - Routine Orders

ROC - Regional Operations Committee - OPC

ROE - Rules of Engagement

Room - An order for silence and undivided attention given by the announcing officer

RSO - Range Safety Officer

RTU - Return to Unit

Sgt - Sergeant

SIC - Survival Instructor Course

SOS - Struck Off Strength

SSO - Squadron Standing Order

Sqn - Squadron

Sqn Comd - Squadron Commander - the Senior most cadet in the squadron assigned to the top parade position

SSC - Squadron Sponsoring Committee

StdsO - Standards Officer

SupO - Supply Officer

SWO - Squadron Warrant Officer - a parade position not a rank

TBD - To Be Determined

TC - Transport Canada

TD - Temporary Duty

TOS - Taken Off Strength

TrgO - Training Officer

WOA - Western Ontario Area

WO1 - Warrant Officer First Class - top cadet rank (may also be shown as WOI)

WO2 - Warrant Officer Second Class - rank below WO1 (may also be shown as WOII)

WRO - Weekly Routine Order

ZoneTrgO - Zone Training Officer

Zulu Time - another name for Greenwich Mean Time

2IC - Second in command or second in charge (usually associated with exercises or activities)

2LT - Second Lieutenant