Stråling, kjemikalier, støy, mv.

Her legger jeg lenker om elektromagnetisk og annen stråling; jeg innser at elektromagnetisme finnes overalt i naturen, men jeg tror også at samvirkende felter kan ha utilsiktede virkninger som ingen kan forutse…

Det er også lenker til forsøpling, matsminke, skadelige kjemikalier, ødelegging av jordsmonn, mm.

Vegetables without Vitamins, Life Extension Magazine, 2001-03

Electromagnetic Fields and Leakage of the Blood Brain Barrier: Dr. Leif Salford, RadiationResearch, 2012-??-??

Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance, Interdisciplinary Toxicology, 2013-12

Banishing Glyphosate, Science in Society, 2015-09-15

An estimated 12.6 million deaths each year are attributable to unhealthy environments, WHO, 2016-03-15

Colin Todhunter: The Case Against Glyphosate, Countercurrents, 2016-04-14

PFAS or Highly Fluorinated Chemicals | Six Classes four minute videos, Green Science Policy Institute- YouTube, 2017-09-18

Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess its impact, the Lancet Planetary Health, 2018-12-01 (PDF)

Is 5G bad for your health? It’s complicated, say researchers, Horizon, 2019-10-07

5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects—A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz, Environmental research and Public Health, 2019-09-13

Vår trådlösa värld, Vägbrytaren, 2020-04-22

L.A.'s coast was once a DDT dumping ground., Los Angeles Times, 2020-10-25

Wireless Hazards, Washington Spectator, 2020-12-28


AMS: Enda en grundig erklæring om målernes helsevirkninger, Einar Flydal, 2021-09-25

Expert says 5G wireless could be life-threatening, Baylor Lariat, 2021-10-11

«Skitten strøm» fra nye strømmålere: nøkkel til et helseproblem?, Steigan, 2021-10-22

Plastic Products Leach Chemicals That Induce In Vitro Toxicity under Realistic Use Conditions, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021-08-17

Press Release: 200 Organisations Urge Donors To Scrap AGRA, AFSA (Alliance for Food Sovereignity in Africa), 2021-09-07

Plast slipper ut mer gift enn vi har trodd, NRK, 2021-11-02

Harmful boomerang: PFAS pollution in ocean comes back to land, EurekAlert, 2021-12-15

PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ constantly cycle through ground, air and water, study finds, the Guardian, 2021-12-18


Flere land fraråder trådløs teknologi i barnehager og skoler, Bindersinitiativet, 2022-01-04

Microfibers Released into the Air from a Household Tumble Dryer, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2022-01-12

Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis, the Lancet, 2022-01-19

Å «parkere» ubeleilig vitenskap, Binders-initiativet, 2022-01-27

Veterinary medicine in European food production, Health Care Without Harm, 2022-02-03

Microwave weapon behind Havana syndrome: report, Asia Times, 2022-02-07

Michigan beef found to contain dangerous levels of ‘forever chemicals’, the Guardian, 2022-02-11

Einar Flydal: Dyrelivet ber om hjelp mot stadig sterkere elektromagnetiske felt, 2022-02-14

Första studien hittills: 5G orsakar mikrovågssyndromet, Strålskyddsstiftelsen, 2022-02-22

EWG analysis: Almost all new food chemicals greenlighted by industry, not the FDA, EWG, 2022-04-13

Common Single-Use Consumer Plastic Products Release Trillions of Sub-100 nm Nanoparticles per Liter into Water during Normal Use, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022-04-20

To Waste or Not to Waste: Questioning Potential Health Risks of Micro- and Nanoplastics with a Focus on Their Ingestion and Potential Carcinogenicity, Exposure and Health, 2022-04-22

Microplastics found in human blood for first time, the Guardian, 2022-03-24

Discovery and quantification of plastic particle pollution in human blood, Environment International, 2022-03-24

Dangerous PFAS Chemicals Are in Your Food Packaging, Consumer Reports, 2022-03-24

'Forever chemicals' found in fast food wrappers, the Hill, 2022-03-25

Ny studie: 12 sorters plast i människors lungor, SVT, 2022-04-18

Underwater power cables make lobsters bad swimmers, PhysOrg, 2022-04-29

Common Plastic Items Shed Trillions of Nanoparticles When Exposed to Hot Water, Treehugger, 2022-05-04

Den lille mann og kvinne vs. myndighetene og trådløsindustrien, Steigan, 2022-05-06

Anmodning til 5G-industriforum: Tenk dere om!, EinarFlydal, 2022-05-06

‘Forever chemicals’ may have polluted 20m acres of US cropland, study says, the Guardian, 2022-05-08

Study of Pregnant Women Finds Increasing Chemical Exposure, UCSF, 2022-05-09

Why chemists can’t quit palladium, Nature, 2022-06-14

Pollution and health: a progress update, the Lancet Planetary Health, 2022-05-17

Ny studie viser helseskader fra mobilmaster, Einar Flydal. 2022-05-19

Circular economy could expose children to hazardous phthalates and chlorinated paraffins via old toys and childcare articles, Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 2022-06-13

Kathryn Crawford: What are PFAS, and why is the EPA warning about them in drinking water? An environmental health scientist explains, the Conversation, 2022-06-21

Natural Gas Samples Taken from Boston-Area Homes Contained Numerous Toxic Compounds, a New Harvard Study Finds, Inside climate News, 2022-06-28

Home is Where the Pipeline Ends: Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds Present in Natural Gas at the Point of the Residential End User, Environmental Science&Technology, 2022-06-28

Procurement criteria for responsible use of antimicrobials in food production, HCWH Europe, 2022-07-05

Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen: Syntetiske og naturlige stoffer – trygt, utrygt eller farlig? Og er det en sammenheng her?, Nationen, 2022-07-06

Fracking’s Deadly Toll, Harvard Magazine, 2022-07…08

Shhhh… Støj måske mere skadeligt end troet, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, 2022-07-10

The Odious Smell of Truth - Corruption of the Scientific Literature Continues, Microwave News, 2022-07-20

Therese Lucile Engh: Strålevern: Hvor ble det av hensynet til sårbare grupper?, Steigan, 2022-08-20

Study first to link weed killer Roundup to convulsions in animals, PhysOrg, 2022-08-23

Toxins in old toys an obstacle for circular economy, PhysOrg, 2022-09-02

Well Being: Dangers of 5G, Who is Robert Malone, 2022-10-18

Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G, Environmental Health, 2022-10-28

Maansi Vermani Sarin: When Pesticides Are To Blame for Antimicrobial-Resistant Infections, the Wire Science, 2022-11-01

Antibiotic resistance linked to these household products, PhysOrg, 2022-11-01

Therese Lucile Engh: Toppforskere ber om stans i 5G-utrullingen og nye, tryggere grenseverdier for trådløs stråling, Steigan, 2022-11-14

Common food dye can trigger inflammatory bowel diseases, say McMaster researchers, McMaster News, 2022-12-20

Chronic exposure to synthetic food colorant Allura Red AC promotes susceptibility to experimental colitis via intestinal serotonin in mice, Nature Communications, 2022-12-20

Book Excerpt: The Unknown Risks of Microplastics in Indoor Air, Undark, 2022-12-30


A growing plastic smog, now estimated to be over 170 trillion plastic particles afloat in the world’s oceans—Urgent solutions required, PLoS ONE, 2023-03-08

Scientists Warn: Food Coloring Nanoparticles May Damage Human Gut, SciTech Daily, 2023-03-13

Fresh produce contaminated with toxic BPA-like chemicals found in food labels, study finds, McGill News, 2023-03-16

På tide å tenke på trærne igjen?, Einar Flydal, 2023-03-16

Arctic ice algae heavily contaminated with microplastics, reports new research, PhysOrg, 2023-04-21

The invisible pollution harming the ocean, and us, China Dialogue, 2023-05-05

Einar Flydal: Sterk økning i føflekkreft: overdreven soling, 5G eller AMS-målere?, Steigan, 2023-05-11

The Daunting Task of Cutting Heavy Metals from Baby Food, Undark, 2023-05-15

Amy Rand: Toxic chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products remain in our bodies and environments for a very, very long time, the Conversation, 2023-05-11

Einar Flydal: Hvordan skader stråletåka?, Steigan, 2023-06-26

How Plastics Are Poisoning Us, the New Yorker, 2023-06-26

Dark Skies, Deep Dark Waters, The Brockovich Report, 2023-06-28

Hard to swallow: Aspartame risk highlights FDA chemical review loopholes, EWG, 2023-07-13

Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 2023-08-02

Medical Association Adopts Recommendations for Best Practices for Safe Technology in Schools, Physicians for Safe Technology, 2023-08-03

Einar Flydal: Også legeforeningen i USAs IKT-Mekka anbefaler tiltak mot skjermbruk og trådløst, 2023-08-12

Microplastics in J&K’s waterbodies dangerous to ecosystems and humans alike, Mongabay, 2023-08-18

Samantha Garrard: Microplastics discovered in the body tissues of whales, dolphins and seals – sparking concerns for human health too, the Conversation, 2023-08-23

Association between particulate matter (PM)2·5 air pollution and clinical antibiotic resistance: a global analysis, the Lancet Planetary health, 2023-08-

Is early-onset cancer an emerging global epidemic? Current evidence and future implications, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2023-09-06

Einar Flydal: Er solceller helse- og miljøvennlige?, Steigan, 2023-09-07

Silent killer: How deadly is air pollution?, Al Jazeera, 2023-09-28

Litt om strøm og nyliberalisme å tygge på i helgen…, Einar Flydal, 2023-10-07

Mennesker, bier og det levende miljøet i 2023, Einar Flydal, 2023-10-09

Harvard Scientists Expose Alarming Cancer Threat From “Safe” Levels of Air Pollution, SciTech News, 2023-10-19

Biological effects of electromagnetic fields on insects: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Reviews on Environmental Health, 2023-11-23 (PDF

Invisible Danger in Your Bathroom: Alarming Chemical Emissions Found in Common Hair Products, SciTech Daily, 2023-12-01

2024 (nyeste først:)

Einar Flydal: Insektene forsvinner – og forskerne leter ikke der svarene er, Steigan, 2024-06-04

Herbicides Used on Crops: Harmless or Toxic?, BBVA Open Mind, 2024-02-20