The Air Cadet Young Aces 50/50

Supporting 119 Air Cadet Squadrons across the province, the Air Cadet League of Ontario has a long history of promoting and encouraging youth to develop and maintain an interest in aviation, leadership, and citizenship. The League strives to enable our youth to explore new skills and to have the experiences that will provide them a strong foundation for their future as they grow to become engaged citizens and leaders in our global, diverse, and inclusive world.

Your support will allow the Air Cadet League of Ontario to provide opportunities for youth to access educational programs and resources, including leadership, communication, volunteer opportunities, and awards and scholarships as well as improve their knowledge of aerospace and aviation by supporting and providing access to educational programs and resources.

10-Ticket Pack for $10  /   40 for $20   /   500 for $40

Previous Winners Here  Draw 1 was over $33,000 take home! Draw 2 over $8,000

Nov. - Dec. 2024 DRAW

Nov. 14 Early Bird  $500

Dec. 5 Early Bird $1,000

Dec. 19 Main Draw  $5,000 minimum

With your purchase. Cadets will have an opportunity to soar!

Revenue generated from the monthly 50/50 draws, are restricted funds and can only be spent in compliance with the AGCO guidelines on those expenses that are of direct Cadet benefit.  Pending the success of the monthly draws, our local Squadron Sponsoring Committee could receive cost offsetting support and additional programming to support the mission of Cadets. 

If using the generic ACL site then please select supporting "3 Striker Strathroy".   To ensure you are supporting our squadron please use the button or link at the top of this page .