Energy and Environment: Progress and Existence

Energy Provides Existence and Is Cause for Change (hopefully Progress)

Energy is possessed (thus equilibrium property) by material systems and redistributed (transferred) between and within system(s), due to systems' non-equilibrium, via forced-displacement interactions (process) towards the equilibrium (equi-partition of energy over mass and space); thus energy is conserved (the 1st Law) but degraded (the 2nd Law). Effects are irreversible) consequences of Causes except at Equilibrium they are equal (reversible). [by M. Kostic].

2020 Editorial: The Second Law and Entropy Misconceptions Demystified

NEW: Undersized AC system better than oversized ! 

Perhaps our greatest challenges, and thus opportunities, are in promoting and developing a sustainable future related to energy production and consumption. Energy is ultimately the basis for a large part of the global competitiveness, and more of it will be required to raise living standards in the developing world. Because of the fossil fuels’ issues (nonrenewable limited supply, cause of pollution and possible climate change), finding sustainable, renewable alternatives is becoming increasingly important and urgent. Most probably new ideas and investment in related areas will be the most needed and profitable.

Prof. Kostic's Early Retirement and Start of a New Post-Retirement Career * Expert Consulting and Advising

Let us not be fooled by lower oil prices now due to unforeseen technological developments and economic slowdown! If the man-made Global Warming is debatable, the two things are certain in the not distant future: (1) the world population and their living-standard expectations will substantially increase, and (2) the fossil fuels’ economical reserves, particularly oil and natural gas, will considerably decrease. The difficulties that will face every nation and the world in meeting the future energy needs will be more challenging than what we anticipate now (read more ...)

Efficient and Sustainable Energy: Ecology and Energy Challenges (see PDF and Sabbatical 2010) * CEET2012 PPT&PDF... Read More

"We may only succeed by leading with ingenious educative activities and innovative application activities, and not only by following others in acquiring their existing technology." by M. Kostic

YES! Thermodynamics, a science of energy, and the Mother of All Sciences will provide vision for the future energy solutions: 

Insulation (to minimize losses), Regeneration (to recover losses), Cogeneration (to minimize irreversibility), and Conservation with Optimization (to increase efficiency). Energy consumption could be halved: Investing in national priorities (or)***Promoting_Energy_Conservation__Activities_for__Public_Benefits*Concrete Magazine-PDF-JPG*ASME Energy Strategy*Hybrid Heater - Cooler Chiller Integrator: HCCI-TT Invention * NIU Energy Initiatives-Kostic 2010 Sabbatical Activities REPORT * NIU Efficient and Sustainable Energy Innitiative.pdf * ITT Innovative Wall and Roof Panel Systems *

More at:SPEAKING Enquiry * Nature Laws *The Second Law * * PUBLICATIONS * Energy&Environment * Industrial Research - CONSULTING

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Energy Future Outlook: Let us not be fooled by lower oil prices now due to unforeseen technological development and economic recession! If the man-made Global Warming is debatable, the two things are certain in not distant future: (1) the majority of world population (poor now) and their living-standard expectations will substantially increase, and (2) the fossil fuels’ economical reserves, particularly oil and natural gas, will considerably decrease. The difficulties that will face every nation and the world in meeting energy needs over the next several decades will be more challenging than what we anticipate now. The traditional solutions and approaches may not solve the global energy problem. New knowledge, new technology, and new living habits and expectations must be developed to address both, the quantity of energy needed to increase the standard of living world-wide and to preserve sustainability and enhance the quality of our environment. 

        However, regardless of imminent issues about fossil fuels and related environmental impact, the outlook for future energy needs and environmental sustainability is encouraging. Energy conservation “with existing technology” (insulation, regeneration,cogeneration and optimization with energy storage) has real immediate potential to substantially reduce energy dependence on fossil fuels and enable use of alternative and renewable energy sources. There are many diverse and abundant energy sources with promising future potentials, so that mankind should be able to enhance its activities, standard and quality of living, by diversifying energy sources, and by improving energy conversion and utilization efficiencies, while at the same time increasing safety and reducing environmental pollution.

World Energy: At present, most of the World energy consumption is supplied by the fossil fuels (about 85%). However, the proven fossil fuel reserves are limited, and if continued to be used at the present rates, it is estimated that the coal (as used under current conditions) will be depleted in about 250 years, oil in 60, and natural gas in about 80 years. We have to keep in perspective that ‘proven reserves’ refers to the customary and economical ‘mining’ and utilization of fuels, but new reserves and more efficient technologies are being discovered, and make new fuel reserves economical. At present, a substantial amount of World electricity is obtained from nuclear and hydro energy, about 17% and 18%, respectively, and use of other renewable energy resources is increasing, namely geothermal, wind, biomass and solar, as well as development of alternative synthetic fuels, including development of hydrogen, etc. It is worth noting that some countries produce almost all or most of their electricity from hydro energy (like Norway, Brazil, New Zealand, Austria and Switzerland), and France produces most of its electricity from nuclear fuel (76%). The nuclear fuel reserves are orders of magnitude higher than fossil fuels, and it does not contribute to CO2 and green-house pollution.

... and Kostic's Energy Vision: The current challenges could be overcome by available and to be developed potentials: A probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’ abundance and use (a blip on a human history radar screen), the following, sustainable future activities, in order of practical urgency but all (diversity) are critically important:

1. Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era).

2. Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense (to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life).

3. Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude than thoght) and large potentials, in industry, transportation, commercial and residential sectors.

4. Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs.

5. Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry on global scale 

(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency).

6. Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement (mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals).

7. Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen…).

8. Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…).

Furthermore, advances in energy conversion and utilization technologies and increase in efficiency, including advanced computerized control and management, contribute to energy conservation, increase in safety, and reduction of related environmental pollution. Actually, per capita energy use in the U.S. and other developed countries is being reduced in recent years. However, the increase of World’s population and development of many underdeveloped and fast developing and very populated countries, like China, India, Brazil and others, will influence continuous increase of the World energy consumption and related impact on the environment 

After all, in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’ abundance and use (a blip on a human history radar screen), the life may be happier after the fossil fuel era! (by M. Kostic).

Humanity's Top 10 Problems * Toyota PRIUS Myths, Facts, and Hype ...

MEE 101 Energy and Environment: This is a course essential for every person and the whole society, and it is an introductory course for everybody.  ‘Energy and Environment for Everybody’ ; More at: MEE 101 (Original Ad)

Energy and Environment Links * mass-energy equivalence * Mass, momentum, and energy * Laws of Nature: A Skeptic's Guide * Energy Hotlist *Utilities-Appliances * Encyclopedia of Environmental Management - Volume 1 - CRC Press * Misc-Arch.htm

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