Tsinghua 2011 International Forum
Electromagnetic Nature of Thermo-Mechanical Energy, Photos, International Forum, Beijing, China 2011
The_2nd_Law-Holistic Generalization, Tsinghua, Beijing, China 2011
See Selected Presentations at Speaking, Lecturing, and Media
Also, Proofs of the Fundamental Laws * Carnot Cycle Efficiency is Fundamentally Misplaced *
kostic.niu.edu/ (or www.niu.edu/kostic ) is being updated from a legacy server - sorry for broken links referring to it!
2011 International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science
See also The Bridge (China2009), China 2013, and Kostic in China
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, December 18-20, 2011 (Photos*Photos*PDF*与会学者合影[前排左起>or&重要新闻>or)
Electromagnetic Nature of Thermo-Mechanical Energy (PPT), Photos, 2011 International Forum, Beijing, China 2011
Names: 与会学者合影[前排左起:Yoshida(Kyoto Univ,第15届国际传热大会主席)、Maruyama(Tohoku Univ)、马重芳(北工大,中国工程热物理学会副理事长)、郑平(上交大,中科院院士)、David Jou(Universitat Autonoma de Barselona,系主任)、M. Kostic(Northern Illinois University)、DY Tzou(University of Missouri,系主任), Kandlikar(Rochester Institute of Technology,第1-9届国际微纳通道会议主席)、过增元(清华,中科院院士)、陶文铨(西交大,中科院院士
The scholars' photo (Front row from left): H. Yoshida (Kyoto University, 15th International Heat Transfer Conference Chairman), S. Maruyama (Tohoku University), Chong-Fang Ma (Beijing, vice president of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics), Ping Zheng ( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chinese Academy of Sciences), David Jou (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Head of Department), M. Kostic (Northern Illinois University), DY Tzou (University of Missouri, Head of Department), S. Kandlikar (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1-9 micro-nano-channels, International Chair), Zeng-Yuan Guo (Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Wen-Quan Tao (Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science at Tsinghua University (photo above or enlarged) was held in Beijing, China on December 18-20, 2011 (Program). The Forum has been a unique gathering of invited speakers to present innovative ideas and frontier theories in thermal science. Among distinguished invites were five keynote speakers from China (four academicians) and seven international keynote speakers: three from the USA and one each from Japan, United Kingdom, Singapore, and Spain; including six university presidents/vice-presidents and a number of directors of related thermophysics institutes and experts in the field.
The International Forum was open to the public but the speakers were by invitation only. The Forum was sponsored by: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, Heat and Mass Transfer Society of China, and Tsinghua University whose researchers are world-renowned in developing new theories in thermal science. The Forum topics were: (1) Thermomass theory; (2) Irreversible thermodynamics; (3) Nonlocal behavior during heat transfer processes; (4) Phonon gas-dynamics; (5) Entropy vs. Entransy; and (6) Applications in nano-systems and energy efficiency.
See also Program>Professor Kostic's participation at the Forum & Feedback: Photos; Nature of Heat & Work Presentation and Abstract; The Second Law Presentation and Abstract at Tsinghua University (Wiki); also Shanghai Area 2009 Trip
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