Child Care

Sundus Salimi assigned to study problem and report on solutions -- She has submitted a report to me, however it is missing many important dimensions, especially from an economist point of view.

1. What is the demand (how many children in 2.5 to 4 year range would be potentially interested)?

2. Marginal Benefits -- would we able to provide better care than these children are currently getting, however the issue is currently being handled?

3. Supply Side: Do we have the space and other resources to provide childcare? Especially when we have overcrowding in offices for faculty? -- Space committee is supposed to look into this problem, and Sundus is on the committee, so should have better information about this.

4. On the basis of all this information, a cost benefit analysis, of whether or not it is worth it to provide better childcare.

In view of the pressing and large number of other problem, my view is that we should defer consideration of this issue until we move to New Campus, which should be designed with this in mind. However is there is a pressing need, and it can be accomodated without much difficulty, I would be happy to reconsider.