No "Rock Solid Answers" in Oard and Reed (2009)

"Rock Solid Answers?" Hardly!

This section is a rebuttal of just a few of the numerous inaccuracies, inadequate responses, conflicting definitions and misquoted references in Rock Solid Answers: The Biblical Truth Behind 14 Geologic Questions (2009) edited by young-Earth creationists (YECs) Michael Oard and Dr. John K. Reed. My responses emphasize their errors on actualism (modern uniformitarianism), pre-Pleistocene glaciations and the varves of the Green River and Castile formations.

Oard and Reed (2009)

My Original 1999 Critique of Oard (1997)

Oard (1997) is an error-filled YEC report attacking the reality of pre-Pleistocene glaciations ("ice ages"). Because the existence of these glaciations totally refute the YEC version of Noah's Flood and their 6,000 to 10,000 year old Earth, YECs are desperate to disparage the abundant and undeniable evidence for these ancient glaciations.

In 1999, I wrote a detailed critique of the numerous errors and examples of literature abuse in Oard (1997). My critique of Oard (1997) was originally posted at the No Answers in Genesis! website. Mr. Oard in Rock Solid Answers: The Biblical Truth Behind 14 Geologic Questions attempts to respond to some of the issues in my 1999 essay. However, as shown at this website and by carefully comparing his 2009 responses to my original 1999 essay, it is clear that his responses are largely trivial, often inaccurate, and repeatedly overlook the large number of errors and misquotations of the literature in his 1997 book.