Refuting Oard's Insane "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) Scenario

Rebuttals to Dinosaur Challenges and Mysteries by M.J. Oard (2011), Creation Book Publishers, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Copyright, Kevin R. Henke 2016, 2017, 2024

Exposing One of the Most Desperate, Ill-conceived and Ridiculous Young-Earth Creationist Attempts to Explain the Distribution of Dinosaur Remains in the Middle of the Geologic Record just so They can Salvage their Unreasonable Interpretations of Genesis 

Each essay is designed to stand alone and may contain background and other materials repeated in other essays. 

Bed Time for BEDS: The Geological Failure of the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" Flood Geology Scenario in Oard (2011)

The Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation of Mongolia Refutes the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) Agenda of Oard (2011) and other Flood Geology Scenarios

The Late Jurassic Morrison Formation Refutes Flood Geology, including the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) Proposal in Oard (2011)

Late Cretaceous Cantwell Formation Dinosaur Tracksite, Denali National Park, Alaska, USA, Refutes the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) and other Flood Geology Scenarios

Upper Jurassic Vega Formation, Asturias, Spain, Refutes Flood Geology, including the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) Scenario in Oard (2011)

Scavenging of Dinosaur Carcasses Refutes the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) Flood Geology Scenario of Oard (2011)

Wood-eating Dinosaurs Provide No Support for the "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments" (BEDS) Flood Geology Scenario in Oard (2011)

Headless Dinosaurs are No Evidence of Noah's Flood

"Poor-swimming" Dinosaurs are Not as Rare as Oard (2011) Claims and their Remains are Fatal to his "Briefly Exposed Diluvial Sediments: (BEDS) Flood Geology Scenario

Fossil Wasp Cocoons in Dinosaur Eggs: Complex Ecology Contradicts YEC Flood Geology Hypothesis - from Naturalis Historia website (off-site)

Other Errors in Oard (2011) and Klevberg and Bandy (2009):

Oard (2011) Misidentifies Brachiopods as Mollusks and the Consequences

Resurrected Sauropods?

Young-Earth Creationists Klevberg and Bandy (2009) Attempt to Eliminate Time as Relevant in Soil Formation