

Snow-Balls have flown their Arcs, starr'd the Sides of Outbuildings, as of Cousins, carried Hats away into the brisk Wind off Delaware,--

弧 こ / 納屋 なや / 鏤め ちりば / 塗れ まみ / 拭いて ふ dried

the Sleds are brought in and their Runners carefully dried and greased, shoes deposited in the back Hall, a stocking'd-foot Descent made upon the great Kitchen, in a purposeful Dither since Morning, punctuated by the ringing Lids of various Boilers and Stewing-Pots, fragrant with Pie-Spices, peel'd Fruits, Suet, heated Sugar,-- the Children, having all upon the Fly, among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon, coax'd and stolen what they might, proceed, as upon each afternoon all this snowy Advent, to a comfortable Room at the rear of the House, years since given over to their carefree Assaults.

橇そり/ 塗り ぬ / しまい / 忙(せわ)しない ことこの上なく / 釜 かま / 蓋 ふた / 挟まる (はさ) / 剥く む / 香り かお / 捏ね物 こ /

隙に すき / 心地良い / 耐える : た / 任 : にん / 帯びる : お

Here have come to res a long scarr'd sawbuck table, with two mismatch'd side-benches, from the Lancaster County branch of the family,-- some Second-Street Chippendale, including an interpretation of the fam'd Chinese Sofa, with a high canopy of yards of purple Stuff that might be drawn all 'round to make a snug, dim tent,-- a few odd Chairs sent from England before the War,-- mostly Pine and Cherry about, nor much Mahogany, excepting a sinister and wonderful Card wonderful Card Table which exhibits the cheaper Wavelike Grain known in the Trade as Wand'ring Heart, causing an illusion of Depth into which for years children have gaz'd as into the illustrated Pages of Books ... along with so many hinges, sliding Mortises, hidden catches, and secret compartments that teither the Twins nor their Sister can say they have been to the end of it.

辿り着く : たど / 傷 : きず / 不揃い : ふぞろ / 伴う : ともな.. / 仕入れた しい.... / 模造 もぞう / 生地 きじ / 用いて もちいて / 設え しつら.. / ぐるっと / 快く こころよく / 薄暗い うすぐら / 早変り はやがわ / 更に さら ... / 戦前 せんぜん / 半端な はんぱな / 数脚 すうきゃく / 大抵 たいてい / 禍々しい : まが / 見事な みごと / 安手 やすで / 彷徨える さまよ /

深さの錯覚 さっかく an illusion of Depth

数多の蝶番 あまたのちょうつがい so many hinges

可動枘穴 ほぞあな sliding Mortises

隠し留金 かくしとめがね hidden catches

秘密の小部屋 こべや secret compartments

双子 ふたご the Twins

到底 とうてい

見尽す みつくす be to the end of it

壁に掛った かか Upon the Wall

形見 かたみ its Remembrance

如く ごとく

飛回る とびまわる

巣窟 そうくつ Den

追い遣る おいやる

大方 おおかた most of

映し出す おしだす reflecting

絨毯 じゅうたん carpet

幾分擦切れる いくぶんすりきれる a little fray'd

家具 かぐ the furniture

精緻 せいち finely

光らせる ひからせる

物物しい ものもの ??

字を刻んだ 字をきざ inscrib'd

額縁 がくぶち Frame

収まった おさ in

当時 とうじ that

占領 せんりょう who'd been Occupying

撤退 てったい Withdrawal

催された もよお stag'd

忘れ難き わすれかたき memorable

別かれ わかれ farewell

舞踏会 ぶとうかい Ball

他ならない ほか ??


国家 こっか the Nation

内輪揉め うちわも bickering itself

屋台骨 やたいぼね

揺らぎ ゆ into Fragments

傷 きず wounds

依然痛みは続き いぜんいたみは go aching on

讃える たた commemorated

筈もなく はず not

そもそも even

余りに多い あま too often

降り積り ふりつもり lies upon

岸 きし shores

氷霧 こおりぎり ice-fog

幕 まく curtains

今や have

都市 とし the City

さながら might be

大海 たいかい an Ocean

浮かぶ うか upon

小川 おがわ Creeks

凍りつき こお frozen over

ごく細い ほそ slightest

小枝 こえだ Twig

到るまで いた to the last


Nerve-Lines of concentrated light, Hammers and Saws have fallen still,

集う つどう

神経索 しんけいさく

槌も鋸も Hammers and Saws


bricks lie in snow-covered Heaps,

煉瓦 れんが

雪に包まれた山 〜くる〜



City-Sparrows, in speckled Outbursts, hop in and out of what Shelter there may be,

雀ども すずめ

風避け 〜よ〜

怪しい程の あや〜ほど〜


隠れ処 かく〜が

斑の身 まだら

迸らせ ほとばし


-- the nightward sky, Clouds blown to Chalk-smears,

吹散らされて ふきち〜

白墨の汚れ はくぼく〜よご〜

化した か

stretches above the Northen Liberties, Spring Garden and German town, its early moon pale as the Snow-Drifts,--smoke ascends from Chimney-Pots, Sledging-Parties adjourn indoors,

從え したが

吹寄せ ふきよ

如く ごとく

煙突から えんとつ

煙が けむり

立ち昇り た〜のぼ〜

Taverns bustle,

酒場 さかば

ごった返す 〜がえ〜

-- freshly infus'd Coffee flows ev'ryplace,

淹れ立て い〜

至る所で いた

注がれ そそ〜

borne about thro' Rooms front and back,

後の しりえ〜

運ばれ はこ

whilst Madeira, which has ever fuel'd Association in these parts, is deploy'd nowadays like an ancient Elixir upon the Seething Pot of Politics,-- for the Times are as impossible to calculate, this Advent, as the Distance to a Star.

常に つね

交際 こうさい

熱源 ねつげん

葡萄酒 ぶどうしゅ

昨今 さっこん

政治 せいじ

煮え滾る に〜たぎ〜

投入れられる : とうにゅう

何せ なに ()

測り違い はか〜ちが〜

It has become an afternoon habit for the Twins and their Sister, and what Friends old and young may find their way here, to gather for another Tale from their far-travel'd Uncle, the Rev'd Wicks Cherrycoke,

更に さら

老いた お

伯父 はくふ、おじ

牧師 ぼくし

囲んで かこ

耳を傾ける 〜かたむ〜 ()

慣わし なら

who arriv'd here back in October for the funeral of a Friend of years ago,-- too late for the Burial, as it prov'd,-- and has linger'd as a Guest in the Home of his sister Elizabeth, the Wife, for many years, of Mr J. Wade LeSpark, a respected Merchant active in Town Affairs,

旧友 きゅうゆう

葬儀 そうぎ

参列せんと さんれつ

埋葬 まいそう


連添ってきた つれそ

町政にも ちょうせい

携わってきた たずさ

商人 しょうにん

whilst in his home yet Sultan enough to convey to the Rev'd, tho' without ever so stipluating, that, for as long as he can keep the children amus'd he may remain,-- too much evidence of Juvenile Rampage at the wrong moment, however, and Boppo! 'twill be Out the door with him, where waits the Winter's Block and Blade.

専制君主にして せんせいくんしゅ

愉しませてくれる たの

限りは かぎ

居候を続けて結構 いそうろう

時宜を弁えぬ じぎ〜わきま〜

暴れ騒ぎ あば〜さわ〜

即座に そくざ〜

刃 やいば

追放 ついほう

覚悟せねばならぬ。 かくご

Thus, they have heard the escape from Hottentot Land, the Accurs'd Ruby of Mogok, the Ship-wrecks in Indies East and West-- an Herodotic web of Adventures and Curiosities selected, the Revd implies, for their moral usefulness, whilst avoiding others not as suitable in the Hearings of Youth.


一同 いちどう

脱走譚 だっそうたん

呪われた のろ

巡る めぐ

於ける お

欹ててきた そばだ

冒険 ぼうけん

珍奇 ちんき

織成す おりなす

見聞譚 けんぼんたん

網 あみ

察する さっする

専ら もっぱ