Are you interested in joining Air Cadets?

Here is how to get more information and How to Join Canadian Air Cadets.   Click on the title or down arrow to expand.

Who can join?

Canadian Youth,  12 to 18 years old, interested in the Air Cadet Organization, with parental/guardian permission.

How do I join?

Please apply using the on-line form at

The Commanding Officer will get in touch with you. 

Visit #3 Striker Air Cadet Squadron on our Tuesday Training night between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. September thru May

If you wish to join then please register on-line and contact the sqn CO by email. 

3 Squadron meets Tuesdays during the high school year at the West Middlesex Memorial Centre (Old Arena) at 334 Metcalfe St. W., Strathroy, Ontario, in the Multi-Purpose Room (entrance is off the parking lot in the east corner). If you are unsure as to whether this program is the right fit for you, we encourage you to contact our Commanding Officer.  Info is here.  

Perhaps you are not sure if 3 Sqn is the closest to you.  Select Local Info to view a list of local squadrons and a map of all squadrons in Ontario.

When should I join?

September through mid May. Cadets signed up before December are eligible for Summer Training opportunities (some conditions apply).

To join what should I bring?

These are the documents you need to join our squadron:

Proof of age:

Proof of health insurance: 

Please have these original documents (Proof of Age and Proof of Health Insurance) with you when you attend the squadron on the night you are signing up. To help speed up the registration process, you may wish to bring a photocopy of the documents as well. 

How to Contact Us if you have questions

Click on Contact Us for the email of our Commanding Officer.  Do NOT use the form on that page.

How much does it cost?


The Air Cadet program is run jointly by the Department of National Defence and the Air Cadet League of Canada. Uniforms and training are supplied for free. However, that being said, our program costs a lot to run, so we do fund raising. Every cadet will be required to participate in fund raising. This is not a recruiting organization and there is no obligation to join the military. Talk to an officer of the squadron or any member of the Sponsoring Committee for details.

What should I wear until I get a uniform?

Until recruits receive their uniform, they are asked to attend training nights in black pants and a white shirt if possible. It is very important that recruits carry a pair of indoor shoes that can be worn on the gym floor and change into them when they get to the West Middlesex Memorial Centre.  

New recruits should read the Deportment page for information about hair and jewelry.

Where can I get more Information about Cadets?

Visit the following web sites:

More Info about #3 Sqn can be found on our site at: 


Parents page

Read the FAQ section below

Watch the following video - just over 2 minutes long

(2m 11s - YouTube - Dec. 2012)


Please see below for answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to Contact Us.   Click on the title or down arrow to expand.

What is the purpose of Cadets?

Cadets form a national organization whose purpose is to develop in youth the attributes of leadership, engaged and active citizenship and physical fitness, all within a safe environment that stimulates an interest in the Canadian Forces. The Cadet Program emphasizes key values such as loyalty, professionalism, mutual respect and integrity. Cadets also learn about fair play, teamwork and tolerance through all of their activities.

What do Cadets do?

Lots of different things, many of which relate to flying, gliding, precision drill, team sports, public speaking and leadership training, first-aid, camping, music, and summer camps. You will participate in these activities during the weekly meetings and on the weekends. You will also support your community by taking part in citizenship events organized by your cadet squadron. It all happens in a fun, friendly, safe environment that will motivate you to give your best.

Royal Canadian Air Cadets participate in a variety of fun and challenging activities. There is something for everyone - no matter what their personal interests may be.

The outdoor enthusiast will appreciate learning survival skills for flight crew.

The athlete will appreciate physical education and recreation, including a variety of sporting activities like biathlon and Olympic-style marksmanship.

The artists will find their niche in the music program.

The curious will appreciate the hands-on activities such as building model aircraft.

The scholarly will appreciate an introduction to the various tools and technologies linked to aviation.

The dreamers will appreciate the evolution of technology and the advancements of the aerospace era, including the importance of Canadian participation.

Select top senior cadets may even earn the chance to represent Canada on the world stage by participating in an international exchange.

Most importantly, Air Cadets aids in developing knowledge of Canadian history and democracy. The cadet program focuses on social development, decision-making and leadership. As cadets acquire skills and knowledge, they pass it along to younger cadets. Every cadet will have the chance to participate in flight activities, and some top senior cadets may even earn a scholarship to obtain their private pilot’s license. Whether earning a glider pilot license or private pilot license, these cadets wear their wings with a pride rarely found in today’s youth.

Who joins Cadets?

The Royal Canadian Air Cadets are one of Canada’s premier youth organizations. In Canada there over 24,000 Air Cadets in some 455 squadrons. In Ontario alone, there are over 8,000 young people between the ages of 12 and 18 enrolled in 123+ Air Cadet squadrons. We have an organization with a proud history. Many former cadets say that the Cadet Program gave them a head start in their successful careers. For example, did you know that astronauts Chris Hadfield and Jeremy Hansen (former cadet of 614 Forest City), and world junior biathlon champion Jean-Philippe Le Guellec were once cadets? [Read More]

When do Cadets meet?

Cadets usually meet once a week and some weekends throughout the school year. A cadet must participate regularly in the activities to remain in good standing at the squadron. #3 Striker parade nights are Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Gym at the WMMC. The squadron's instrumental Band meets on Thursday evening, Marksmanship Team on alternating Wednesdays, Drill Team on Sunday afternoon, and Flying Ground School is on-line at the cadet's convenience. However, that being said, we do have an experienced instructor available to assist our cadets with Ground School, Friday nights.  Dates are subject to change. See our Sqn Calendar for details. 

Will Cadet training affect my schoolwork?

Education is very important to Cadets. Cadet training is a hands-on, activity-based program that should complement school studies. In fact, some provincial and territorial education boards accept Cadet subjects for school credits. As well, there are several scholarships available through Cadets. The skills you develop at Cadets will benefit you with your schoolwork. You'll be more organized, you'll be better able to focus and you'll learn to work in a team.

How old do I have to be to join Cadets?

You can join as soon as you've reached your 12th birthday and you can remain until you turn 19.

What do I need to join?

The documents required are: Proof of provincial health insurance, Proof of age, Proof of Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status.

What does it cost to join?

There is no cost to join 3 Sqn. The Cadet Program is funded by the Department of National Defence in partnership with the Air Cadet League of Canada. The civilian sponsor requires local community support to meet its obligations that include accommodations, training aids and equipment and program enhancements not otherwise provided. Parents and cadets are expected to participate in and contribute to fund raising as required by the League's local sponsoring element.

What about summer training?

Cadets can go to camp for two to eight weeks on a variety of courses. Each camp offers a unique mixture of outdoor activities and valuable instruction. The Canadian Forces provide all transportation, meals, lodging and special equipment.  Courses offered at Air Cadet summer camps include training in leadership, instructional techniques, music, marksmanship, flying, navigation, meteorology, air traffic control, ceremonial drill, physical education, computer skills, survival training, aerospace studies and citizenship. Advanced Cadets can qualify for glider scholarships and powered flight scholarships.The opportunity to earn a private pilots licence through our program at no cost – valued at $15,000 – remains one of the most attractive benefits available to young people who join Air Cadets. [More]

Are there travel opportunities?

Yes.  For summer training, cadets may have the opportunity to travel to Cadet Training Centres located in different parts of Canada. In addition, selected cadets go on exchange trips to countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, France, Sweden, Turkey, Hong Kong, Belgium, Japan and the United States under an international exchange program. Exchange Cadets are selected on their standards in performance, fitness and involvement in squadron activities.

Also, every year, cadets from 3 Striker go on an annual trip for several days in early summer, before Cadet Summer Camps, or during March break. We may travel to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Trenton, Kingston, Ottawa or even the USA. Also during the training year we travel within Ontario to visit aircraft factories, airports, aviation museums, flight schools, an observatory, air shows and other squadrons.

Who instructs Cadets?

Cadets learn from members of the Cadet Instructors Cadre, officers who are specially trained to instruct and supervise youth. In some cases, Civilian Volunteers who possess special skills are called in to assist Cadet Instructors. Both the Cadet Instructors and Civilian Volunteers have chosen to dedicate their valuable time to helping Cadets reach their potential.

Will I be expected to join the Canadian Forces?

Absolutely not. Cadets is a great way to find out more about Canada, make friends and develop new skills that will be with you for life, no matter what career you choose.