*****************This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) 2015-08-15 me and King Leonidas of Sparta, Greece, in front of the Acropolis Museum, in Athens, Greece.

(2) 2015-11-22 in front of the Acropolis, in Athens, Greece.

(3) 2015-11-26 in Athens GREECE, in Syntagma Square in front the Parliament Building. - in between the water fountain and the Christmas Tree.

(4) 2016-05-30 Beautiful Greece & the Greek Islands from Space on a beautiful clear day. Thank you NASA.

for more information about me, please visit my main web page

2016-07-13 : the website is under construction.





G. Three things you’ve been taught that are absolutely wrong.


A. Three ways to truly love yourself, according to the Stoics,

B. Three rules of happiness according to Epicurus,

C. Three ways to become a good person using philosophy,

D. True and false happiness - Philosophy vs Instagram,

E. Philosophy will make you popular,

F. The secret of happiness is not what you think.



G. Three things you’ve been taught that are absolutely wrong

March 31, 2016

1. The universe conspires to help you

Humility is one of the most respectful virtues and practicing it can bring us much happiness. No, the universe doesn’t conspire to help you and it, quite frankly, doesn’t care about you. The law of attraction is a myth that has destroyed the way we behave. It has made us lazy and instead of working on reaching our objectives, we suffice with daydreaming because we believe that the universe will eventually materialize our thoughts. But in fact, if you need something to happen or to change in your life, then you need to work on it, because only you can take the necessary steps to move forward with your projects and reach your goals. No one will do it for you.

2. Happiness is good, sadness is bad

Sadness and happiness are equally beneficial. After all, our sad moments may also become our sweetest memories. When you’re sad, you go ask your friend for a hug, you cry on someone’s shoulder and pour your heart out to someone close. Sadness brings people together and sad times help you recognize your genuine friendships. Crying makes you feel better and it is important for you to allow yourself to cry and feel the sadness to the fullest whenever you feel down because if you force yourself to be happy and shove the sadness under the rug, it will eat your soul and devour your heart and you will not truly be happy.

3. Live in the moment

Living in the moment is only beneficial to a certain extent. When you’re experiencing physical pain, for example, you would certainly not want to enjoy the moment. It is important for us to be mindful and to be aware of the things surrounding us, but the idea of living in the moment must only be limited to some aspects of our lives; like taking a walk or going out for a drive or dancing with a friend. Thinking of the moment is important, but you must always consider the future and not act on your instincts. Letting go of your past after having learned from it is important, but you must never ignore the future, for each and every one of your actions will have its consequences and you should recognize them. Think of the moment, yes. Be mindful, but don’t be a fool.


A. Three ways to truly love yourself, according to the Stoics

February 26, 2016

Stoicism: Zeno of Citium, founder of Stoicism, Cleanthes, Chrysippus, Crates of Mallus (brought Stoicism to Rome c. 170 BCE), Panaetius, Posidonius, Seneca (Roman), Epictetus, (Greek/Roman), Marcus Aurelius (Roman)


Zeno of Citium

Ζήνων ο Κιτιεύς





Rear Admiral James B. Stockdale


1. Know the difference between valuable things and good things

The Stoics believed that only the things that are noble and moral are actually good for you. The rest is what they called “indifferents.” For example, money is valuable, but it is not necessarily good. Just because something is appropriate for us and it satisfies our immediate needs, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will result in our happiness. You can only love yourself once your impulses guide you to what is good for your self-preservation and not what is pleasurable. For example, watching YouTube videos may seem more pleasurable than studying for five hours. However, study will lead to much greater happiness in the long term. Just notice how wasteful you feel after spending the day on YouTube and how fulfilled you feel after a long study session.

2. Put others before yourself

Many people disagree with this statement as they’ve been taught by mainstream authors that one cannot love others without loving oneself first, which is a lie. Loving yourself is important, but you cannot merit your self-love if you do not love others first. We seek to chase what is good for us and what preserves our well-being, but it would be irrational for us to choose something that benefits us without thinking of others. We must not be selfish. Think of it this way, if you had to choose between your own wealth and someone else’s health, which choice would be more rational? Only when loving others, will you be able to love yourself.

3. Satisfy your desires, but don’t allow them to manipulate you

You are not made of stone and you certainly must not rid your life of all pleasure. In fact, pleasure is part of the things that will make you happy. However, it is important not to allow your pleasures to destroy you. Go out and have a drink, but don’t drink more than is appropriate. You should occasionally treat yourself to little pleasures, as long as you don’t indulge in those pleasures unreasonably or excessively. Self-sufficiency is important, but you must be reasonable and capable of choosing the things that will truly satisfy you, and not simply choose things that seem more pleasurable. Always think about the long term.


B. Three rules of happiness according to Epicurus

February 22, 2016

Epicureanism: Epicurus (Greek) and Lucretius (Roman)




1. Ignore External Desires

External objects play a small role in our happiness. Our income and beauty don’t impact our long-term happiness. Epicurus asserted that we reach a state of happiness once we distance ourselves from materialistic desires. He stated that our attachment to expensive objects will disappoint us for three reasons: losing these objects will upset us, we will always be worried about acquiring them, and no matter how much we win, these objects will never truly satisfy us and we will always ask for more.

2. Don’t Fear Death

Epicurus stated that the fear of death is one of the major things that cause us pain. He believed that the fear of death is based on fiction (that God will punish our actions) and that we must dismiss this from our minds. Even if we believe that God exists (in his case, he wrote of the Gods), we must understand that God doesn’t expect us to be perfect and is not directly concerned by our personal affairs. Epicurus held that once we die, our pains will end. He wrote, “Death is meaningless to the living because they are living and meaningless to the dead… because they are dead.”

3. Embrace Sadness

We need to be reasonable with regard to our happiness and distinguish between what will bring us true happiness and what will cause us true pain. It is imperative that we not suppress our sadness, as it leads to the appreciation of life. We can associate sadness with our most compassionate memories; a friend’s hug and crying ona lover’s shoulder. We mustn’t only choose to be happy because our falls from grace are always be followed by one of the most important and beautiful feelings in our lives: hope.


C. Three ways to become a good person using philosophy

February 20, 2016

1. Be Reasonable

Immanuel Kant taught us the importance of distinguishing between short-term and eternal happiness. By using our sense of reason, we are able to choose the actions that will benefit us and, more importantly, others in the long-term. Even Aristotle asserted that the wise base their decisions on reason (or logic) and not on intuition. Reasonable thinking allows us to understand that we must not try to satisfy only our immediate desires. Consequently, it teaches us the true meaning of happiness.

2. Be Humble

René Descartes maintained that we must acknowledge the universe’s infinite measure and admit that we are not in its center. Unlike what mainstream authors teach us, the universe does not conspire to help us and it certainly does not reshape itself for the sake of our well-being. Likewise, Socrates believed that a truly wise, and therefore good, person is a humble person who does not claim to have knowledge of everything. Once we recognize that we are not as important as we think we are and that we are not better than others are, we can truly become good and thus deserve to be happy.

3. Be Respectful

Confucius spoke of the importance of the way we treat our parents. He held that the only way to be good and to promote harmony in society is to behave morally and respectfully, and we can only behave this way once we learn to practice self-discipline. Therefore, we must respect others and act properly, in a way that would make us worthy of admiration. We should never forget to behave respectfully, no matter our status. When it comes to respect, there are neither inferiors nor superiors; we are all equal.


D. True and false happiness - Philosophy vs Instagram

February 18, 2016

We can comfortably claim that most people are pursuing happiness. Sadly, the majority are pursuing the wrong sort of happiness and, consequently, spending their lives miserably and in deceit. Philosophy allows us to follow the correct path and pursue the right kind of happiness. In fact, one of the most influential philosophers in history, John Locke, distinguished between two kinds of happiness: imaginary happiness and true happiness.

If you would rather receive a visual representation of imaginary happiness, then log into your Instagram account and enjoy the sights. Silly people posting pictures of their cars, expensive bags and airplane tickets have given us the impression that happiness is a product that one can buy and show off on social media. But John Locke asserted that happiness must not be defined by pleasure, property or self-interest.

Most people, however, believe that short-term pleasures will grant them happiness and, therefore, spend their lives trying to satisfy their selfish desires. This is because people are incited to chase objects that promise them pleasure and help them escape their inner pain. Always remember that most people showing off expensive products on social media are only trying to compensate for their secretly miserable lives.

Philosophy clarifies the meaning of true happiness. Locke holds that we must act modestly in order to find true happiness. Only goodness and virtue ensure everlasting happiness. The Greek philosophers also spoke of this. Socrates stated that happiness does not rely on possessions, but rather on how we use them. It is not money that will make us happy, but rather how we spend it.

True happiness, therefore, depends on the direction that the person who holds the money decides to follow; a direction that is based on virtuous acts and that leads to a better society. Our decisions mustn’t satisfy our own desires, but the good of the community. Socrates taught us that once we diverge our thoughts from our superficial desires, our souls would be complete and we would find ultimate satisfaction.

Goodness and happiness are connected by nature. One cannot happen without the other. We can only become truly happy when we are good and we can choose to be good when we know that goodness will result in our happiness.


E. Philosophy will make you popular

February 16, 2016

Most of us desire popularity. We dream of being loved, respected, appreciated, and wanted. Unfortunately, most of us don’t attain this coveted level of acclaim because we search for it in the wrong places.

Most people are attracted to happiness or positivity. We seek friends who exude confidence and emit positive energy because we believe this will somehow result in our own happiness. But positivity does not result in happiness. Thus, we mustn’t search for happy people. We must search for good people, because verily, we are attracted to goodness. The Greek philosophers knew this, but we’ve ignored it.

Aristotle defined three types of people that attract us: good, useful, and pleasant. He maintained that only one kind of friendship would bring us happiness. Aristotle wrote that friendships based solely on utility or pleasure are doomed because they are not based on trust and love. They are based on using others for our own pleasure. Thus, we mustn’t choose a friend because they attend a lot of parties or because they're rich. Such friendships die quickly. The only relationships that survive are those based on good will and virtue.

Aristotle defines happiness as virtuous acts toward others. If both parties in a friendship exercise virtue, the friendship survives. True friends only wish good things upon one another and as long as both parties recognize each other’s goodness, the friendship succeeds. But to find good friends, we must be good friends; therefore, we must be virtuous and good.

Ask yourself: “Do I want people to like me for who I am or for what I give them?”

Once we learn to become a genuine friend, we become attractive and raise our popularity. A genuine friend loves the other just for the sake of loving and does not place selfish goals in a friendship. We must choose the friend who will only wish us love and success. The wise know that such friends don’t come in large numbers; therefore, we mustn’t define popularity by the quantity of friends, but by their virtues.

Be good and look for goodness, and before you know it you will become popular.


F. The secret of happiness is not what you think

February 14, 2016

One of the major problems facing the world is the pursuit of happiness. Being happy has become every person’s aspiration and we are using happiness to answer the fundamental question of human existence: “What is the purpose of life?” Everything else comes in second. Billions have devoted their lives to reaching this state of happiness, but only a fraction has succeeded.

The next fundamental question to our existence has therefore become “How can I be happy?” The media has sold an image of happiness that leads to people answering life’s fundamental questions wrongly. Being happy is not driving a fast car, buying a mansion, or even having a successful career. Only one combination opens the gates of happiness, and it is philosophy.

René Descartes, for example, said that philosophy's main objective is achieving a happy life, and only people with an orderly mind can attain happiness. He also stated that philosophy treats the mind the way medicine treats the body. Philosophy teaches us to behave with a healthy mind, for only then will our actions bring us what we call happiness. Descartes added that happiness is a product of virtue and that we should focus on practicing good will, since our goodness will result in our happiness.

Descartes’ views go hand in hand with Immanuel Kant’s philosophy. Kant asserted that happiness and virtue are intertwined and only those who act with virtue deserve happiness. He did admit that goodness by itself does not produce happiness. However, would we deserve to be happy if we were not good? Kant said no, and maybe we should too.

We have been blind. Our minds have been tainted by images that the media and the giant corporations have sold us. We must not set happiness as a goal; we must instead set kindness and goodness as our life resolutions. Rather than thinking, “How can I be happy?” maybe we should ask ourselves, “How can I be good?” Only then would we truly become happy.





I present vertigo of rotational type with vomiting s, instability marching and muscular terror.





If you have benefited in anyway by my web page, if it has helped you with your school work, if you have gained an understanding of homelessness through it, if you just want to help a homeless web page writer who is struggling financially in my fight against my Brain Tumor which is Growing, please make a Small Donation.

As families gather for the holidays, as friends meet up at bars and clubs, or go on outings together, visit each other in their homes, entertain each other, talk to each other - the bonds of friendship strengthening, I'll try to keep myself busy Begging for Small Donations, to Overcome my Illnesses, and to Achieve the Impossible.



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Thank you very much..


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that I am diagnosed with BRAIN TUMOR which is growing, and that I am POOR and HOMELESS, and i am struggling financially, in order to make me a small DONATION. Thank you very much.



FIRST NAME : Evangelos








Give to the other that have also need - that is to say to me! . It can appear to you insane, but as long as more you give, so muchmore the universe to you it returns. Also giving to the other - that is to say to me - with love (without you wait for somethingbehind) it is a very effective way to increase the surge from the universe to you.

and do not forget the ... The Delphi Orders

The Delphi orders are orders left by the Greeks sages of Ancient Greece. A valuable legacy knowledge and wisdom for future generations.


one of them was ...

Having Gives (when to give away)


In order to view all the Delphi orders, please visit the following sub - webpage ...

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

The Delphi Orders in English


here follow the messages from few donors ...


2015-01-30 from U.K.


Just thought you'd like to know ABDUL KAYA ... sent you £5.00 GBP.

Note from ABDUL KAYA ...

Hi, Hope this small contribution can help. Please send us your prayers. Thank you kindly.


2015-03-05 from GREECE

Sas blepw suxna sto suntagma kai 8aumazw th dunamh sas!!

ourania ken..... sent me €15.00 EUR.


2015-08-16 from ITALY

Note from Luca Bot.....

Dear Evangelos VOLOTAS,

Just thought you'd like to know I sent you €500.00 EUR.


2015-12-25 GERMANY


Just thought you'd like to know Patricia Kais... sent you €15.00 EUR.



European Union Map, Greece, Athens,






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