
Supply session is held, when required, for cadets who would like to exchange ill-fitting uniform parts or to return your uniform. If you are exchanging, please bring the item you wish to exchange. Please do not come for badges as they are not the responsibility of Supply. Ranks are to be presented by the CO only. Supply information is available by contacting the Sqn at  and add 'For Supply' in the Subject Line.

At any time between late August and mid May Cadets may submit their supply requests in an email to the Supply Officer.  Address is on this page.  Supply pickup location is at the West Middlesex Memorial Centre on Tuesday Training Night, sometimes from the 3 Striker Squadron Supply Trailer. The Supply Trailer was acquired from a donation from 116 Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion and Carstar Strathroy. Thanks to former SSC member Dave Hickey for his hard work putting up shelving and preparing this mobile storage unit for #3 Striker. Also, thanks to former SSC members Al DeJong and John Mather for putting on the decals. 

The burden of being a cadet can be a big one compared with school, sports, employment, family and friends but it's not one that should be taken lightly. Upon enrollment at #3 you should have been issued (and still have) the following kit: 

Regular Uniform

C5 Uniform  (FTU)

If you're missing any of these items, please see the Supply Officer.  Please refer to the Air Cadet Dress Instructions (an Attachment under Cadet Training...Uniforms) on this website for the correct wear of uniform and placement of badges!


 If you prefer do your own body measurements for your uniform, you will need a measuring tape to carry out your measurements – a cloth measuring tape is best. Please make sure you take accurate measurements to ensure you’re issued a correctly fitting uniform. If you need more information to properly take measurements, you can download the measurement instructions PDF file here. (Note: This link is maintained by 75 Sqn. )


For cadets who have chosen not to return to cadets in September you must contact the squadron and arrange the return of your uniform at your earliest convenience (any Tuesday night in Sept., Supply is open from 1830hrs). We would like all the uniforms back in September so that we can issue them out again to new cadets. Uniforms must be returned CLEANED - we will not accept dirty uniforms.

For uniform exchanges and for cadets returning uniforms when leaving the squadron, please use the following protocol to ensure uniforms come back to Supply:

If you have any questions or queries, please contact the Supply Officer directly at the email address shown above.

 [More - Year End To-Do, Graduates]