
                                                                 INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION

                                                             ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE




                                                                         Research Committee 28: Social Stratification

                                                                      Comité de Recherche 28: Stratification Sociale


Donald J. Treiman, President             Harry B.G. Ganzeboom, Secretary-Treasurer

Department of Sociology                                                              Department of Sociology

University of California at Los Angeles                                         Utrecht University

405 Hilgard Av. ‑ Haines Hall                                                         PO Box 80.140

Los Angeles, CA 90024                                                                  3508 TC Utrecht

United States                                                                                   Netherlands

E-mail: Treiman@dudley.sscnet.ucla.edu                 E-mail: Ganzeboom@cc.ruu.nl

Fax untill June 1997: (++31) 70 511 7162                            Fax (++31) 30 253 4405


Members of the Board:    Richard Breen, Belfast   --   Mariah Evans, Canberra ‑‑    Jan Jonsson, Stockholm ‑‑   Peter Robert, Budapest ‑‑    Shu-Ling Tsai, Taipei  ‑‑ Yossi Shavit, Haifa  -- Yu Xie, Ann Arbor


NEWSLETTER ISA RC28                                                         1              NOVEMBER 1996



                                                                                   MEMBERSHIP AND FEES


Midterm between world congresses is the time to clean up the membership list. As of this newsletter, all persons that have routinely received our newsletter over the last four years, but have not paid dues or requested exemption have been removed from the list. Some exceptions have been made for persons who recently have been enrolled on the list.


Please read below whether we have received your RC28 dues payment:


                                               Your dues payment has been received. Thanks much!


The fee for membership for the 1994-1998 period is:

            $60 regular membership + contribution to RC28 Travel Awards Fund (voluntary)

      $40 regular membership

      $10 reduced membership, for members from low income countries, students and others in special need.

Newly enrolled members pay the proportional amount for the remaining period (e.g. 50% off for 1996-98). You can also send along your payment for the next period, 1998-2002. Members from low income countries and members in special need can also request full exemption by writing to the Treasurer.


Your payment can be settled in one of the following ways:

‑Send a traveller's cheque (preferably in US Dollars) "to the order of Harry Ganzeboom".

‑For those with American bank accounts: send a personal cheque with the dollar amount "to the order of Harry Ganzeboom";

-Send a Eurocheque "to the order of Harry Ganzeboom", made out in Dutch guilders. Positively no other currencies! Please remember to fill in your card number on the back of the Eurocheque!

‑Transfer the amount directly in any exchangeable currency to ABN-Amro Bank Account 5556 88 623 in the name of "H. Ganzeboom, ISA RC28, Netherlands". If you do this, make sure that it is clear on whose behalf the sum is paid.


                                                                               RC TRAVEL AWARDS FUND


The RC28 Travel Awards Fund subsidizes RC28 members with low income for travel to RC28 conferences to present their work. The following categories qualify for such support: (A) members from low income countries, (B) (graduate) students, (C) RC28 members in special need. The travel awards are given in recognition of good scholarship in the field of stratification and the applicants should have a paper accepted by the conference organizer at the conference that they want to participate in and present this paper at this conference. As a rule, awards will not exceed US $ 500 and are given only once in a four-year period to the same person. Applications should be sent at the earliest possible date to the conference organizer and the Secretary-Treasurer of the RC28, and include (A) the paper to be presented, (B) an itemized budget, (C) (short) letters of recommendation. The names of the recipients of the Travel Awards will be published in this Newsletter.


                                                             GENERAL FORMAT OF THE RC28 MEETINGS


In the past, RC28 meetings have been held frequently (twice a year) and in particular the European meetings have become very well attended (60-80 paper presentations). At the same time, some have argued, the quality of the meetings has declined. Fewer participants than in the past have brought completed papers and the level of comments and discussions has degenerated. The RC28 Board has discussed several alternatives to the current format of the meetings for improved quality, such as rigorous and early selection of papers, formal appointment of discussants and session chairs, and establishing poster and roundtable sessions to avoid parallel sessions. At the Stockholm meetings in May 1996, discussant were appointed in advance for a number of sessions. This seemed to work rather well, mainly by encouraging authors to finish their papers in time. Future organizers will be advised to adopt the same policy. In future conferences, we will experiment with other formats, in close consultation with the organizers of the meetings who remain responsible and will choose the format they believe to be optimal for the situation at hand.


However, much would be gained by improving the quality of presentations. Please observe the following guidelines when planning a presentation at a RC28 conference.

-Present work that is in an advanced stage of completion. While the point of presenting at a conference is in receiving useful comments, it makes no sense to burden the audience with premature thoughts.

-Send copies of the completed paper to the organizer, the session chair and the session discussant well before the conference.

-Bring copies of the completed paper to the conference for the full audience and have these distributed at the beginning of the meetings (leave at the registration desk). If this is too burdensome, you should bring an extended handout, containing a full reference (title of the paper, address), an extended summary and the main tables. The organizer will inform you how many copies to bring.

-Always include an overview of the data sources and main variables in your tables.

-Prepare well organized overhead transparancies for your presentation. While you speak, the overhead projection should illustrate and elucidate every sentence of your talk.

-Prepare your presentation and carefully time it to be 20 minutes or shorter. The standard (minimum) time slot at the RC28 confernces is 30 minutes and the discussion should be the most important part, in particular for you.

-Never read a paper to the audience, unless you are a very experienced reader. Most of the time, 'reading' rather than 'talking' puts the audiende to sleep. Try to say less, instead of more.


                                                                                        UPCOMING EVENTS


Upcoming RC28 events are:

-Spring 1998: Board elections.

-July 26 - August 1, 1998 conference, Montreal, Canada, ISA XIVth World Congress of Sociology. Sessions will be announced in the Fall 1997 Newsletter.


                                                                                                E-MAIL LIST


RC-members who have not received early announcements of conferences etc. by e-mail should send a message to Ganzeboom@cc.ruu.nl to become part of the RC28 e-mail list.


                                                     TEL AVIV MEETING, MAY 18-20 1997


The Spring 1997 Meeting will be organized in Tel Aviv, Israel, by Noah Lewin-Epstein and colleagues, May 18-20 (Sunday-Tuesday; arrival on Friday 16 or Saturday 17, departure on Wednesday 21). The special theme of the conference will be:


                Social Inequality in Multi‑Ethnic and Immigrant Societies


Special session themes include:

*Immigration, Citizenship and Inequality

*Immigrants and Minorities in the Educational System

*Ethnic Niches and Enclaves


Papers related to other aspects of stratification and mobility are welcome as well and will be accommodated in other sessions, such as:

*Stratification and Politics

*Gender and Social Stratification

*School and Work

*Labor Markets

*Life Styles and Consumption



The conference fee will be US $70 for RC28 members, and $110 for non-members. RC28 members in need of reduction or waiver can apply. The fee is payable upon arrival and will cover the reception on Saturday evening and the Conference Dinner


Location & costs: The conference will take place at the Marina Hotel in Tel Aviv. The hotel is situated on the coast of the Mediterranian and is within walking distance from the center of Tel Aviv. The cost of accommodation at the Marina hotel will be about $80 per night for a single room and about $90 for a double room. The prices include breakfast.


Since the conference is scheduled to begin on Sunday morning (welcoming reception Saturday evening) we plan to organize a one‑day tour (at no extra cost to participants) on Saturday for those arriving on Friday or earlier.


Transportation: There is a bus that runs regularly from the airport to the hotels in Tel Aviv. Details and prices will be sent ahead of time to participants.


Registration forms, abstracts, enquiries should be sent BEFORE JANUARY 31 1997 to:


Noah Lewin‑Epstein

Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology

Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv 69978



Fax: ++972‑3‑6409215

E‑mail: rc28@spirit.tau.ac.il



                            QUEBEC CITY, CANADA, MEETING, AUGUST 14-15 1997


The Quebec city meeting, to be organized by Michel de Sève, will be held August 14-15 (Thursday, Friday, immediately following the ASA meeting in Toronto), at Université Laval, Pavillon de Koninck. The general theme of the conference will be:


                                          Changing Stratification and Mobility.

                       Special Focus: Historical Mobility, National Identities


The conference will be general and all topics can be accommodated. As Quebec is the site of a rare and rich historical data-base of demographic records, ranging back to the 17th century, part of the conference will be devoted to patterns of historical mobility. Reseachers in this area from other countries are especially invited to send paper proposals. Planned sessions on this topic include:


*Long term trends in social mobility and stratification,

*Measurement and classification in historical or recent mobility studies,

*International comparisons of historical stratification patterns.


Being in Quebec, Canada, other topics of special interest are likely to be:


*   Stratification and national identity,

*   Ethnic patterns of stratification and mobility,

*Stratification and immigration.


Registration should be sent to:


  Michel de Sève

  Dep. de Sociologie

  Pav. de Koninck

  Université Laval

  Ste-Foy, Quebec

 Canada, G1K 7P4


  Fax: ++1-418-656-7390

  E-mail: Michel.deSeve@soc.ulaval.ca



Schedule: Participants should send their paper proposals (the title and a short abstract) and their registration form to Michel de Sève BEFORE JANUARY 31TH, 1997. Papers that reach the organizer before June 30th 1997, will be photocopied and handed to all participants. Participants who are unable to send their paper before June 1st are expected to bring about 40 copies with them to Laval University. However, the full paper should reach the conference organizer, session chair / discussant well before the start of the conference.


Language: As ISA-RC28 has members from many different countries and the only common language understood by the majority of the members of this committee is English, French language authors are kindly asked to present (if possible: write) their paper in English. This will maximize the number of participants who can discuss it with you.


Registration fee: There will be a registration fee of CAN $ 65 or US $ 50 for paid members of ISA RC28. Non-members will have to pay an extra CAN $ 50. The fee will be collected at the beginning of the conference and will be waived for students and members of soft-currency countries.


Accomodation: The following can be arranged through the organizer:

-Student room on the University Laval Campus: CAN $ 32 per night (common w.c. and showers at each floor, but this price includes breakfast and parking).

-Motel Universel (in front of the university campus, at a walking distance from Pavillon de Koninck where the meeting is held (5 minutes): CAN $ 74 for a room with two beds and CAN $ 79 for a room with a single large bed.

If you wish that we take care of your accomodation, please indicate this on the registration form.


Site information: Quebec City is the capital of the Quebec Province, one of the ten provinces of Canada. It is located around about 257 km east of Montreal and 800 km from Toronto. Founded in 1608 by Samuel Champlain (from France), Quebec is still a 'French' city. Its urban area counts 490,271 inhabitants (of which 167,972 reside in the city of Quebec). Quebec City and the surrounding area are well known for its many historical and magnificent natural sites (Charlevois, Saguenay/Lac St-Jean).


Laval University was the first French-language Catholic University in America (founded in 1852). Originally the four Faculties were located in 'Vieux Quebec' (the historical part of Quebec City), but its campus is now at Ste-Foy, a suburb of Quebec (about 5 km west from the center of Quebec City) and includes 13 main Faculties, 9 specialized Schools and many research centres. In 1996-97, the number of enrolled students is a little more than 30,000 and the number of faculty members a little more than 2,000.


More information about Quebec City, Laval University and its sociology department can be found on the following www sites:


Quebec City: http://www.quebec_region.cuq.qc.ca

  Laval University: http://www.ulaval.ca

  Sociology dep.: http://www.fss.ulaval.ca/soc/soc.html


Access to other information on Quebec City is possible using http://www.city.net


Visa and passport: Not everybody will need a Canadian visa, but a good precaution is to ask your travel agency, your airline company or, better, a Canadian embassy. If a visa is needed, you will have to show it at the first Canadian airport.


Transportation: Quebec airport (Jean Lesage International Airport) is situated about 12 km from Quebec City (a little closer to Laval University). They are many daily flights from Montreal, Toronto and Boston. At the airport, a shuttle service is available from 9.00 in the morning to 21.00 in the evening (i.e. between 1 hours and 3 hours before scheduled departures); price for the shuttle is CAN $ 6.75 for a trip to Ste-Foy (where Laval University is situated) and CAN $ 8.75 for a trip to Quebec City. Taxi fares range between CAN $ 10.50 and CAN $ 16.00 for a trip to Ste-Foy and between CAN $ 18 and CAN $ 25,00 for a trip to Quebec City. A maximum of 4 passengers are allowed in the same taxi.


The conference is held immediately following the meetings of the American Sociological Association in Toronto, August 9-13 (Saturday-Wednesday). Participants in the Toronto meetings will have to transfer to Quebec on (!) the last day of ASA, which should be possible given the frequent flight schedules. By plane, a trip from Toronto to Quebec City will take between 2 and 3 hours depending whether there is a stop at Montreal. By car or bus, the trip from Toronto to Quebec could take about 8 hours. It is also convenient to travel by (overnight) bus between Toronto (or Montreal) and Quebec (departures at each hour from 7.00 to 23.00 each weekday).



                                                    TAIPEI MEETING, JANUARY 7‑9, 1998


The first 1998 meeting of RC28 is being organized by Shu‑Ling Tsai and colleagues at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. The general conference theme is:


                                             Social Stratification and Mobility:

                                      New Industrializing Economies Compared


The meeting will include many of the sessions that RC28 members have become accustomed to, plus a few special sessions. Tentative session titles are:

* Social Inequality in Taiwan

* Process of Social Stratification in East and Southeast Asia

* Stratification in Ethnically Divided Societies

* Legacy of Colonialism

* Dynamics of Social Stratification: Macro and Micro Approaches

* Education and Class Mobility

* Labor Markets: Process of Inequality

* Stratification of Gender, Marriages, and Households


The conference will take place at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan on January 7‑9, 1998, with arrival on January 6 and departure on January 10. Registration form and paper proposal should be sent to:


       Shu‑Ling Tsai

       Institute of Sociology

       Academia Sinica

       Nankang, Taipei

       Taiwan 11529

       Fax: ++886‑2‑785‑4160

       Email: Tsai@gate.sinica.edu.tw


Hotels are expensive in Taipei, but arrangements of special rates have been made with United Hotel. It is located in a convenient area of Taipei city. For the conference participants, the price is about NT$ 3,000 (US$ 111) per night single and NT$ 3,200 double. In addition, the organizing committee has reserved some guest rooms at the Center of Academic Activity of Academia Sinica; the price is about NT$ 600 and NT$ 900 for single and double, respectively. Guest rooms at Academia Sinica are facilitated with bath, WC, TV, and refrigerator, and supply hot running water from 6:30‑9:00 in the morning and from 18:00‑24:00 in the evening. The costs of accommodation are tentative. Further details regarding lodging and other logistics will be forthcoming and distributed among those who plan to participate.


In order to plan the conference the organizers need to know about your participation well ahead of time, and your registration, with an elaborate paper proposal, should be submitted BEFORE APRIL 1ST 1997. In case of later registration accommodation cannot be guaranteed.


All participants are requested to send a full paper to the conference organizers by December 1 1997 for reproduction and distribution to session chairs and discussants.


                                                     INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION

                                                  ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE




                                                              Research Committee 28: Social Stratification

                                                           Comité de Recherche 28: Stratification Sociale


                                                                           please distribute


Conference & Hotel Registration Form

ISA Research Committee 28 Summer Conference

August 14-15 1997, Université Laval, Quebec City


                                            Changing Stratification and Mobility.

                               Special Focus: Historical Mobility, National Identity.


Name: ______________________________________________________


Affiliation: ______________________________________________________


Mailing address: ______________________________________________________


City: ____________________ State / Country: ________________      ZIP:   _______________


Fax number: ________________________________                       Email: _______________________________

(include area/country code)


Title of your Paper: ______________________________________________________


Session Preference:              ______________________________________________________


Send your paper proposal with this registration form. Make a detailed abstract that gives basic subject, research problem(s), hypotheses and conclusions; reference the data used; give information on the data analysis techniques applied. Be brief (200‑300 words), include the abstract in the complete version of the paper, and bring the abstract on a (DOS) diskette to the Conference.


Conference fee: CAN $65 for paid RC28 members, CAN $ 115 for non RC28 members. The fee is payable upon arrival and includes the Conference Dinner.


Accommodation. Please indicate your preference:


(   )   I will find a place to stay by myself,

(   )   I want a student room on the university campus,

(   )   I want a room at Motel Universel near the campus,


Arrival:  August ___, 1997; Departure: August ___, 1997.


Send this completed form before January 31st, 1997 to Michel de Sève, Dep. de Sociologie, Université Laval, Ste-Foy Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4, fax: 1-418-656-7390, E-mail: Michel.deSeve@soc.ulaval.ca.


                                                     INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION

                                                  ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE




                                                              Research Committee 28: Social Stratification

                                                           Comité de Recherche 28: Stratification Sociale


                                                                           please distribute


Conference & Hotel Registration Form

ISA Research Committee 28 Spring Conference

May 18-20, Tel Aviv, Marina Hotel


                       Social Inequality in Multi-Ethnic and Immigrant Societies


Name:  ______________________________________________________


Affiliation:            ______________________________________________________


Mailing address:            ______________________________________________________


City: ____________________ State / Country: ________________    ZIP:   _______________


Fax number: ________________________________                       Email: _______________________________

(include area/country code)


Title of your Paper: ______________________________________________________


Session Preference:              ______________________________________________________


Send your paper proposal with this registration form. Make a detailed abstract that gives basic subject, research problem(s), hypotheses and conclusions; reference the data used; give information on the data analysis techniques applied. Be brief (200‑300 words), include the abstract in the complete version of the paper, and bring the abstract on a (DOS) diskette to the Conference.


Conference fee: US $70 for paid RC28 members, US $110 for non RC28 members. The fee is payable upon arrival and includes the outing and reception on Saturday (May 17) and the Conference Dinner.


Accomodation. The Marina hotel offers the following accomodation:


(   ) single room, incl. breakfast appr. $80 per night

(   ) double room, incl. breakfast appr. $90 per night


I will share a room with: ___________________________________


Arrival:  ___  May 1997;     Departure: ___ May 1997.


Send this completed form before January 31st, 1997 to Noah Lewin‑Epstein, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Fax: +++972‑3‑6409215. E‑mail: rc28@spirit.tau.ac.il.


                                                     INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION

                                                  ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE




                                                              Research Committee 28: Social Stratification

                                                           Comité de Recherche 28: Stratification Sociale


                                                                           please distribute


Conference & Hotel Registration Form

ISA Research Committee 28 Winter Conference

January 7-9, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan


Social Stratification and Mobility: New Industrializing Economies Compared



Name: ______________________________________________________


Affiliation:            ______________________________________________________


Mailing address:           ______________________________________________________


City: ____________________ State / Country: ________________       ZIP:  _______________


Fax number: ________________________________                       Email: _______________________________

(include area/country code)


Title of your Paper: ______________________________________________________


Session Preference:              ______________________________________________________


Send your paper proposal with this registration form. Make a detailed abstract that gives basic subject, research problem(s), hypotheses and conclusions; reference the data used; give information on the data analysis techniques applied. Be brief (200‑300 words), include the abstract in the complete version of the paper, and bring the abstract on a (DOS) diskette to the Conference.


Accommodation. Please mark your preference and dates of arrival and departure:


(  )Center of Academic Activity single/NT $600 double/NT $900

(at Academia Sinica)

(  )Hotel United single/NT $3,000      double/NT $3,200

(in a convenient area)

Note: The price is subject to change (US$1=NT$27).


I will share a room with: ___________________________________


Arrival:  January ___, 1998          Departure: January ___, 1998


Send this completed form before April 1, 1997 to Shu‑Ling Tsai (RC28 Conference), Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 11529. Fax: ++886‑2‑785‑4160. Email: Tsai@gate.sinica.edu.tw.