Bach and his minor keys

Post date: Oct 26, 2014 4:13:41 AM

巴哈與他的小調 / Bach and his minor keys



B小調小提琴奏鳴曲 BWV 1014

A小調風琴前奏與賦格曲 BWV 543 (鋼琴改篇)

C小調雙簧管小提琴協奏曲 BWV 1060

D小調〈賦格曲之技〉 BWV 1080 當中第一丶三丶四首賦格曲(弦樂四重奏)


The minor keys inherently carry more harmonic possibilities than its major counterparts. To put it crudely, they are more expressive; yet among the twelve minor keys each have a distinct expressive quality. This concert brings together four of Bach’s most fundamental minor keys, with instrumental settings ranging from piano transcription to string quartet arrangement highlighting the differences between the four keys.

Programme details:

B minor: obligato violin sonata BWV 1014

A minor: organ prelude and fugue BWV 543 (piano transcription)

C minor: oboe-violin double concerto BWV 1060

D minor: contrapuncti 1, 3, 4 from the Art of Fugue (string quartet arrangement)

Concert duration: 60 minutes
