Visitors Detail of PIDE Website

Attached is the list and statistics about the visitors of PIDE website.

Most Visited Pages

Most visited pages of PIDE website.

Keyword Search

All keywords used by users to reach PIDE website.

Referral Traffic

The sources which referred to PIDE website.

Social Referral

Originating Social Network. PIDE website visit from a social website (i.e Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc).


The Countries, from which visits originated, based on IP address.


The Cities from which visits originated, based on IP address.


The months during the active date range.

New vs Returning

New Visitor (first-time visit) and Returning Visitor (visiting the website again).

Visit Time Duration

Time duration of visitors on the website.

Frequency and Recency

How frequently visitors return to website

Khurram Iqbal

Web Manager

(ICT Division)