New Gifts

New gift to establish the Vered Kraus travel award

The Vered Kraus travel award was established by the generous gift from Vered Kraus and her family. The first award was given at the RC28 spring meeting in Paris, France in 2023 (see the section on recipients). 

New gift to establish the Jaap Dronkers travel award

The Jaap Dronkers travel award was established by the generous gift from the Dronkers family. The first award was given at the RC28 spring meeting in Cologne, Germany in 2017 (see the section on recipients). Dronkers' picture is taken from:

New gifts in support of the Sorensen and Kerckhoff travel awards

All royalties from the publication of Stratification in Higher Education (Stanford University Press, 2007) will be donated to the RC28 Student Travel Funds by the book’s authors: Yossi Shavit, Richard Arum, Adam Gamoran, Hanna Ayalon, Svetlana Bolotin-Chachashvili, Marlis Buchmann, Sin Yi Cheung, Muriel Egerton, Robert Erikson, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Theodore P. Gerber, Pauline Givord, Dominique Goux, Eric Grodsky, Hiroshi Ishida, Jan O. Jonsson, Markus Lamprecht, Ineke Maas, Gary N. Marks, Petr Mateju, Karl Ulrich Mayer, Julie McMillan, Gila Menahem, Walter Müller, Hyunjoon Park, Reinhard Pollak, Ettore Recchi, Blanka Reháková, Susanne Rijken, Josipa Roksa, Stefan Sacchi, Natalie Simonová, Hanspeter Stamm, and Shu-Ling Tsai.

Richard Arum, Walter Müller and their collaborators (Paolo Barbieri, Peter Bates, Ivano Bison, Boris F. Blumberg, Erzsébet Bukodi, Mariah Evans, Theodore P. Gerber, Dominique Goux, Paul M. de Graaf, Hiroshi Ishida, Henning Lohmann, Silvia Luber, Nigel Meager, Péter Róbert, Joanna Sikora, Kuo-Hsien Su, and Wei-hsin Yu) are dedicating all royalties from the publication of The Reemergence of Self-Employment (Princeton University Press, October 2004) to the Kerckhoff and Sorenson student travel awards. Both the Kerckhoff and Sorensen travel awards are funded by gifts from the RC28 members. In addition, the Kerckhoff travel awards are supported by a generous gift from the Kerckhoff family.