André Malraux - Tribute to Greece - a secret Greece rests in the heart of all the men of the West.


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André Malraux - Tribute to Greece - Speech on May 28, 1959 in Athens

Once more, the Greek night reveals above us the constellations that the watchman of Argos was watching when he waited for the signal of the fall of Troy, Sophocles when he was going to write Antigone - and Pericles, when the sites of the Parthenon were were silent ... But for the first time, here, emerged from this thousand-year-old night, the symbol of the West. Soon, all this will be nothing more than a daily spectacle; while tonight she will never be renewed. In front of your genius wrenched from the night of the earth, greet, people of Athens, the unforgettable voice which since it has risen here, haunts the memory of the men: "Even if all things are doomed to decline, can tell you from us, future centuries, that we have built the most famous and happy city ... "

This call of Pericles would have been unintelligible to the Orient, drunk with eternity, which threatened Greece. And even in Sparta, no one had, until then, spoken in the future. Many centuries have heard him, but tonight his words will be heard from America to Japan. The first world civilization began.

It is through it that the Acropolis is illuminated; it is also for her, who questions her as no other has questioned her. The genius of Greece has reappeared many times over the world, but it was not always the same. It was all the more striking in the Renaissance that the latter hardly knew Asia; it is all the more brilliant, and all the more disturbing today, as we know it. Soon, shows like this one will enliven the monuments of Egypt and India, give voice to the ghosts of all haunted places. But the Acropolis is the only place in the world haunted by both spirit and courage.

In the face of the ancient East, we now know that Greece has created a type of man that never existed. The glory of Pericles - of the man he was and of the myth attached to his name - is to be at once the greatest servant of the city, a philosopher and an artist; Aeschylus and Sophocles would not reach us the same way if we did not remember that they were fighters. For the world, Greece is still the pensive Athena leaning on her spear. And never before had art united the spear and thought.

We can not proclaim it too much: what the confused word of culture - the whole of the creations of art and of mind - covers for us, is to Greece the glory of having made it a major means of training man. It was by the first civilization without a sacred book that the word intelligence meant interrogation. The interrogation from which came the conquest of the cosmos by thought, of destiny by tragedy, of the divine by art and by man. Just now, ancient Greece will tell you:

"I sought the truth, and found justice and freedom. I invented the independence of art and spirit. I set up for the first time, in front of his gods, the man prostrate everywhere for four millennia. And at the same time, I raised it in front of the despot. "

It's a simple language, but we still hear it as an immortal language.

It has been forgotten for centuries, and threatened every time it was found. Perhaps it has never been more necessary. The major political problem of our time is to reconcile social justice and freedom; the major cultural problem, to make accessible the greatest works to the greatest number of men. And modern civilization, like that of ancient Greece, is a civilization of interrogation; but it has not yet found the type of exemplary man, be it ephemeral or ideal, without which no civilization takes quite form.

The groping giants who dominate ours seem to hardly suspect that the main object of a great civilization is not only power, but also a clear awareness of what it expects of man, the soul invincible by which Athens, however, submissively obsessed Alexander in the deserts of Asia: "How many sorrows, Athenians, to deserve your praise! Modern man belongs to all who will attempt to create it together; the mind knows no minor nations, it knows only fraternal nations. Greece, like France, is never greater than when it is for all men, and a secret Greece rests in the heart of all the men of the West. Old nations of the spirit, it is not a matter of taking refuge in our past, but of inventing the future that it requires of us. At the threshold of the atomic age, once again, man needs to be formed by the spirit. And all Western youth need to remember that when it was first, the man put in the service of the spirit the spears that stopped Xerxes. To the delegates who asked me what could be the motto of the French youth, I replied "Culture and courage". May it become our common motto - because I want it from you.

And at this hour when Greece knows herself in search of her destiny and her truth, it is up to you, more than me, to give it to the world.

Because culture is not inherited, it is conquered. Yet it is conquering itself in many ways, each of which resembles those who conceived it. It is to the people that the language of Greece will henceforth be addressed; this week, the image of the Acropolis will be viewed by more spectators than it has been for two thousand years. These millions of men will not understand this language as the prelates of Rome or the lords of Versailles intended it; and perhaps they will not hear it fully unless the Greek people recognize its deepest permanence - if the great dead cities resound with the voice of the living nation.

I speak of the living Greek nation, of the people to whom the Acropolis addresses itself before addressing all the others, but who dedicates to his future all the incarnations of his genius which shone in turn on the West. Promethean world of Delphi and the Olympian world of Athens, the Christian world of Byzantium - finally, during so many years of fanaticism, the only fanaticism of freedom.

But the people "who love life to the point of suffering", it is at the same time the one who sang to Saint-Sophia and the one who was exalted at the foot of this hill on hearing the cry of Oedipus, which would cross the centuries. The people of freedom is the one for whom resistance is a secular tradition, one whose modern history is that of an inexhaustible War of Independence - the only people celebrating a "No" holiday. This No of yesterday was that of Missolonghi, that of Solomos. With us, that of General de Gaulle, and ours. The world has not forgotten that it was first that of Antigone and that of Prometheus. When the last Greek Resistance slain stuck to the ground on which he was going to spend his first night of death, he fell to the land where was born the noblest and oldest of human challenges, under the stars that we look at this night, after watching the dead of Salamis.

We have learned the same truth in the same blood shed for the same cause, at a time when the Greeks and the Free French were fighting side by side in the battle of Egypt, at a time when the men of my maquis were making with their little handkerchiefs Greek flags in honor of your victories, and where the villages of your mountains were ringing their bells for the liberation of Paris. Among all the values ​​of the spirit, the most fruitful are those born of communion and courage.

It is written on each of the stones of the Acropolis. "Strange, go tell Lacedaemon that those who fell here died according to his law ...". Lights this night, go tell the world that Thermopylae call Salamis and end with the Acropolis - provided we do not forget them! And may the world not forget, beneath the Panathenaeans, the grave procession of the dead of yesteryear and yesterday, who ascends its solemn guard in the night, and raises to us its silent message, united, for the first time, with the oldest incantation of the East: "And if this night is a night of fate - a blessing on it, until the dawning! ".







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(يرجى استخدام النقر بالزر الأيمن للفأرة، وفتح الرابط في النافذة الخاصة التالية)

يستريح André Malraux - جزية إلى يونان - يونان سرّيّ في القلب من all the رجل من الالغرب.









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