Art of Fugue - Infinite Riches in a Little Room

The following is an extract from Milan Kundera’s The Book of Laughter and Forgetting where he gives a commentary on the aesthetics of variations, a form that concerns Bach’s Art of Fugue and the Chaconne:

A symphony is a musical epic. We might say that it is like a voyage leading from one thing to another, farther and farther away through the infinitude of the exterior world. Variations are also like a voyage. But that voyage does not lead through the infinitude of the exterior world. In one of his pensées, Pascal says that man lives between the abyss of the infinitely large and the abyss of the infinitely small. The voyage of variations leads into that other infinitude, into the infinite diversity of the interior world lying hidden in all things.

Beethoven thus discovered in variations another area to be explored. His variations are a new ‘invitation to the voyage.’

Variation form is the form in which concentration is brought to its maximum: it enables the composer to speak only of essentials, to go straight to the core of the matter. A theme for variations often consists of no more than sixteen measures. Beethoven goes inside those sixteen measures as if down a shaft leading into the interior of the earth.

The voyage into that other infinitude is no less adventurous than the voyage of the epic. It is how the physicist penetrates into the wondrous depths of the atom. With every variation Beethoven moves farther and farther away from the initial theme, which resembles the last variation as little as a flower its image under a microscope.

Man knows he cannot embrace the universe with its suns and stars. Much more unbearable is for him to be condemned to lack the other infinitude, that infinitude near at hand, within reach. Tamina lacked the infinitude of her love, I lacked Papa, and all of us are lacking in our work because in pursuit of perfection we go toward the core of the matter but never quite get to it.

That the infinitude of the exterior world escapes us we accept as natural. But we reproach ourselves until the end of our lives for lacking that other infinitude. We ponder the infinitude of the stars but are unconcerned about the infinitude our papa has within him. It is not surprising that in his later years variations became the favourite form for Beethoven, who knew too well (as Tamina and I know) that there is nothing more unbearable than lacking the being we loved, those sixteen measures and the interior world of their infinitude of possibilities.

Though somewhat elliptical with the wide-ranging metaphors, Kundera identified the essence of variations—a desire to know everything there is to know about something simple and close by, be it a fugue subject as in the Art of Fugue, a harmonic progression as in the Chaconne, or, in Kundera’s case, his own father. More often than not, such desires lead one to bottomless pits and not infinite riches. Fixation with the opening four bars of the Chaconne gives you an unending sense of the pathétique that the middle section, however pious and assuring, cannot rein in.

The Art of Fugue on the other hand, resembles more the pursuit within the ‘wondrous depths of the atom’ in that there ought to be a definite end to the journey—we may find smaller and smaller components the further we look inside the atom (first protons and neutrons and then quarks) but sooner or later we will come to a component that is the building block of everything. In this case, it is not the journey that matters, but the riches we draw from the discoveries. There are only so many contrapuntal permutations one can fit onto the Art of Fugue subject and it is safe to say that Bach had them all figured out. Having reached the end of that intellectual journey, the Art of Fugue then becomes a meditation on the nature of contrapuntal techniques: contrapunctus 1-4 uses free counterpoint and brings out the inherent melancholia of the subject; contrapunctus 5-7 are stretto fugues, a process that wears the brain out; this sets up the delusional invertible counterpoints in contrapunctus 8-11, especially in no. 10 which gives the impression of being in both major and minor. Bach did not end the Art of Fugue on contrapunctus 11 but continues to explore the mind-splitting mirror fugues—fugues that can be played upside-down—though realistically, one would need to have the temperaments of a Buddhist monk to be able to carry on without going delirious.

August 2015




