HOPE Family History - Ancrum to Apsley
or the Hope family history; with information, where known, of the families into whom they married
stemmata - family tree, pedigree, line of descent; according to The Concise Oxford Dictionary: 1984
This is the third time I have gone on-line with the records of the Thomas HOPE (1806-1876) Family History. The first edition, which lasted for nearly 6 years, recorded over 8,000 visitors. The second edition was uploaded on Google Pages while Google was trialling this as a vehicle for web-based documents but sadly, it did not have a counter attached to it to capture how many hits the book attracted. Our family book was online for over 15 years on Google Pages but it too has now been replaced by Google Sites; and so this, the third edition is uploaded using that platform as a means of reaching as many of the Hope and associated families who might be interested in "surfing the net" to see what's online about their family history, as possible.
A Work in Progress
Phase 1 - This is very much a "work in progress" as I move information from one platform to another. In the first instance (September 2019), I am simply moving the information across, as time enables.
Phase 2 - The second stage is then to update information on the pages which have been added or amended since Edition 2 was uploaded in 2003 and ensuring correct links are in and working. You can see by the Banners or Headers at what stage each page is:
- straight transition from Edition 2 to 3 - no colour in the Banner (and sometimes, there is no Banner)
- Initial Transition and some changes from Edition 2 to 3 - purple coloured Banner
- Final Update of page - blue coloured Banner
If you are looking at this, then you will see exactly what I mean, as you move from one page to another. Bear with me - and hopefully, I can get this done in the shortest possible time.
Phase 1 is complete - everything which was on Edition 2 of our e-Book as now been transferred across to this platform. (10 October, 2019)
Phase 2 is at least three-quarters finished, maybe even more than that...
Navigating Around this e-Book
Congratulations if you've reached this part of the e-Book. But where's the rest of it, you might be asking?
If you're reading this on a desk top computer, then you might see the Folders (or Chapters but let's call them Chapters) listed across the top of your screen and then down one side - simply click on the next named Chapter and read on.
However, if you're reading this on a phone or tablet then most likely you will see 3 small horizontal bars in one of the corners, next to the word "stemmata" - click on the bars and they will take you around the e-Book. There are sub-Chapters and these will be highlighted by an arrow next to one of the Chapter names - this indicates that you need to click on the arrow, to see what's underneath. In this case it will be the children, grandchildren and sometimes the great grandchildren - where additional information is known or recorded about them; or it might be historical information about the family-at-large, a district or an historical event or two. Anyway play around a bit to familiarise yourself with it all and then grab a cuppa or take a seat, and enjoy the ride!!!
Eventually, I will add links to some of the Chapters for easier navigation but for now, I'm using my time simply to get the e-Book formatted and information correct. Until then, you will need to go in and out of the Chapters. My apologies but as I said, this is still very much a "works-in-progress".
PS: There are already quite a few links in the e-Book - I did it to see if it works and yay! They do!!!!
Navigating the Links
Links: hover your mouse, finger or stylus over the highlighted text, then click on it and a link will appear - click on this new text (the link) and it will take you to the linked page. Try it for yourself.
Have you checked out the information on my ancestry.com site? If not, then I encourage you to do that. And for sure, I reckon there will be errors - it is almost inevitable - however, feel free to email me with updates, corrections or additions, to make it as accurate as possible. Thanks!
The name is: "Hope-Day:Tucker-Clarke", which incorporates 4 different family trees, being my Hope line, my mother's line (Day) and also my husband's paternal and maternal lines (Tucker and Clarke).
Ancrum to...
Where are Ancrum and Apsley and why have I chosen them as the sub-title of the Family History e-Book?
Ancrum sits approximately 5 miles from Jedburgh in the Borders District of Scotland and is the birthplace of our Australian ancestor Thomas Hope.
Apsley is a small town in Western Victoria, just across the border from Hynam SA. The family first settled at Hynam with Alice Hope's sister Jane and her family (Adam and Jane Smith of Hynam House) but as the Hope children grew and moved out of home, many of them settled in and around Apsley.
And also, just coz I like the sound of it - to me, it has a nice ring about it "From Ancrum to Apsley"!!!
Sources of FH Information
When one compiles Family History data there are several things to note:
- The information is only as good as the source from whence it comes. Much of what is in this e-Book has been given to me by members of those specific family lines; and in trust, I offer it to the wider family and other readers for their information.
- Much of the historical information of Culture and Local History is as seen by the eyes, and heard from the ears of the writers. It may not bear any resemblance to what professional historians may think, say or write about those times. Several of my sources were in their 7th and 8th decades of life at the time of writing (in the 1970s and early 1980s) and it is their recollections of that past life, as they understood it.
- There are massive gaps of family histories (both data and biographies) in this e-Book. Sadly, I can only pass on what others have provided to me. These are not my immediate families and I therefore have no knowledge of their lives. I can but add only what is given to me.
If you would like to add information about your family to this e-Book (certificates, photos, stories, genealogy), then you are most welcome to send it to me at: stemmata@gmail.com - should you forward information to me, please acknowledge the source of your material, including photographs or the default source will be you.
Where possible I have tried to acknowledge the person who took the photo and/or gave me a copy of their photograph. Also, where I have sourced a photo from the internet, I have given the URL as the source. Should you discover a photo which has been incorrectly acknowledged, then please do contact me, so that it can be rectified. There is no intention of The Editor to wrongly attribute any photographs or any other material in this e-Book.
There is no way anyone can acknowledge every contributor for such an undertaking as collecting data for one's family history. However, in every venture, there are some people who have had a major impact either in providing information or in the form of encouragement whilst in the process of gathering said information. In naming just one person, or one hundred people or even one thousand people, inevitably someone's name will be left off & therefore, it is with trepidation that I even venture to name the few that I will. The names are listed in alphabetical order of first name [except my husband's name, that is]:
- Norm [my ever patient & encouraging husband]
- Glenis Hope Whyte [especially for her amazing help with the Reunion in 1986]
- Ian Fyfe [4th cousin from NZ who filled out the NZ-Armstrong family]
- Ian MacKinnon [for all those amazing letters]
- Isabel Edwards [who gave me the "Edgar Collection"]
- Jessie Roper [for putting me in touch with Noel Hope]
- Keith Hope [for being there right from Day 1]
- Lewis Barker [for such wordy but insightful correspondence - from an 81 yo to me at the young age of 24]
- Margaret Mulcahy [for sharing so much about herself & her own family - her family, the Minogues, were both neighbours AND family to the early Hope's, being 2 of the Edgar sisters]
- Marilyn Fordred [for sharing much of her own research & her encouragement, especially in those early years]
- Noel Hope [for his encouragement, enthusiasm, sheer energy & again, for sharing much of his own family's history]
- Peter Smith [4th cousin & descendant of the Smith's of Hynam, who helped the family-at-large especially leading up to and including the Hope Family Reunion which was held at Naracoorte, June 1986]
- Ron AB Hope [for "being there" and encouraging me]
Local History and Early Australian Culture in the "Green Triangle" (SE South Australia and SW Victoria)
If you have an interest in either the local history of the Green Triangle or Early Australian Culture in this area, then I encourage you to take a look at the pages from:
Also check out the page called "A Quick Guide" which will let you know about some of the awesomely interesting stuff which we've accumulated over the years.
NOTE: No living persons, or persons who are likely to still be living, will be identified on these pages, due to the constraints of the Privacy Act. In addition, where family members have asked for their details to remain 'private', then I have tried to do that.
In the desire to have this on-line book available, as soon as possible, some sources of data have not been included but it is my intention to provide the sources, as time permits.
Contact the Editor
Maggie Tucker (nee Hope) stemmata@gmail.com