Maxwell's Demon Demystified <or>
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Maxwell's Demon and Its Faulaces Demystified
By Milivoje M. Kostic * * Google-Search
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Based on holistic, phenomenological reasoning, it is deduced here that a Maxwell's demon successful operation is not possible without a major "due-work effort" to suppress interference of all competing thermal particles, overlooked by Maxwell (also his followers and the demon exorcists), in addition to the minor work for gate operation (while a molecule is selectively gated) since it would be against the physics of the chaotic thermal motion, the latter without consistent molecular directional preference for selective timing to be successful.
"Forceful, molecular interactions would not “self-pause to watch”, but would spontaneously interfere to “compete and resist” any other selective process, like Maxwell’s demon (MD) gating a selected molecule through a finite size hole during a finite gate-open time period ... TEREFORE, relevant major, interference “due-work” (overlooked by Maxwell and his followers) would be required to prevent interference of other molecules with a gated molecule, in addition to minor “gate-work” to select a molecule at a time and to operate the gate."
A demonic being, introduced by Maxwell, to miraculously create thermal non-equilibrium and violate the Second law of thermodynamics, has been among the most intriguing and elusive wishful concepts for over 150 years. Maxwell and his followers focused on 'effortless gating' a molecule at a time, but overlooked simultaneous interference of other chaotic molecules, while the demon exorcists tried to justify impossible processes with misplaced 'compensations' by work of measurements and gate operation, and information storage and memory erasure with entropy generation. The illusive and persistent Maxwell's demon fallacies by its advocates, as well as its exorcists, are scrutinized and resolved here. Based on holistic, phenomenological reasoning, it is deduced here that a Maxwell's demon operation, against natural forces and without due work effort to suppress interference of competing thermal particles while one is selectively gated, is not possible at any scale, since it would be against the physics of the chaotic thermal motion, the latter without consistent molecular directional preference for selective timing to be possible. Maxwell's demon would have miraculous useful effects, but also some catastrophic consequences.
Full article: * arXiv:2001.10083 [PDF] Harvard *physics4me*
Fig. 3: Molecular natural-forcing or self-tendency towards thermal-equilibrium and “Interference Due-Work”:
Molecular interactions spontaneously force towards thermal-equilibrium and against otherwise, that is they will interfere and obstruct (not “self-pause to watch”) while any molecule is gated through a finite-size hole during a finite-time period. Relevant “interference due-work” will be required to prevent interference of other molecules, in addition to “gate-work” to just select a molecule and operate the gate. The former work is substantial and at least as the thermodynamic work-potential gained, while the latter work could be infinitesimally small if the gate operation is perfected to be virtually reversible.
Full article: * arXiv:2001.10083 [PDF] Harvard *physics4me*