The 2007 spring meeting was held on May 24-27 in Brno, Czech Republic. The meeting was organized by Petr Mateju. The theme of the conference was: SOCIAL INEQUALITY AND MOBILITY IN THE PROCESS OF SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. A total of 117 papers were presented. The research committee provided four Travel Awards to participating students in this meeting, and the local organizers contributed an additional award.

The 2007 summer meeting will be held from August 14 to 17 in Montréal, Canada. The meeting is being organized by Amélie Quesnel-Vallée of McGill University. The theme of the conference is: CUMULATIVE ADVANTAGE: EDUCATION, HEALTH, WEALTH AND INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS. The program for the conference includes some 90 papers.


In 2008 we will meet twice; in the spring in Florence, and in the summer in Palo-Alto.

The 2008 spring meeting is in its initial planning stages and will be held from May 15 to 18 in Florence, Italy. We held six meetings in Italy, the last of which in Trento in 1992. However, this will be our first meeting in Florence. The meeting is being organized by Jaap Dronkers of the EUI. The theme of the conference is: SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND INSIDERS/OUTSIDERS: CROSS-NATIONAL COMPARISONS WITHIN AND BETWEEN CONTINENTS.

The 2008 summer meeting will take place 6-9 August in Palo-Alto, California.Last time we met in Palo-Alto was in 1989. The meeting is being organized by David Grusky of Stanford University.


The Board met on May 25, 2007 in Brno.

The following Board members participated in the meeting: Robert Mare (President); Meir Yaish (Secretary/ Treasurer); Gunn Birkelund; Hiroshi Ishida; Michelle Jackson; Yannick Lemel; Haya Stier. Also invited to the meeting were organizers of upcoming meetings: Amélie Quesnel-Vallée (organizer of theMontréal meeting); Jaap Dronkers (organizer of the Florence meeting); David Grusky (organizer of the Palo-Alto meeting); Richard Breen (organizer of the New-Haven meeting).

Membership Fees:

The board decided that as of 2008, its membership fees will be increased to 100$ US for a four year period (20$ US for students).

Upcoming Meetings:

The Board supported Jaap Dronkers' proposed theme for the Florence meeting (see above). In addition the board discussed and agreed on venues for upcoming meetings:

Spring 2009. Beijing, China (organized by Yu Xie).

Summer 2009. New-Haven, Connecticut (organized by Karl Ulrich Mayer, Richard Breen and Hannah Bruckner).

Spring 2010. Haifa, Israel (organized by Meir Yaish and Colleagues).

2010 ISA World Congress. Göteborg, Sweden (coordinated by Meir Yaish).

Future Meetings:

After some deliberation on the structure of our meetings the Board agreed on the following:

1. Registration fees should not exceed 120 ERO or about 150$ US (including conference dinner and lunches).

2. Meeting organizers are strongly encouraged to include a poster session in the program.

3. The number of parallel sessions should be kept to minimum, a maximum of three and preferably no more than two at a time.