Proofs of the Fundamental Laws *arXiv-MK*Google Scholar*Prophy*Scopus* NIU-Today* (2019) *
Selected Publication (See also Selected Presentations at Speaking, Lecturing, and Media and below):
Kostic, M. 2024 'Key Reflections' on the 1824 Sadi Carnot's 'Reflexions' and 200 Year Legacy. > > PDF
Kostic, M. 2025 "2024 Key Reflections on the 1824 Sadi Carnot’s ‘Réflexions’: Sadi Carnot’s Legacy and 200-Year ‘Réflexions’ Anniversary" Preprints. >pdf-update * Back TO: * E200SCR * CL24 * SCL200 * Sadi Carnot’s Legacy International Colloquium Follow-up: Internal energy quality (Pond analogy and Plank disproved) - Reversible equivalency (Caratheodory).
NEW: Reasoning and Logical Proofs of the Fundamental Laws: “No Hope” for the Challengers of the Second Law of Thermodynamics by Milivoje Kostic. Entropy 2023, 25(7), 1106; (Written in popular style FOR EVERYBODY but with deep physical logic and insights for scientists (Philippe Nozieres stated that "only simple qualitative arguments can reveal the fundamental physics”).
The Second Law and Entropy Misconceptions Demystified. Entropy 2020, 22, 648 * (Full-text HTML online * PDF)
Maxwell's Demon and Its Faulaces Demystified, arXiv:2001.10083 [PDF] Harvard *physics4me*
“Heat Flowing from Cold to Hot without External Intervention” Demystified: Thermal-Transformer and Temperature, arXiv:2001.05991 [PDF] Harvard
Nature of Heat and Thermal Energy: From Caloric to Carnot’s Reflections, to Entropy, Exergy, Entransy and Beyond. Download PDF (2018)
Entransy Concept and Controversies - A Critical Perspective (PDF). IJHMT 2017
Editorial: Entropy Generation Results of Convenience But Without Purposeful Analysis
Revisiting The Second Law of Energy Degradation and Entropy Generation
Comments and Key Points - Removing the Mystery of Entropy and Thermodynamics, Leff
Irreversibility and Reversible Heat Transfer * Reflections: Caloric Heat and Thermal Energy
Selected Presentations (Speaking, Lecturing and Media):
Entropy and Second Law Misconceptions DEMYSTIFIED (XJTU, Xi'an, China, 2019)
International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-16, Panel Presentation-PPT(OR)- Photos & Cartwheel), Beijing, Cina, 2018
Professor Kostic's "2017 Emeritus Lecture" at NIU (Presentation (PPT with Photos) and YouTube (recorded "timing-run practice")
Brainstorming Illusive Thermal Phenomena: Reflections on the Caloric Theory and Thermal Energy (Tsinghua, Beijing, China, 2015)
Energy, Entropy, and Innovations: Energy Conservation and Reducing Pollution (QUST, Qingdao, China, 2015)
Electromagnetic Nature of Thermo-Mechanical Energy, Photos, International Forum, Beijing, China 2011
The_2nd_Law-Holistic Generalization, Tsinghua, Beijing, China 2011
Unleashing Error Uncertainty Analysis of Measurement Results (NASA, USA, 2003)
Go to: Patents/Inventions*Journal and Archival Publications*Misc. Archive *Photon Cycle*photon_mspts*
Kostic presented his newly-developed fundamental concept-theories at “International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science” at Tsinghua University (Wiki), in Beijing, China, December 18-20, 2011. See The Forum*Photos&Sightseeing.
The Bridge (China2009),Beijing 2011 and China 2013... some Reflections (PDF). See also The 2011 San Diego 2011 Symposium (PDF ...more & Kostic's paper)
Encyclopedia/Handbook/Book Invited Reference Publications:
Kostic, M., “Critical Issues in Nanofluids Research and Application Potentials,” In book, "Nanofluids: Research, Developments and Applications," (Editor Y. Zhang), p.1-54. Nova Science Publisher, Inc., 2013 (Amazon; eBook)) ISBN: 978-1-62618-165-6.
Secco, R.A., Kostic, M., and J. R. deBruyn, "Fluid Viscosity Measurement,(Chapter)" In book, "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook, 2nd Edition" (J.G. Webster, Editor-in-Chief), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2013. ISBN-10: 1439848831 | ISBN-13: 978-1439848838
Kostic, M., Energy: Physics, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Management (Four Volumes) (Editor S.E. Jorgensen), Vol. II. CRC Press 2012 (Print Version ISBN 978-1439829271; also at Amazon). DOI: 10.1081/E-EEM-120046144, p. 808-823, Taylor & Francis Online 2012 (inquire by E-mail:
Kostic, M., Energy: Global and Historical Background (Abstract), In Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology (B. L. Capehart, Editor), ISBN: 978-0849336539, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, 2007. [Amazon][GoogleBooks]
["However, regardless of imminent shortages of fossil fuels the outlook for future energy needs is encouraging. There are many diverse and abundant energy sources with promising future potentials, so that mankind should be able to enhance its activities, standard and quality of living, by diversifying energy sources, and by improving energy conversion and utilization efficiencies, while at the same time increasing safety and reducing environmental pollution."] (*) google_books
Kostic, M., Physics of Energy (Abstract), In Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology (B. L. Capehart, Editor), ISBN: 978-0849336539, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, 2007. [Amazon]* NEW-Update
["Energy is a fundamental property of a physical system and refers to its potential to maintain a system identity or structure and to influence changes (via forced-displacement interactions) with other systems by imparting work (forced directional displacement) or heat (forced chaotic displacement/motion of a system molecular or related structures). Energy exists in many forms: electromagnetic (including light), electrical, magnetic, nuclear, chemical, thermal, and mechanical (including kinetic, elastic, gravitational, and sound) ... Energy is the ‘‘building block’’ and fundamental property of matter and space and, thus, the fundamental property of existence. Energy exchanges or transfers are associated with all processes (or changes) and, thus, are indivisible from time." (by M. Kostic)]
Kostic, M. and L. G. Reifschneider, "Extrusion Die Design*" In Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing (S. Lee, Editor); (c) 2005 by Dekker, ISBN: 0-8247-5563-4 (Hardcover 5 Volume Set, 3640 pages); (c) 2006 by Taylor & Francis, ISBN: 0-8247-5499-9 (electronic, Abstract).
Kostic, M., "Work, Power, and Energy," In Encyclopedia of Energy (C.J. Cleveland, Editor-in-Chief), Volume 6, pp. 527-538, ISBN: 0-12-176480-X, Elsevier, 2004.
LeBlanc, G., Secco, R.A., and Kostic, M. "Viscosity" a chapter in "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook" (J.G. Webster, Editor-in-Chief), ISBN: 0-8493-8347-1, CRC Press, 1999.
J.P. Hartnett and M. Kostic, Heat Transfer to Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Rectangular Ducts. In Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 19, p.247-356, Academic Press, 1989. NOTE: This is a 110 page chapter in the prestigious Academic Press' hard-cover series (periodicals), where the latest state-of-the-art of research and knowledge in different fields are presented. (Google Books)
(*) Kostic's first publication (in Serbian with Abstract in English): a reflection of the Second Law of Thermodynamics on global natural processes and cycles: М. Костић, „Човечaнcтво не требa дa стрaхује за eнeргијом и сировинама”, [M. Kostic, "Mankind Should Not Be Worried About Energy and Raw Materials", Tehnika J. (a major journal of Engineering Society of Serbia, also SMEITS & KGH), No. 9, p. 1421-1428 (T1-T8) (1975)]. Also: M. Kostic, "Exergy, Not Energy (A Contribution to the Exergy Analysis of Energy Processes)." Tehnika J., No. 11 p. 1555-1558 (1978).
Patents/Inventions: Nondisclosure_agreement (*)
► Kostic, M., M. Golubovic, J.R. Hull and S.U.S. Choi, ONE-STEP METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NANOFLUIDS, DOE-ANL invention S-105,821. U.S. Patent Number: US 7,718,033 B1, (PDF), Publication Date 18 May 2010.
► Kostic, M., M. Golubovic, J.R. Hull and S.U.S. Choi, One-Step Method for the Production of Nanofluids, ANL invention S-122,261, U.S. Patent-Divisional Application No.12/729,494 filed by U.S. Department of Energy (Brian John Lally/Katherine Baldwin, Patent Attorney) on 3/23/2010. Additional Claims to the above.
► Kostic, M., Hybrid Heater - Cooler Chiller Integrator with Thermal Transformer (HHCCI‑TT) System for Efficient Heating, Cooling, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning, U.S. Provisional Patent Application Number: 61/297,958 of 25 January 2010.(M-S)
Journal and Archival Conference Publications:
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Kostic, M.M., Nature of Heat and Thermal Energy: From Caloric to Carnot’s Reflections, to Entropy, Exergy, Entransy and Beyond. Entropy. 2018; 20(8):584. Download PDF [949 KB, uploaded 7 August 2018]
Kostic, M., Entransy concept and controversies: A critical perspective within elusive thermal landscape, IJHMT-International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 340–346.
Kostic, M.M., Entropy Generation Results of Convenience But without Purposeful Analysis and Due Comprehension—Guidelines for Authors. Entropy 2016, 18(1), 28; doi: 10.3390/e18010028.
Kostic, M., The Elusive Nature of Entropy and Its Physical Meaning, Entropy 2014, 16(2), 953-967; doi:10.3390/e16020953 (Abstract)
Kostic, M., Friction and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Silica and CNT Nanofluids in a Tube Flow, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'13), Rhodes Island, Greece, July 16-19, 2013. In "Recent Advances in Energy and Environmental Management"-PDF. ISSN: 2227-4359, ISBN: 978-960-474-312-4, WSEAS Press, 2013.
Elapolu, P., Majumdar, P., Lottes, S., and Kostic, M., Development of a Three-Dimensional Iterative Methodology for Flow Scouring around Bridge Piers, Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Summer heat Transfer Conference, HT2012-58491, Puerto Rico, July 2012.
Tulimilli, B. R., Lottes, S.A., Majumdar, P., Kostic, M., Three-Dimensional Scouring Analysis for Open Channel Pressure Flow Scour Under Flooded Bridge Decks, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2011-65529 (7 pp), November 11-17, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA, ASME, New York, 2011.
Kostic, M., Revisiting The Second Law of Energy Degradation and Entropy Generation: From Sadi Carnot’s Ingenious Reasoning to Holistic Generalization, (*) PPT Presentation>Abstract. The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Status and Challenges Symposium; (PDF...more): The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0985-9; Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1411, 327 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3665247. FULL paper, (2ndLaw) CiteSeerX
Biswas, D., Lottes, S., Majumdar, P., and Kostic, M., Development of an Analysis Methodology for Pressure Flow Scour under Flooded Bridge Decks Using Commercial CFD Software, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2010-37198 (12 pp), November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ASME, New York, 2010.
Kostic, M. and Walleck, C., Design of a Steady-State, Parallel-Plate Thermal Conductivity Apparatus for Nanofluids And Comparative Measurements With Transient HWTC Apparatus, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2010-38187 (12 pp), November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ASME, New York, 2010.
Tulimilli, B. R., Majumdar, P., Kostic, M., and Lottes, S., Development of CFD Simulation for 3-D Flooding Flows and Scouring Around Bridge Structures, Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on URBAN PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION (UPT '10), Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2010. In LATEST TRENDS on URBAN PLANNING and TRANSPORTATION (Editor: M. Jha), ISSN: 1792-4286; ISBN: 978-960-474-204-2, p. 129-135, WSEAS Press 2010. (Also, Plenary Lecture)
Majumdar, P., Kostic, M. and Adhikary, B.D., Simulation of Open Channel Turbulent Flow Over Bridge Decks and Evolution of Scour Pit beneath the Bridge under Flooding Conditions, Proceedings of IMECE2009-13258 (12 pp), 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, ASME, New York, 2009.
Kostic, M, Majumdar, P, and Biswas, D., Bridges and Environment: Development of an Iterative Scouring Procedure for Implementation in CFD Code for Different Bridge Flooding Conditions, Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY PLANNING, ENERGY SAVING, ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION (EPESE'09), University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands Spain, July 1-3, 2009. In ENERGY PROBLEMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (Editors: L Perlovsky, D.D. Dionysiou, L.A. Zadeh, M. Kostic, C.G. Concepcion, H. Jaberg, N.E. Mastorakis, A. Zaharim, and K. Sopian), ISSN: 1790-5095; ISBN: 978-960-474-093-2, p. 182-190, WSEAS Press. 2009. (See also Plenary Lecture)
Kostic, M and Simham, K.C., Computerized, Transient Hot-Wire Thermal Conductivity Apparatus for Nanofluids, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (HMT'09), Ningbo, China, January 10-12, 2009. In RECENT ADVANCES in HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (Editor: Lifeng Xi), ISBN: 978-960-474-039-0; ISSN: 1790-5095, p. 71-78, WSEAS Press. 2009. (Best HMT09 Conference Paper; See also Plenary Lecture)
Patil, S, Kostic, M. and Majumdar, P., Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Open-Channel Flows Over Bridge-Decks Under Various Flooding Conditions, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS (FLUIDS'09), Ningbo, China, January 10-12, 2009. In RECENT ADVANCES in FLUID MECHANICS (Editor: Lifeng Xi), ISBN: 978-960-474-040-6; ISSN: 1790-5095, p. 114-120, WSEAS Press. 2009. (Also, Plenary Lecture)
Adhikary, B. D., Majumdar, P. and Kostic, M., CFD Simulation of Open Channel Flooding Flows and Scouring Around Bridge Structures, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS (FLUIDS'09), Ningbo, China, January 10-12, 2009. In RECENT ADVANCES in FLUID MECHANICS (Editor: Lifeng Xi), ISBN: 978-960-474-040-6; ISSN: 1790-5095, p. 106-113, WSEAS Press. 2009. (Also, Plenary Lecture)
Kostic, M., Sadi Carnot’s Ingenious Reasoning of Ideal Heat-Engine Reversible Cycles, (PDF or PDFw) Proceedings of the 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (EEESD'08), (*) Algarve, Portugal, June 11-13, 2008. In NEW ASPECTS OF ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Editors: T. Panagopoulos, T. Noronha Vaz , M. D. Carlos Antunes), ISBN: 978-960-6766-71-8; ISSN: 1790-5095, p.159-166, WSEAS Press, 2008. (Also: Plenary Lecture: World Energy and Future)
(the manuscript is far beyond historical and educational scope and presents original interpretation and additional reasoning of Carnot work and the 2nd Law which have not been fully comprehended nor fully recognized so far)
Kostic, M., Effective Thermal Conductivity Errors by Assuming Unidirectional Temperature and Heat Flux Distribution Within Heterogeneous Mixtures (Nanofluids), (*) Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (HMT'08), Acapulco, Mexico, January 25-27, 2008. In THEORETICAL and EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS of HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (Editors: J. Krope, S. H. Sohrab, F.-K. Benra), ISBN: 978-960-6766-31-2; ISSN: 1790-2769, p.44-49, WSEAS Press. 2008.
Kostic, M and Vohra, P., NIU-Engineering Energy Research Activities and Challenges,(*) Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (HMT'08), Acapulco, Mexico, January 25-27, 2008. In THEORETICAL and EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS of HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (Editors: J. Krope, S. H. Sohrab, F.-K. Benra), ISBN: 978-960-6766-31-2; ISSN: 1790-2769, p.37-43, WSEAS Press. 2008. (Also: Plenary Lecture: Uniqueness and Universality of Heat Transfer)
Kostic, M., Analysis of Enthalpy Approximation for Compressed Liquid Water, ( Citation) ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 128, p.421-426, May 2006.
Kostic, M., “Critical Issues and Application Potentials in Nanofluids Research,” ASME-MN2006 Multifunctional Nanocomposites 2006 International Conference, September 20-22, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, ASME Proceedings, New York, 2006. (PPT & Photos)
Kostic, M., Vijay Kumar Sankaramadhi, and Kalyan Chaitanya Simham, “ New Educational Lab: Measurement And Uncertainty Evaluation Of Nanofluid Particle Concentration Using Volumetric Flask Method,” ASEE-2006 IL-IN Section Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, Fort Wayne, IN, March 31-April 1, 2006.(*)[PPT]
Kostic, M., Srinivasa Rao Vaddiraju, Srinivas Majji, Shashank B. Tirumala, and Dan Wu, “Design of Modern, Integrated Laboratory- Stations (ILS) for Engineering Experimental Courses,” ASEE-2005 IL-IN Section Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, DeKalb, IL, April 1-2, 2005.(*)[PPT]
Kostic, M., Analysis of Enthalpy Approximation for Compressed Liquid Water, IMECE2004, ASME Proceedings, ASME, New York, 2004.(ppt)
Kostic, M., Irreversibility and Reversible Heat Transfer: The Quest and Nature of Energy and Entropy, IMECE2004, ASME Proceedings, ASME, New York, 2004.(ppt)
Kostic, M., “Fuel-Cell and Heat-Engine Energy-Conversion Comparative Analysis,” ASEE-2004 IL-IN Section Conference, "Engineering Engineering Education,” American Society for Engineering Education, East Peoria, March 26-27, 2004 [PPT]
Vaddiraju, S.R., M. Kostic, L. Reifschneider, A. Pla-Dalmau, V. Rykalin, and A. Bross, “Extrusion Simulation and Experimental Validation to Optimize Precision Die Design,” ANTEC 2004--Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Vol. L, Chicago, IL, Society of Plastics Engineers, pp. 76--80, May 16--20, 2004.[PPT]
Reifschneider, L.G., M. Kostic, and S.R. Vaddiraju, “Computational Design of a U-Profile Die and Calibrator,” ANTEC 2004--Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Vol. L, Chicago, IL, Society of Plastics Engineers, pp. 246--250, May 16-20, 2004.(*)
Kostic, M., Sampling and Aliasing: An Interactive and On-Line Virtual Experiment - “What we ‘see’ is not what it is!”, PPT, ASEE 2003 Annual Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, 2003.
Kostic, M., "Leadership and Information Technologies in Education," ASEE-2002 IL-IN Section Conference: "Engineering Education in Changing Economy," Illinois Institute of Technology and American Society for Engineering Education, 2002.
Kostic, M., Interactive Simulation: "A Virtual Instrument to Unleash Sampling and Aliasing," Syllabus Fall 2001 Conference - Next Steps: Moving Forward with Campus IT, (Proceedings) Danvers, MA, 2001.
Kostic, M., "Interactive Simulation with a LabVIEW™ Virtual Instrument Including Magnitude Change, Phase Shift and Aliasing: "What we see is not what it is - PART II!" NIWeek2000 Annual Conference, National Instruments, Austin, TX, 2000.
Kostic, M. and H. Tong, "Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of a Polymer Solution as Function of Shearing Rate," The 1999 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Nashvile, TN, 1999; in ASME Proceedings (L.C. Witte, Editor), HTD-Vol. 364-4, Vol.4, p.15-21, ASME, New York, 1999.(NSF)
Kostic, M., "The Art of Signal Sampling and Aliasing: Simulation with a LabVIEW™ Virtual Instrument "What we see is not what it is!" NIWeek 99 Annual Conference, National Instruments, Austin, TX, 1999.
Kostic, M., "Data Acquisition And Control for An Innovative Thermal Conductivity Apparatus Using LabVIEWâ Virtual Instrument." (html); Laboratory Robotics and Automation Journal, Vol.10, No.2, pp.107-111, Wiley, 1998.* * (Abstract)
Kostic, M., "Integration of Data Acquisition and LabVIEW® in Experimental Methods Courses" NIWeek 98 Annual Conference, National Instruments, Austin, TX, 1998.
Kostic, M.,"An Urgent Need for New Vision and Strategy for Use of New Technologies in Education," Manuscript, 1998.
Kostic, M.,"Integration of New Technologies in Engineering Experimentation Courses." ASEE-1998 IL-IN Section Conference: "Forcast for the Future," American Society for Engineering Education, 1998.
Kostic, M., "Data Acquisition And Control Using LabVIEWâ Virtual Instrument For An Innovative Thermal Conductivity Apparatus." NIWeek 97 Annual Conference, National Instruments, Austin, TX, 1997. Published also in: "Virtual Instrumentation in Education: 1997 Conference Proceedings" Massachusetts Institute of Technology-June 12, 1997 and University of California at Berkeley, June 27, 1997, P/N 350357A-01, p.131-136, National Instruments Corporation, 1997.
Kostic, M., "Instrumentation with Computerized Data Acquisition for an Innovative Thermal Conductivity Apparatus." ASEE 1997 Annual Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, 1997.
M. Kostic, "A New Natural, Process-oriented, Iteration Method Using a Boundary-Incursion Mapping," The 67th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Sacramento, CA, October 1995.
M. Kostic, "Different Non-Newtonian Reynolds and Prandtl Numbers, Their Usage and Relationships," The 1994 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, In "Developments in Non-Newtonian Flows: FED-Vol.206/AMD-Vol.191,"ASME, p. 163-169, New York, (1994).
M. Kostic, "On Turbulent Drag and Heat Transfer Reduction Phenomena and Laminar Heat Transfer Enhancement in Non-Circular Duct Flow of Certain Non-Newtonian Fluids," Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol.37, Suppl.1, p.133-147 (1994).
M. Kostic, "The ultimate asymptotes and possible causes of friction drag and heat transfer reduction phenomena," Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.16, No.1, p.1-14, (1994).
J. Jimenez and M. Kostic, "A Novel Computerized Viscometer/Rheometer," Review of Scientific Instruments Journal, Vol.65(1), p.229-241, American Institute of Physics (1994). (British Library)
M. Kostic, "Lubrication flow in a narrow gap," Appl. Mathcad J., Vol.2, No.3, p.1-13, MathSoft, Cambridge, MA (1993).
M. Kostic, "Influence of viscosity function simplification on non-Newtonian velocity and shear rate profiles in rectangular ducts." Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.20, p.515-525 (1993).
J.P. Hartnett and M. Kostic, "Turbulent friction factor correlations for power law fluids in circular and non-circular channels." Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, p. 59-65 (1990).
M. Kostic and J.P. Hartnett, "Heat transfer to water flowing turbulently through a rectangular duct with asymmetric heating." Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 29, p. 1283-1291 (1986).
M. Kostic and J.P. Hartnett, "The effects of fluid elasticity on laminar flow in rectangular duct." ZAMM, (Z. Angew. Math. Mech.), Vol. 66, p. T239- T241, German Academy of Sciences (1986).
J.P. Hartnett and M. Kostic, "Heat transfer to a viscoelastic fluid in laminar flow through a rectangular channel." Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 28, p. 1147-1155 (1985).
M. Kostic and J.P. Hartnett, "Heat transfer performance of aqueous polyacrylamide solutions in turbulent flow through a rectangular channel." Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 12, 483-490 (1985).
M. Kostic and J.P. Hartnett, "Predicting turbulent friction factors of Non-Newtonian fluids in non-circular ducts." Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 11, p. 345-352 (1984).
S. Oka, M. Kostic, and B. Repic, "An Experimental Furnace for Investigation of Combustion and Ash Deposit Processes of Pulverized Coal"; in Fouling and Corrosion in Steam Generators (Editors: D. Savic and I. Opik), The Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Tallinn Technical University, USSR, Belgrade, p. 135-145, 1980 (In English).
Refereed Journal Publications in Serbian
(ex-Yugoslav native language):
· M. Kostic, "The Viscoelastic Fluids in Energy Engineering." Tehnika J., Vol. 41, No. 2, p. 127-131 T-TO5 (1986).
· M. Kostic, "The Measurement Probe for Sampling Solid Particles and Gases from Tube Furnace." Tehnika J., Masinstvo, No. 12, p. (1980).
· M. Kostic, "The First Results of Kolubara Coal Combustion in Laboratory Tube Furnace." Tehnika J., No. 20, p. 2149-2154 (1979).
· M. Kostic, "Exergy, Not Energy (A Contribution to the Exergy Analysis of Energy Processes)." Tehnika J., No. 11 p. 1555-1558 (1978).
· M. Kostic, S. Oka, Lj. Jovanovic, and B. Repic, "Experimental Apparatus for Investigation of Pulverized Coal Combustion." Termotehnika J., No. 4, p. 90-95 (1978).
· M. Kostic, "Mankind Should Not Be Worried About Energy and Raw Materials", Tehnika J., No. 9, p. 1421-1428 (T1-T8) (1975).
(*) Kostic's first publication (in Serbian with Abstract in English): a reflection of the Second Law of Thermodynamics on global natural processes and cycles: М. Костић, „Човечaнcтво не требa дa стрaхује за eнeргијом и сировинама”, [M. Kostic, "Mankind Should Not Be Worried About Energy and Raw Materials", Tehnika J. (a major journal of Engineering Society of Serbia, also SMEITS & KGH), No. 9, p. 1421-1428 (T1-T8) (1975)]. Also: M. Kostic, "Exergy, Not Energy (A Contribution to the Exergy Analysis of Energy Processes)." Tehnika J., No. 11 p. 1555-1558 (1978).
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Editorships: Mathematics And Computers In Science And Engineering
Energy Problems and Environmental Engineering * Misc. Archive