Previous events


Spring 2024. 2024 NYU Shanghai

The meeting was organized by Xiaogang Wu  and his team at the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research, May 17-19, 2024. The theme of the conference was: Life course and social inequality in comparative perspective. It was attended by 213 participants. 

Summer 2023. Ann Arbor, US

The meeting was organized by Fabian Pfeffer and his team at the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics of the University of Michigan, August 14-17, 2023. The theme of the conference was: Inequality, Mobility, and Equality. It was attended by 156 participants. 

Summer 2023 (ISA WC). Melbourne, Australia

Meeting at the XXth ISA World Conference in Melbourne, June 25-July 1.  The meeting was organized by RC28 secretary Hyunjoon Park.  113 papers and 12 posters were presented in 26 sessions.

Spring 2023. Paris, France

Meeting at the Centre for Research on Social Inequalities, organized by Carlo Barone, Bastian Betthäuser, and Philippe Coulangeon, 24-26 May. The theme of the conference was: Education and Social Inequality across the Life Course.  305 members participated.

Summer 2022. Notre Dame, USA

The meeting was organized by  William Carbonaro and his team of the University of Notre Dame, August 12-14, 2022. The theme of the conference was: Educational stratification and labor market inequality in comparative perspective. It was attended by 40 participants. 

Spring 2022. London, UK 

This meeting was organized by Berkay Ozcan, Lucinda Platt and Thomas Biegert of the London School of Economics.  It took place from 21-23 April, 2022. The theme of the conference was: Social stratification and social policy for a post-covid19 world. A total of 315 papers and 56 poster was presented by 365 participants.

Summer 2021. Online

This joint meeting of RC28 and ASA Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility was organized by Jennie Brand, Siwei Cheng, Louis-André Vallet, and Hyunjoon Park. The theme of the meeting was: Racial, Ethnic, and Ethno-Religious Stratification. The meeting took place at September 24 and was attended by 50 participants.

Spring 2021.Turku, Finland

This online meeting was hosted by Jani Erola and his team from the University of Turku. It took place from 2-4 June, 2021.  The theme of the conference was "Accumulation and compensation of inequalities" 185 papers were presented.

Winter 2021.  Porto Alegre, Brazil

This meeting took place at the IV ISA Forum of Sociology, February 23-27. RC28 organizers were Sandra Fachelli, Pedro Roldán and Hyunjoon Park (RC28 secretary/treasurer).  A total of 150 papers was presented in 28 sessions.


Summer 2020. RC28 virtual conference: Stratification under the Corona Pandemic 

This Zoom meeting took place August 18, 2020. The meeting was supported by the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies and Tel Aviv University and organized by Yossi Shavit, Ineke Maas, Hanna Ayalon, Alex Weinreb, and Hyunjoon Park. The meeting was attended by 117 people, 15 papers were presented.

Summer 2019.  Princeton, NJ, U.S.A

The RC28 summer meeting was hosted by Yu Xie and the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies. It took place at Princeton University, August 15-17, 2019.   The theme of the conference was: "Social Inequality and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective." The meeting was attended by 200 participants. 

Spring 2019.  Frankfurt, Germany

The RC28 spring meeting was held at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on 21-23 March, 2019.   The meeting was organized by Markus Gangl, the ERC-funded CORRODE project, and the Institute for Empirical-Analytical Research (InFER).  The theme of the conference was: "Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality." 316 members attended the meeting. 

Summer 2018 (XIX ISA-WC). Toronto, Canada

The ISA World Congress in Toronto took place on 15-21 July, 2018, with a number of sessions organized by RC28. The RC28 sessions were coordinated by Hiroshi Ishida, the secretary/treasurer of RC28.

Spring 2018.  Seoul, South Korea

The RC28 spring meeting was held at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, on May 25-27, 2018.   The meeting was organized by the Korea Inequality Research Network.  The theme of the conference was: "Rethinking Social Inequality in the Globalizing World." A total of 274 people attended the meeting.

Summer 2017. New York, U.S.A.

The RC28 Summer Meeting 2017 at Columbia University was organized by Tom DiPrete,  Yion Cohen, and Yao Lu and took place on August 8 (Tues) – 10 (Thurs), 2017.  The theme of the conference was: “Increasing Mobility and Reducing Inequality: What guidance is provided by sociological research?”  A total of 288 people attended the meeting.

Spring 2017. Cologne, Germany 

The RC28 Spring Meeting 2017, which took place at the University of Cologne, Germany, on March 30 - April 1, 2017, was organized by Marita Jacob, Judith Offerhaus, and Michael Kuhhirt.  The theme of the conference was: “Social Inequality and Mobility Revisited: Challenges through recent demographic trends.”  A total of 207 people attended the meeting.

Summer 2016. Bern, Switzerland  

The RC28 meeting at the University of Bern was organized by Ben Jann and his team and took place on August 29 (Mon) – 31 (Wed), 2016. The conference theme was: “Economic inequalities, deprivation, and poverty.”  A total of 236 people attended the meeting. 

Spring 2016. Singapore, Republic of Singapore 

The RC28 meeting at National University of Singapore, Center for Family and Population Research, was organized by Wei-Jun Jean Yeung and her team and took place on May 26 (Thu) – 28 (Sat), 2016.  The conference theme was: “Intergenerational transfer, human capital, and inequality.”   A total of 222 people attended the meeting.

 Summer 2015. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  U.S.A.

The RC28 meeting at the University of Pennsylvania was organized by Hyunjoon Park, Herbert Smith and their colleagues.  It took place on 17-19 August 2015.  The conference theme was: "Demographic Perspectives on Inequality." A total of 174 people attended the meeting.

 Spring 2015. Tilburg, Netherlands

The RC28 meeting at Tilburg University was organized by Ruud Luijkx and his colleagues and took place on 28-30 May 2015.  The conference theme was "Social Inequality, Cohesion and Solidarity."  A total of 273 people attended the meeting.

Summer 2014  (XVIII  ISA-WC). Yokohama, Japan

The ISA World Congress took place on 13-19 July, 2014 in Yokohama, Japan. The RC28 sessions were coordinated by Richard Arum, the secretary/treasurer of RC28.  A RC28 section dinner was organized for 18 July by Hiroshi Ishida and Sawako Shirahase. More than 6,000 participants registered for the meeting.

Spring 2014. Budapest, Hungary

The RC28 meeting at Central European University was organized by Eva Fodor and Peter Robert and took place on 8-10 May, 2014.  A total of 219 people attended the meeting.

July 2013. Brisbane, Australia

The RC28 meeting at the University of Queensland (St. Lucia campus) was organized by Mark Western and took place on 16-19 July, 2013.  A total of 83 people attended the meeting.

Spring 2013. Trento, Italy

The RC28 Meeting at the University of Trento was organized by Carlo Barone, Toni Schizzerotto, and Paolo Barbieri. The meeting took place on 16-18 May, 2013.  A total of 210 people attended the meeting.

Summer 2012. Charlottesville, VA

The RC28 meeting at the University of Virginia was organized by Josipa Roksa. The meeting took place August 13-15, 2012.  A total of 75 people attended the meeting.

Spring 2012. Hong-Kong

The RC28 meeting, organized by Xiaogang Wu and Tony Tam took place May 10-13, 2012.  A total of 151 people attended the meeting.

Summer 2011. Iowa City, Iowa

The RC28 meeting in Iowa was organized by David Bills and Kevin Leicht. The meeting took place 8-12 August, 2011. The theme of the conference was: Opportunity, Meritocracy, and Changing Patterns of Social Inequality.  A total of 153 people attended the meeting.

Spring 2011. Essex, UK 

The RC28 meeting in Essex was organized by Ayse Guveli and Lucinda Platt. The meeting took place 13-16 April, 2011. The theme of the conference was: Longitudinal Approaches to Stratification Research: International and Comparative Perspectives.  A total of 142 people attended the meeting.


Summer 2010 (XVII ISA-WC). Göthenburg, Sweden

The RC's sessions of the ISA World Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-17 July 2010, were coordinated by Meir Yaish, the secretary/treasurer of RC28. 

Spring 2010. Haifa, Israel

The 2010 spring meeting of RC28 was organized May 9-11 by Meir Yaish and colleagues. The theme of the conference was: Social Consequences of Economic Uncertainty: Local and Global Perspectives. A total of 110 papers were presented.

Summer 2009. New-Haven, Connecticut

The meeting took place August 3-6,  2009 and was organized by Richard Breen and Colleagues. The theme of the conference was: Mobility and Inequality: Intergenerational and Life Course Perspectives. A total of 90 papers were presented.

Spring 2009. Beijing, China

The 2009 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Yu Xie and Li Lulu and took place on May 14-16. The theme of the conference was: Social Inequality and Social Change. A total of 180 papers were presented.

Summer 2008. Palo Alto, USA

The 2008 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by David Grusky, August 6-9. The theme of the conference was: Work, Poverty and Inequality in the 21st Century. A total of 109 papers were presented.

Spring 2008. Florence, Italy

The 2008 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Jaap Dronkers of the EUI. It took place on May 15-17. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification and Insiders/Outsiders: Cross-national Comparisons within and between Continents.  A total of 220 papers were presented.

Summer 2007. Montreal, Canada

The 2007 summer meeting of the RC28 was organized by Amelie Quesnel-Vallee of McGill University. It took place on August 14-17. The theme of the conference was: Cumulative Advantage: Education, Health, Wealth and Institutional Contexts.  A total of 103 papers were presented.

Spring 2007. Brno, Czech Republic

The 2007 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Petr Mateju on May 24-27. The theme of the conference was: Social Inequality and Mobility in the Process of Social Transformation. A total of 117 papers were presented.

Summer 2006 (XVI ISA-WC). Durban, South Africa

The RC28's sessions of the ISA World Congress in Durban, South Africa, July 23-29, were coordinated by Thomas DiPrete, the secretary/treasurer of RC28.

Spring 2006. Nijmegen, The Netherlands

The 2006 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Wout Ultee of Nijmegen University. It took place on May 11-14. The theme of the conference was: Intergenerational transmissions: cultural, economic or social resources? A total of 103 papers were presented. 

Summer, 2005. Los-Angeles, USA

The 2005 summer meeting of the RC28 was organized by Robert Mare of UCLA on August 18-21. The theme of the conference was: Inequality and Mobility in Family, School, and Work. A total of 84 papers were presented. 

Spring 2005. Oslo, Norway

The 2005 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund of the University of Oslo, Norway. The theme of the conference was: Welfare States and Social Inequality.  There were 152 participants who presented 106 papers.

Summer 2004. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The 2004 summer meeting of the RC28 was organized by Maria Celi Scalon of the Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (Graduate Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro).  It took place on August 7-9. The theme of the conference was: Inequality and Stratification: Broadening the Comparative Scope. A total of 53 papers were presented.

Spring 2004. Neuchatel, Switzerland

The 2004 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Max Bergmann and held at the Hôtel DuPeyrou on May 7-9. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification with an Emphasis on the Relations between Social Stratification/Social Mobility and Social Exclusion. A total of 104 papers were presented.

Summer 2003. New York, USA

The 2003 summer meeting of the RC28 was organized by Richard Arum of NYU. It took place on August 22-24. The theme of the conference was: Education and Social Inequality.  A total of 68 papers were presented.

Spring 2003. Tokyo, Japan

The 2003 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Hiroshi Ishida and Sawako Shirahase on March 1-3. The theme of the conference was: Social Inequality, Family, and Intergenerational Transfer. A total of 52 papers were presented. 

Summer 2002 (XV ISA-WC). Brisbane, Australia

The RC's sessions of the ISA World Congress in Brisbane (July 8-13), Australia, were coordinated by Yossi Shavit, the secretary/treasurer of RC28. Sessions were organized by Tom DiPrete, Jaap Dronkers, Harry Ganzeboom, Bob Hauser, Mike Hout, Noah Lewin Epstein, Rob Mare, Peter Robert, Yossi Shavit, Haya Stier, Don Treiman, Shu-Ling Tsai, Yu Xie and Krzysztof Zagorski. 

Spring 2002. Oxford, England

The 2002 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Geoff Evans, Anthony Heath, Meir Yaish, and Colleagues. It took place on April 10-13. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification and Mobility: Integrating Theory and Research. A total of 74 papers were presented. 

Summer 2001. Berkeley, USA

The 2001 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by Mike Hout and colleagues on August 14-16. The theme of the conference was: Inequality: Global and Local Perspectives. A total of 61 papers were presented.

Spring 2001. Mannheim, Germany 

The 2001 spring meeting of RC 28 was organized by Walter Mueller and colleagues. The theme of the conference was: Expanding Markets, Welfare State Retrenchment and their Impact on Social Stratification. It took place on April 26-28.


Summer, 2000. Calgary, Canada 

The 2000 summer meeting of RC 28 was organized by Richard Wanner and colleagues. It took place on August 18-20. The theme of the conference was: Changing Patterns of Social Stratification and Mobility on the Threshold of A New Millennium. A total of 23 papers were presented in this small but highly successful conference.

Spring,  2000. Libourne, France 

RC28 celebrated its 50th Anniversary since it  was founded in Paris in 1950. The 2000 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Yannick Lemel and colleagues. on May 11-14. The theme of the conference was: The 50th Anniversary of RC28: Achievements and Outlooks.  A total of 55 papers were presented. 

Summer 1999. Madison, Wisconsin 

The 1999 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by Adam Gamoran and colleagues of the Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.  It took place on August 12-14. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification at Century's End: International Perspectives.  A total of 45 papers were presented.

Spring 1999. Warsaw, Poland

The 1999 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Krzysztof Zagorski on May 5-8. The theme of the conference was: Political, Economic and Cultural Contexts of Stratification. A total of 61 papers were presented.

Summer 1998 (XIV ISA-WC). Montreal, Canada 

The RC's sessions of the ISA World Congress in Montreal, Canada, were coordinated by Harry Ganzeboom, the secretary/treasurer of RC28. The World Congress took place from July 27 to August 1.

Spring 1998. Taipei, Taiwan

The 1998 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Shu-Ling Tsai and colleagues at the Academia Sinica. It took place on January 7-9. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification and Social Mobility: the New Industrializing Economies. A total of 46 papers were presented.

Summer 1997. Quebec City, Canada 

The 1998 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by Michel De Seve at Universite Laval, Quebec City on August 14-15. The theme of the conference was: Changing Patterns of Stratification and Mobility: Historical Mobility, National Identity . A total of 31 papers were presented.

Spring 1997. Tel Aviv, Israel 

The 1997 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Noah Lewin-Epstein and colleagues at Tel Aviv University. It took place May 18-20. The theme of the conference was: Inequality in Immigrant and Multi-Ethnic Societies. A total of 59 papers were presented.

Summer 1996. Ann Arbor MI, USA 

The 1996 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by Yu Xie on August 13-14. The theme of the conference was: Intersecting Domains of Stratification: Individuals, Families, and Institutions (IN HONOR OF OTIS DUDLEY DUNCAN). A total of 42 papers were presented.

Spring 1996. Stockholm, Sweden 

The 1996 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Janne Jonsson and the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University in Stockholm, Sweden. It took place on from May 31 to June 1. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification in Modern Welfare States.  A total of 55 papers were presented.

Summer 1995. Burlington, Vermont

The 1995 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by Daniel Krymkowski of the University of Vermont on August 16-17. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification and Social Mobility. A total of 27 papers were presented.

Spring 1995. Zurich, Switzerland 

The 1995 spring meeting of RC28 was organized jointly by Volker Bornschier (University of Zurich) and Marlis Buchmann (University of Zurich and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology).  It took place on May 25-27. The theme of the conference was: Dynamics of Social Stratification: Macro and Micro Approaches. A total of 69 papers were presented. 

Summer 1994 (XIII ISA-WC). Bielefeld, Germany 

The RC's sessions of the ISA World Congress in Bielefeld, Germany, were coordinated by Harry Ganzeboom, the secretary / treasurer of RC28.  It took place on July 18-26. A total of 74 papers were presented. 

Spring 1994. Canberra, Australia 

The 1994 spring meeting of the RC28 was organized by Mariah Evans on January 5-7. A total of 20 papers were presented.

Summer 1993. Durham, USA 

The 1993 summer meeting of RC28 was organized by Thomas DiPrete of Duke University on August 9-11. A total of 35 papers were presented. 

Spring 1993. Trondheim, Norway 

The 1993 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Kristen Ringdal of the University of Trondheim.  It took place on May 20-23. A total of 34 papers were presented. 

Summer 1992. Utah, USA 

The 1992 summer meeting of RC28 took place on August 17-18.  A total of 33 papers were presented. 

Spring 1992. Trento, Italy 

The 1992 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Tony Schizzerotto of the University of Trento. It took place on March 14-16. A total of 57 papers were presented.

Summer1991. Columbus, Ohio, USA 

The 1991 summer meeting of RC28 took place on August 20-21. A total of 27 papers were presented.

Spring 1991. Prague, Czech Republic 

The 1991 spring meeting of RC28 was organized by Petr Mateju on June 18-21. A total of 55 papers were presented. 


Summer 1990 (XII ISA-WC). Madrid, Spain

The RC's sessions of the ISA World Congress in Madrid, Spain, were coordinated by Harry Ganzeboom. The World Congress took place on July 9-13. A total of 50 papers were presented.

Summer 1989. Stanford, California

Spring 1989. Utrecht, The Netherlands

Summer 1988. August 30-September 1, 1988. Madison, Wisconsin

Spring 1988. April 25-25, 1988. Haifa, Israel

Summer 1987. Berkeley, California

Spring 1987. Nuremberg, FRG

Summer 1986 (XI ISA-WC). New Delhi, India

Spring 1986. April 3-5, 1986. Rome, Italy

Summer 1985. Cambridge, MA

Summer 1984. September 10-12, 1984. Budapest, Hungary

Summer 1983. October 17-19, 1983. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Summer 1982 (X ISA-WC). Mexico City, Mexico

Spring 1981. Paris, France

The meeting was organized by Roger Girod (Switzerland) on April 27-30. The theme of the conference was: Trends of Stratification and Mobility Research .

Summer 1980. Oslo, Norway 

The meeting was organized by Natalie Rogoff-Ramsøy.  It took place on October 20-24. The theme of the conference was: The Analysis of Life History Data .

Spring 1980. Texas, Austin 

The meeting was organized by Roger Girod (Switzerland) and Joseph Lopreato (USA). It took place on February 4-7. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification and Intellectual Skills .

Summer 1979. Berlin, FRG 

The meeting was organized by Manfred Lötsch. It took place from October 30 to November 1. The theme of the conference was: Social Mobility Processes of Class Formation .

Summer 1978 (IX ISA-WC). Uppsala, Sweden 

Spring 1977. Dublin, Ireland 

The meeting was organized by John Jackson (Ireland) on April 5-7. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification .

Spring 1976. Jerusalem, Israel 

The meeting was organized by Dov Weintraub (Israel). It took place on April 28-30. The theme of the conference was: Social Mobility and Social Stratification .

Winter 1975. Geneva, Switzerland 

The meeting was organized by Roger Girod (Switzerland) on December 16-18. The theme of the conference was: Status Consistency Evolution and Major Trends of Mobility, Stratification and Inequality .

Winter 1975. Turin, Italy 

The meeting was organized by Rocco Caporale (USA) on November 26-28. The theme of the conference was: Class and Social Structure in Industrial Advanced Societies.

Summer 1974 (VIII ISA-WC). Toronto, Canada 

The meeting was organized by David Featherman (USA) on August 14-16. The theme of the conference was: Measurement and Models in Social Stratification Research.

Spring 1974. Jablonna, Poland 

The meeting was organized by Wlodimirtz Wesolowski (Poland). It took place on March 11-13. The theme of the conference was: Class Structure, Social Stratification and Social Mobility.

Winter 1972. Rome, Italy 

The meeting was organized by Paolo Ammassari (Italy) on  December 18-20. The theme of the conference was: Social Stratification.

Spring 1971. Konstanz, FRG 

The meeting was organized by Walter Müller (FRG) and Karl-Ulrich Mayer (FRG) on April 18-21. The theme of the conference was: International Workshop on Career Mobility.

Summer 1970 (VII ISA-WC). Varna, Bulgaria

RC28 was eliminated from the list of RC of the ISA until 1972

Summer 1966 (VI ISA-WC). Evian, France

Spring 1964. Lund (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) 

This RC28 Inter-Congress Meeting took place in May.

1962 (V ISA-WC). Washington DC, USA

Winter 1961. Cologne, FRG

RC28 Inter-Congress Meeting taking place in December.

????. Perugia, Italy

The First RC28 Inter-Congress Meeting

1959 (IV ISA-WC). Stresa, Italy

1956 (III ISA-WC). Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1953 (II ISA-WC). Liège, Belgium

June 1951. Paris, France

1950 (I ISA-WC). Zurich, Switzerland