Maggie's Life Beads
Life Beads was something to which I was introduced as a way of looking at my life, without the use of words. Sometimes it's hard to put into writing what you feel or have experienced whereas the use of colour can sometimes help.
My Life Beads
And so, this is who I am:
2 x pink - I was born a GIRL
MSH - Maggie Silva Hope
3 x blue - my older 3 brothers
pink - me
blue - my younger brother
cork (brown) - born in the Mid-North of SA – dry and dusty
blue - my paternal grandmother’s water well (which I loved to use)
orange - depicts my school in the Mid-North
green-blue-green - we moved to the South-East of SA (rich green pastures and the Blue Lake of Mt Gambier)
black - large bead = my mother’s death
2 x no-colour - the colour of my life, following my mother’s death
brown - the colour of the clothes I had to wear (by my paternal grandmother)
2 x no-colour - the colour of my life living with my paternal grandmother
black & gold - the football team I followed (enthusiastically)
black - my father’s death (not as big an impact as my mother’s death)
light colours - the freedom I felt following my father’s death
NORM - I met Norm
Blue - we lived in Darwin, after our wedding
Green - we moved back to Adelaide
red-white-blue - Norm is English & we visited England
yellow - we renewed our faith in Jesus
red - the cleansing of me by Jesus’ blood
blue - I received the Holy Spirit – new life
pink - I became a daughter of God
blue-pink - we became children of God
brown-blue-brown - the desert of Egypt with the Nile River flow through it
green-yellow - we returned to Australia (the colours of Australia)
gold - the pavements of heaven are lined with this - eternity (PS: I'm on the lookout for a BIG gold bead- stay tuned...