
"Rock Solid Answers" in Oard and Reed (2009)?  Hardly!


New Essays will be Periodically Added to the Following List

Last Updated February 6, 2024 

 My Original 1999 Critique of Oard (1997)  (off-site at No Answers in Genesis!)


Examples of Young-Earth Creationists Disingenuously Supporting Biological Evolution or Old-Earth Claims in Professional Articles and Other Documents

"It's better for a person to be poor and walk in integrity than perverse in his speech and a fool." Proverbs 19:1

Dr. Andrew Snelling: Snelling's Doublethink Seeps into the Young-Earth Creationist Literature (off-site)

Dr. Marcus Ross: YEC Paleontologist Presents Old Earth Research (off-site)

  Marcus Ross Two Faced Again (GSA 2010) (off-site)        


Introduction: The Basic Assumptions of Science and Young-Earth Creationism, Why They Aren't the Same and Why Young-Earth Creationism Resembles the Paranormal Rather Than Science

The Basic Assumptions of Protestant Young-Earth Creationism (updated July 5, 2020)

A Geologist's Biases are Your Biases

Actualism (Modern Uniformitarianism) and its Assumptions

Mr. Oard's Confused and Outdated Beliefs on Actualism (updated August 7, 2017)

Mr. Oard Confuses Methodological Materialism with Philosophical Materialism  (updated July 8, 2014)

Mr. Oard Confuses the Supernatural with Theism

Young-Earth Creationists (YECs) Claim to Deal with the Same Data as Geologists, but They Actually Ignore or Malign Any Data that Contradicts their Agenda 

Jonathan Baker's Age of Rocks website (off-site) - a lot of helpful information!

History of Geological Science: From Lyell Uniformitarianism to 21st Century Actualism

The Birth of Geology and the Decline of Young-Earth Creationism in 19th Century Europe

The 20th Century Transition from Lyell Uniformitarianism to Actualism

17-19th Century Theistic Scientists Offer Little Support to 21st Century Young-Earth Creationists  (updated July 20, 2014)

Actualism (Modern Uniformitarianism): Continuing YEC Misconceptions Versus Proper Definitions

Actualism (Modern Uniformitarianism) and its Assumptions 

Inadequate and Contradictory Definitions and Descriptions of Actualism and Other Terms in Oard and Reed (2009)  (Updated June 30, 2017)

Who's Really Being Religious?

Oard (2009a) Misrepresents My Views of Science

The Authors of Oard and Reed (2009) Still Confuse Actualism with Lyell Uniformitarianism

Young-Earth Creationist Reliance on Flawed Lyell Uniformitarianism

Why Restrict the Supernatural from Scientific Investigations? Because the Supernatural Completely Lacks Evidence and Verification (updated July 8, 2014)

Why does Mr. Oard Embrace Actualism that He Hates Instead of YEC Supernaturalism to Explain the Origin of Flood and Post-Flood Deposits? June 15, 2014 update

"More Geological Reasons Noah's Flood Did Not Happen" by Lorence G. Collins and Barbara J. Collins Dec. 16, 2012: (off-site): The authors discuss how sandstones and radiolarian deposits are incompatible with the YEC version of Noah's Flood.  They also provide additional evidence that Mr. Oard totally misunderstands modern uniformitarianism.  

Scientific Errors and Inaccurate Geology in Oard and Reed (2009) and Other YEC Documents 

Reality of Ancient Glaciations

Pre-Pleistocene Glaciations were Real, but Flood Geology is Mythology: An Introduction 

Tillites Exist and Glaciomarine Deposits are Still Inconsistent with Noah's Flood 

21st Century Science Continues to Support the Existence of Late Precambrian Glaciations and Refute Flood Geology (Updated January 8, 2021)

The Cold and Hard Evidence of Ordovician Glaciations Continues to Accumulate and Bury Flood Geology (Updated April 5, 2022)

Ordovician Eskers and Other Glaciogenic Structures are Real (Updated April 5, 2022)

Misrepresentations of the Lower and Upper Boundaries of the Ordovician Glacial Tamadjert Formation in Oard (1997) and Oard (2009a) (Updated August 26, 2021)

No Justification for Oard (2009a) Misrepresenting Le Heron et al. (2005) on Ordovician Glaciations

Scientific Evidence Continues to Confirm the Reality of the Permo-Carboniferous (Late Paleozoic) Glaciations and Undermine YEC-endorsed Impact Hypotheses -Including an Updated Response to Oard (2018) (Updated January 19, 2022)

Glendonites: As Ancient Cold Water Indicators (Updated April 5, 2022)

Mr. Oard’s “Diagnostic Criteria” Fallacy and the Rejected Eocene Glaciations (Updated April 5, 2022)

Oard (2016b) and Oard and Reed (2017) Still Making Outdated Claims about Pre-Pleistocene Glaciations and Denying Reality (Updated January 8, 2021)

Varves and Salt Deposits

Oard (2009b) Fails to Distinguish between Varves and Non-varves in the Green River Formation (Last Updated February 6, 2024 )

How Could the Castile Formation have Ever Formed during Noah's Flood? (updated January 19, 2021) 

Kevin Nelstead (GeoChristian's 2013) webessay: A Young-Earth Creationist Magmatic Model for the Origin of Evaporites (July 23, 2013, off-site). This is a rebuttal that thick salt deposits, such as the Castile Formation, formed from igneous processes during Noah's Flood. Stef Heerema's reply to this critique is here

Mr. Wilford, August 13, 2021, A Faulty YEC Response to the Castile Formation, (accessed August 13, 2021). 

Mr. Wilford, October 21, 2021, Oard (2021) on the Green River Formation (accessed October 21, 2021) - A review of an error-filled and outdated presentation that Mr. Oard gave on the Green River Formation. 

Willem Jan Blom. 2021. Stef Heerema about the Castile Formation (if needed, press English translation button on upper right), (accessed August 13, 2021).

Young-Earth Creationists Get into Hot Water

Non-Varves of Lake Walensee and the Authentic Varves of Lake Zurich: Oard (2009b) Continues to Misrepresent Lambert and Hsü (1979) 

The Origin of Sediments and the Myth of the YEC Version of Noah's Flood 

No Time for Mr. Oard’s Diverse and Magical Flood Environments

Flood Geology Loses Its Power and is in the Dark 

Dr. Donald R. Prothero Criticizes YEC Dr. John Whitmore's Ethics and his Flood Interpretation of the Coconino Sandstone (off-site) 

"More Geological Reasons Noah's Flood Did Not Happen" by Lorence G. Collins and Barbara J. Collins Dec. 16, 2012: (off-site): The authors discuss how sandstones and radiolarian deposits are incompatible with the YEC version of Noah's Flood.  They also provide additional evidence that Mr. Oard totally misunderstands modern uniformitarianism.  

"Juvenile Dinosaurs Found Huddling in a Nest: A Local or Global Catastrophe?"  (off-site, Naturalis Historia): This webarticle shows that a nest of 15 baby dinosaurs is incompatible with Noah's Flood despite Mr. Oard's best attempts.

Dating Methods and Invalid YEC Studies

"Questioning Answers in Genesis" website:"Methods to Dr. John K. Reed's Madness: Deconstruction and the Geologic Timescale, Part 2"(off site): A geologist shows that Dr. Reed lacks a basic understanding of the geologic timescale and dating methods. 

The Failure of the YEC RATE Project (off-site)

Dr. Humphreys’ Young-Earth Helium Diffusion “Dates”: Numerous Fallacies Based on Bad Assumptions and Questionable Data  (off site, updated June 2010)

Dr. Kevin R. Henke Exposes John Woodmorappe's Fraudulent Attacks on Radiometric Dating and Reveals Other Creationist Misrepresentations (off-site)

Social Conflicts between the Geological Sciences and Young-Earth Creationism

The Perpetuation of a False "Creation/Evolution" Dichotomy in Oard and Reed (2009)

Young-Earth Creationists Beg for Money without a Track Record of Success

Why Young-Earth Creationists and Geologists Will Probably Never Find Common Ground

Who's Really Being Religious?


Quotations Out of Context, Misrepresentations, Petty Complaints about my 1999 Essay, Coverups and Other Literature Abuse in Oard and Reed (2009) and Oard (1997)

Snelling (2009) Misrepresents Radiometric Dates of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe, Africa December 28, 2019

Nothing to Lose Sleep Over (Updated March 11, 2021)

Oard (2009a) Misquotes Crowell (1978) and Himself! (Updated January 8, 2021)

Oard (2009a) Attacks the Wrong Issue about the Origin of the Gowganda Formation

Oard (2009b) Omits Interesting Details on Racist Creationist S.G. Morton 

When “Seem” Just Isn’t Good Enough to Support Flood Geology

Failing to Hit the Nail on the Head (updated June 7, 2019)

Excuses in Oard (2009a) Fail to Justify Misleading Statements about Harrington (1971) in Oard (1997)

Premature Proclamations in Oard (1997) against Iceberg Scour Marks

No Justification for Oard (2009a) Misrepresenting Le Heron et al. (2005) on Ordovician Glaciations

Well Accepted, Widespread Support or Widespread Acceptance?  What’s the Big Deal? Oard (2009a) Again Argues over Trivial Differences in Wording and Ignores Far More Serious Mistakes in Oard (1997)  

Scientific Evidence Continues to Confirm the Reality of the Permo-Carboniferous (Late Paleozoic) Glaciations and Undermine YEC-endorsed Impact Hypotheses (Oard [2009a] extensively misquotes and misrepresents the works of Oberbeck et al. [1993a; 1993b; 1994], Rampino [1994] and Reimold et al. [1997]) 

Misrepresentations of Martin et al. (1985) in Oard (1997), What Oard (2008a) and Oard (2009a) Don’t Say about Eyles and Januszczak (2007), and Nothing Strange Going On: Mr. Oard Simply Failed to Notice the Second Martin et al. (1985) Section in my 1999 Essay