
Recent Books published by RC28 Members

Andreas Moschonas, Class and Stratification in Modern Societies, vol.1: Theoretical Approaches(in Greek: Taxes kai Stromata stis Synchrones Koinonies, tomosl: Theoritikes Prosengiseis (Athina: Publications Odysseas, 1998), pp172

contents: 1. Introduction; Part One, Weberian Interpretations: 2. The Weberian Tradition; 3. Stratification and Systemic Integration; 4. Stratification and Social Gonflict; 5. Social Mobility; Part Two, Marxist Interpretations:6. Marxian Tradition; 7.Economic Interpretation of Classes; 8. Structural Interpretation of Classes; 9. Historical Interpretation of Classes; Part Three, Epilogue: 10.Structure and Action in Weberian and Marxist Interpretations

Contact: Andreas Moschonas, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Crete, 74100 Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Tel: 0030-831-77484. Fax: 0030-831-77467

Samuel R. Lucas, University of California Tracking Inequality: Stratification and Mobility in American High Schools. Foreword by Jeannie Oakes.

"Lucas provides one of the most compelling descriptions of tracking of any researcher writing today....this book will change the way that sociologists, and ultimately educators and parents, view the new forms of tracking." James E. Rosenbaum, Northwestern University

What has happened since formal tracking was dismantled in U.S. high schools? In this provocative book, Samuel Lucas reveals that many unintended consequences actually served to transform and submerge a stubborn system of in-school inequality. Drawing on nationally representative data and highly sophisticated methodologies, Lucas examines how the contemporary curricular structure works, including the scope of the structure, mobility within the structure, how an individual's location in the structure is socially patterned, and the consequences of these locations for a student's college entry and career path. These issues are then skillfully linked to long-standing debates about stratification processes within schools and the relationship between schools and Western societies. Appendixes at the end of the book include detailed information about the author's methods of analyses, providing an excellent model for further research.

Bram Steijn, Jan Berting, and Mart-Jan de Jong (Eds.), Economic Restructuring and the Growing Uncertainty of the Middle Class. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston/Dordrecht/London; 1998. ISBN: 0-7923-8119-X. (US $ 95).

Allen, Jim Sector Composition and the Effect of Education on Wages: an International Comparison. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers (ICS dissertations, #47), 1997. ISBN 90-5170-409-7. more info.

Baron, James N.; Grusky, David B.; Treiman, Donald J. (Eds.) Social Differentiation & Social Inequality: Essays in Honor of John Pock. Westview Press, 1996. ISBN 0-8133-8883-X.

Fischer, Claude S.; Hout, Michael; Sanchez, Martin; Lucas, Samuel R.; Swidler, Ann; Voss, Kim. Inequality by Design. Cracking the Bell Curve Myth. Princeton University Press, 1996. ISBN 0-691-02898- 2 (paperback). 318 pp. US $ 14.75

Levy, Rene; Joye, Dominique; Guye, Olivier; Kaufmann, Vincent. Tous Egaux? De la Stratification aux Representations. ISBN 2-88351-016-4. 670 pp. Swfr 89.

Need, Ariana. The Kindred Vote. Individual and Family Effects of Social Class and Religion on Electoral Change in the Netherlands, 1956-1994. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers (ICS dissertations #46), 1997.

Niehof, Jacques. Resources and Social Reproduction: The effects of cultural and material resources on educational and occupational careers in industrial nations at the end of the twentieth century. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. (ICS dissertations #45), 1997.

Nieuwbeerta, Paul; Ganzeboom, Harry B.G. International Social Mobility and Politics File: documentation of an integrated dataset of 113 national surveys held in 16 countries, 1956-1991. Amsterdam: Steinmetz Archive, 1996. - (Steinmetz archive codebook P1145). ISBN 90-71684-47-4.

Codebook en corresponding data set are distributed by the Steinmetz Archive. The codebook costs f 20,- plus shipment. An SPSS portable file holding the data, on CD-ROM, costs f 175,-. Order should be send to SWIDOC / Steinmetz Archive, Herengracht 410-412, 1078 JX Amsterdam, Netherlands, Tel +31 20 6225061, Fax +31 20 62383774, E-mail more info.

Shavit, Yossi; Mueller, Walter (Eds.). From School to Work: A Comparative Study of Educational Qualifications and Occupational Destinations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 546 pp. ISBN 0198293224.

Van Berkel, Michel Who Dominates When? Asymmetrical Patterns of Influence Among Duth Husbands and Wives. Nijmegen: Department of Sociology (dissertation), 1997. E-mail: more info.

Van Veen, Kees. Inside an Internal Labor Market: Formal Rules, Flexibility and Career Lines in a Dutch Manufacturing Company. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers (ICS-dissertation #38), 1997. ISBN 90-5170-432-1. more info.

Daniel Bertaux & Paul Thomson Pathways to Social Class. A Qualitative Approach to Social Mobility. 344 pp, figures, tables. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-827931-0. BrP. 40.

Stefan Svallfors & Peter Taylor-Gooby (Editors) The End of the Welfare State : Responses to State Retrenchment

(Routledge/E.S.A. Studies in European Society, 3) Routledge. ISBN: 0415207711

Maria Charles and David B. Grusky. Forthcoming. Sex Segregation in Comparative Perspective. Stanford University Press.

Baxter, J. and Western, M. (Editors). Forthcoming. Reconfigurations of Class and Gender. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Andrew Miles, 1999. Social Mobility in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century England, Basingstoke, Macmillan.

Junsuke Hara and Kazuo Seiyama, 1999. Social Stratification: Inequality in an affluent Society. University of Tokyo Press (Japanese)

Randy Hodson (Editor). , forthcoming 2000, Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 8: Marginality. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press.

Andrew Miles, 1999. Social Mobility in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century England, Basingstoke, Macmillan.

Junsuke Hara and Kazuo Seiyama, 1999. Social Stratification: Inequality in an affluent Society. University of Tokyo Press (Japanese)

Randy Hodson (Editor). , forthcoming 2000, Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 8: Marginality. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press.

Randy Hodson, forthcoming 2000. Dignity at Work. London: Cambridge University Press.

Daniel Cornfield and Randy Hodson (Editors). , forthcoming 2000 Worlds of Work: Building an International Sociology of Work. New York: Plenum.

National Research Council. High Stakes: Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and Graduation. Jay M. Heubert and Robert M. Hauser (Editors). Board on Testing and Assessment, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999.

National Research Council. Evaluation of the Voluntary National Tests: Phase I.

Lauress L. Wise, Robert M. Hauser, Karen J. Mitchell, and Michael J. Feuer. Board on Testing and Assessment, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: National

Academy Press, 1999.

Timo Toivonen ,1999. Empiirinen sosiaalitutkimus. Filosofia ja metodologia (Empirical Social Research. Philosophy and Methodology). WSOY: Helsinki. 449 ps. (to be translated)

Bögenhold, Dieter (Editor): Eine neue Gründerzeit ? Die Wiederentdeckung kleiner Unternehmen in Theorie und Praxis, Amsterdam: Fakultas Publishers 1999 ("New Times to Invest ? The Discovery of Small Enterprises in Theory and Practise").

Bögenhold, Dieter (Editor) 1999. Unternehmensgründungen und Dezentralität. Eine Renaissance der beruflichen Selbständigkeit in Europa ? ( Business Start-Ups and Decentrality. A Revival of Occupational Self-Employment in Europe ?"), Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1999.

Bögenhold, Dieter (Co-Author). Forthcoming. Arbeit und Recht in kleinen Unternehmen ("Work and Law in Small Enterprises"), Frankfurt: Bund-Verlag 1999.

Bögenhold, Dieter (Editor). forthcoming. KMU's in der Arbeitsmarktforschung – Zur Dynamik von modernen Wirtschaften, Frankfurt: - Zürich: Peter Lang Publisher ( "SME's in Labor Market Research – The Dynamics of Moderns Economies").

Bögenhold, Dieter (Editor). forthcoming 1999/2000. Moderne Amerikanische Soziologie, Stuttgart: UTB (with contributions of H. Aldrich, J. Alexander, R. Collins, M. Granovetter, M. Hallinan, R. Hollingsworth, G. Ritzer, N. Smelser, R. Waldinger, I. Wallerstein and others). (="Contemporary American Sociology").

Inge Horstkötter, Dieter Bögenhold .1999. Arbeit und Recht in Kleinbetrieben, Frankfurt: Bund-Publishers 1999 .

Tang, Joyce. 1999. Doing Engineering: The Career Attainment and Mobility of Caucasian, Black, and Asian Engineers. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (In press)

Jiri Vecernik and Petr Mateju (Editors), With foreword by Jacques Rupnik. 1999.


Published by Academia, Prague, 1999