Join Us

How to Join?

Any social scientist can apply for membership in RC28.  There are two ways to join RC28:

1.    If you are already an ISA (International Sociological Association) member or would like to join ISA as well as RC28, please login to the ISA account (or create one) and become a RC28 member through the ISA webpage.  

(1)  Login to your account (or become a member of ISA by creating an account), select RC28 as one of your preferences of Research Committee (RC), and pay the membership fee.

(2)  Please inform the RC28 secretary ( of becoming a RC28 member through ISA.  ISA does not automatically inform RCs of new membership or renewal. 

2.  You may become a RC28 member without becoming a member of ISA.  

Applications should be addressed to RC28 Secretary/Treasurer <>.  Please send the following information: your name, institutional affiliation, status (professor, student, etc.), email address, and membership status (regular, regular with subsidized dues, or student).  You will receive a notification how much you should pay (either 100 US dollars or 20 US dollars, depending on your membership status).  After paying the fees, you will become a RC28 member.  You must be a member before presenting your work at any RC28 meetings.  Just to make sure, you have to be a RC28 member but you do not need to become an ISA member to present your work at local RC28 meetings.

Note, that  currently it is not possible to pay RC28 membership fees independent of ISA. We are working on the solution which will be announced to the applicants and here. 

Membership Fees

Membership fees are 100 US dollars for each four-year period. Students as well as members from low and middle income countries (categories B and C economies)  may pay a reduced fee of 20 dollars. For the list of these countries, please see ISA membership application (  All members are welcome to contribute to the RC28 travel award fund.


If you are interested to sign in for the RC28 newsletters, please visit or inform the RC28 secretary (

RC28 members have the right to: