Kostic was invited to “Entransy Panel” at “Heat Transfer Olympics,” hosted first time in China, in August 2018
"The IHTC16 Conference organizing committee is planning on 3 plenary lectures, 4 panel sessions, about 30 keynote lectures and more than 1000 poster presentations from all over the world." TechnicalProgram (1D) * * Kostic's Presentations (PDF)
See more at> NIU-Today2, (NIU-Today1), and Kostic named a panelist at 'Heat Transfer Olympics' * IHTC-16 Panel Sessions, (PPT-PDF * IHTC16-Presentation), Kostic in China
Milivoje M. Kostic, professor emeritus in the NIU’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been invited to be a 'panelist' on the “Panel on Entransy,” at The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC16), also known as “Heat Transfer Olympics,” at the Chinese National Convention Center, Olympic Game Park, Beijing, China, August 10-15, 2018. The inclusion to the Conference Panel has been influenced by Kostic’s recent publication related to the Entransy concept and controversies, as well as his prior collaboration with Chines universities, starting with keynote lectures at prestigious Tsinghua University.“The International Heat Transfer Conferences (IHTC – the Heat Transfer Olympics – since 1966), are the world’s premier conferences for scientists and engineers in the heat and mass transfer research community.” The worldwide conferences are convened every four years at different countries, to exchange the latest heat and mass transfer information. The IHTC-16, first time hosted in China, will continue the increasingly important mission of fostering international cooperation and the exchange of ideas among colleagues to solve urgent problems and improve peoples’ lives in the years ahead.
The heat and mass transfer community is involved in nearly all aspects of society since nearly all activities involve some form of heat or mass transfer. Heat and mass transfer phenomena control energy production and utilization systems, many types of production lines, transportation systems and numerous daily activities for our modern lifestyles. Thus, heat and mass transfer is a vitally important field where scientists and engineers face difficult challenges developing cutting-edge technologies for highly efficient energy systems, massive information/communication equipment, high-value-added manufacturing, and comfortable living environments, to name just a few.
Kostic retired from his regular NIU duties in 2014 to focus on his fundamental research.
IHTC16 * Photos * IHTC16-Cartwheel * Presentation slides * NIU-Today2
IHTC16-Kostic Entransy Presentation Video (first Cartwheel, then podium at 1:00:15 and Discussion #1; Discussion #2; Discussion #3)
Nature of Heat and Thermal Energy: From Caloric to Carnot's Reflections, to Entropy, Exergy, Entransy, and Beyond