Stuart James Hope

The fourth and last child of William and Grace Hope, Stuart James Hope, was born 20 September 1925 while the family still had the farm at Gnowangerup. Stuart later married Elwyn Jean Beggs (born 21 June 1930), daughter of Angus Beggs, who was born at Kerang, Victoria in 1877 and died at Bunbury, Western Australia, in 1958. Angus Beggs married in 1907, Florence Amelia Stables, who was born in London (1884) and died in Perth Western Australia (1948). Stuart and Elwyn Hope have 2 sons, Allan James Hope (1949) and Ronald Douglas Hope (1953).

Stuart joined the Western Australia Railways as a Junior Clerk, at Boyup Brook in 1942. His service was broken 18 months later, due to the war but early in 1946, he was back at his old job. From late 1946, until he retired in 1983, Stuart was Station master at many places, including; Southern Cross, Nungarin, Narembeen, Kununoppin and Merredin.

During W.W.II, Stuart served in the RAAF as a Navigator, spending much of his time in both Australia and Canada. It must have been in their blood, as his elder brother Douglas and his sister, Molly, also joined the RAAF as soon as they were old enough.

Stuart Hope and Elwyn Beggs

Photo Source: Stuart Hope

Stuart Hope and Elwyn Beggs

Photo Source: Stuart Hope

Ron and Allan Hope

Photo Source: Stuart Hope

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William Robert Hope (father)

William Bryce Hope (grandfather)

Thomas Hope (great grandfather)