Greek Philosophers Biographies - Sophists Part 1


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2015-12-20 : the website is under construction. THE PROVERBS ARE O.K., but It will take me a few hours to re-insert the images of the greek philosophers, which for some reason were lost, after my last revision, which i have done a few days ago. so until i remove the sign 'website - under - construction' ... you can study the proverbs with safety !. Please stay on Alert !.

Notes: 1. Diogenes of Sinope ... and ... Sinope ... is the same Greek Philosopher

2. Heraclitus of Ephesus ,,, and ... Ephesus is the same Greek Philosopher

( English ) This Webpage Is Last Updated On 2016 January 13, 18:30 GMT hour. I do not have a computer. In order to access the Internet, I visit often ( once a week ) an Internet Cafe. Next Update will be done on 2016 January 31 in the afternoon !, GOD helping!

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I wanted to get the most broad foundation for a lifelong education that I could find, and that was studying Latin and the classics. Meaning Roman and Greek history and philosophy and ancient civilizations.





Greek Philosophers Biographies - Sophists Part 1 in English

The Greek philosophers were among the most influential people in history because they invented both philosophy and science. By asking questions about themselves and the world around them, these philosophers helped create modern civilization.

Interestingly enough, the Greek philosophers thought of themselves as scientists rather than thinkers. They called themselves seekers and lovers of wisdom and often studied a wide variety of subjects, including history, physics, law, sociology, politics, mathematics, and biology. The famous philosophers were also teachers, educating wealthy children and operating schools as well as thinkers.




Author Birth - Death

13 PRE-SOCRATIC - SOPHISTS - Protagoras 481 BC - 411 BC





13 PRE-SOCRATIC - SOPHISTS - Protagoras of Abdera

προσωκρατικοί φιλόσοφοι - Σοφιστές - Σοφιστική κίνηση - Πρωταγόρας από τα Άβδηρα ( ο Αβδηρίτης )

Democritus (center) and Protagoras (right) 17th century painting by Salvator Rosa in Hermitage Museum



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προσωκρατικοί φιλόσοφοι - Σοφιστές - Σοφιστική κίνηση - Γοργίας


Gorgias (c. 487 - 376 B.C.) was a Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, orator and rhetorician

from Sicily. Along with Protagoras, he was one of the major figures in the first generation

of Sophists.

Both Plato and Aristotle criticized Gorgias severely, labelling him as a mere sophist (in

the derogatory sense of "sophistry") whose primary goal was to make money by appearing wise

and clever, and not a true philosopher. However, he was undeniably highly influential and,

in bringing his rhetorical innovations from his native Sicily to Athens and Attica, he also

contributed to the diffusion of the Attic dialect as the language of literary prose.


Gorgias (pronounced GOR-jas) was born around 487 B.C. (or possibly 483 B.C.) in Leontini, a

Greek colony in Sicily. His father was named Charmantides, and he had at least two siblings,

a brother named Herodicus and a (unnamed) sister. In his youth, he may have been a pupil of

Empedocles, although he would only have been a few years younger. He was familiar with the

works of Zeno of Elea and used his paradoxes (especially the so-called "arguments against

motion") in his own work.

He was already about sixty when he was sent in 427 B.C. to Athens by his fellow-citizens at

the head of an embassy to ask for Athenian protection against the aggression of the

neighbouring Syracusans. On completing his mission, he subsequently settled in Athens,

probably due to the enormous popularity of his style of oratory and the profits he could

make from his performances and rhetoric classes.

Like other Sophists, he was an itinerant, practising in various cities and giving public

exhibitions of his rhetorical skill at the great pan-Hellenic centers of Olympia and Delphi

(including inviting questions from the audience and giving impromptu replies), and charged

substantial fees for his instruction and performances. His florid, rhyming style seemed to

almost hypnotize his audiences, and his powers of persuasion were legendary.

Among his distinguished students in Athens were Isocrates (436 - 338 B.C., one of the

greatest and most influential orators of his time), Critias (460 - 403 B.C., a leading

member of the so-called Thirty Tyrants of Athens), Alcibiades (c. 450 - 404 B.C., a

prominent Athenian statesman, orator and general), Thucydides (c. 460 - 395 B.C., an

important historian), Agathon (c. 448 - 400 B.C., a popular tragic poet) and Pericles (c.

495 - 429 B.C., a prominent and influential statesman, orator and general of Athens).

Gorgias is reputed to have lived to be over one hundred years old, before dying at Larissa

in Thessaly in about 375 B.C. or 376 B.C. He had accumulated considerable wealth by the time

of his death, enough to commission a gold statue of himself for a public temple.

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Gorgias transplanted rhetoric from his native Sicily to Athens and Attica, and in the

process contributed to the diffusion of the Attic dialect as the language of literary prose.

He ushered in rhetorical innovations involving structure and ornamentation and the

introduction of paradoxes and paradoxical expression, for which he has been labelled the

"father of sophistry". His rhetorical works (including the "Encomium of Helen", "Defence of

Palamedes" and "Epitaphios") come down to us via a work entitled "Technai", a manual of

rhetorical instruction.

Unlike other Sophists like Protagoras, Gorgias did not profess to teach arete (or virtue),

believing that there was no absolute form of virtue but that it was relative to each

situation. He believed that rhetoric was the king of all other sciences, since it was

capable of persuading any course of action. Thus, much of the debate over the nature and

value of rhetoric, began with Gorgias. Plato (one of Gorgias’ greatest critics) was speaking

in direct opposition to Gorgias, when he argued that rhetoric gives the ignorant the power

to seem more knowledgeable than an expert to a group, and that Gorgias was merely an orator

who entertains his audience with his eloquent words while believing that it is unnecessary

to learn the truth about actual matters.

A lost work, "On Nature" or "On Non-Existence", was one of Gorgias few essays into

Metaphysics. It is available to us only in paraphrases from Sextus Empiricus (2nd or 3rd

Century A.D.) and others, and it is generally skeptical in outlook, intended both as a

refutation and as a parody of the Eleatic School, and particularly of Parmenides. It is

usually presented as a three-point argument: 1) nothing exists; 2) even if something exists,

nothing can be known about it; and 3) even if something can be known about it, knowledge

about it can't be communicated to others. His point was to prove that it is just as easy to

demonstrate that being is one, unchanging and timeless as it is to prove that being has no

existence at all.



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