What I Wish I'd Known about Cancer
I was diagnosed with "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma" in the spring of 2023. This was primarily an estrogen based cancer (65%), with an unknown entity, (35%). I was somewhere between stages 2-3 with a fairly sizeable lump in my breast. I enlisted pretty quickly for conventional cancer therapies and received 4 rounds of chemotherapy (my tumor melted away after 2 - which thankfully removed the need of a mastectomy) I went in to surgery for a "lumpectomy" where tissue samples were gatherered and lymph nodes as well. Then came 6 weeks of radiation therapy through the fall of that year. When that was completed, I was told I would need to take a pill for 5 years, a pill that would ravage my bones and greatly increase my chances for debilitating osteoporosis. This option was a definite NO for me. At this point I was insentivized to seek answers. Doubling down in my education about cancer, I learned what it is, how it evolves and what is causing the surges of cancer in our modern world. My oncologists were telling me that my cancer could return but had not offered any suggestions on how to help myself, nor were they going to plot my cancer health, unless I felt pain, or illness or another lump. I was incensed to my core and felt a keen vulnerability. I can only describe my dawning of "hope in the journey" as guided by the Spirit of God. Gradually I found information in a vast world of support and knowledge. From a single article, I was led to a site where I could choose from podcast topics about cancer. One day I listened to one by Antonio Jimenez, founder of Hope for Cancer Institutes. I ordered his book "Hope for Cancer. Seven Principles to Remove Fear and Empower your Healing Journey". Reading this book gave me immediate assurance that there were many things I could do to help myself be strong and cancer free.
In this space, I want to give a brief synopsis of CAUSES, and INTERACTIVE TREATMENTS for cancer, many of these propholactic. Not having a cancer diagnosis currently does not preclude any of us from having it develop. We can do more than hope we will never "get" cancer. We can empower ourselves by implementing a few protective practices. And it's not just cancer! Our world is insanely sick from our latter-day environment.
Cancers are becoming more aggressive and increasing in younger populations. (Jimenez)
Cancer emerges from a broken immune system. A strong, functioning immune system is really the key to fighting cancer.
Cancer is caused by spiritual, emotional and physical factors.
Environmental factors cause two-thirds of cancers, especially chemical and environmental toxins.
Emotions are a factor in all cancers.
Infections cause 15-20% of all cancers.
Genes are responsible for only 5% of cancers.
Healing from cancer is about removing all root causes: spiritual, emotional, environmental and infectious. Our food, medicine, emotions and environment all affect our energy, for better or worse.
Conventional cancer treatments do not address cancer at the cellular level.
Get to know cancer treatments that don't weaken the body. There are SO many cutting edge treatments to consider; I will not list them all here as they must be studied and considered carefully in the Jimenez book. These include (but not limited to) things like sonodynamic therapy, sauna, infrared lamp therapy, grounding, hyperbaric chamber, ozone (I will address this in the detox section),high dose IV Vitamin C, and Methylene Blue, a "new kid on the block" taken IV or orally.
Detoxify through 5 main channels: our breath, skin, urine, bowel movements, and our thoughts.
*Let your body sweat, use deodorant without antiperspirant. Near infrared sauna removes toxins via sweat.
*Vibrating platform, stimulates the lymphatic system, moving toxins from healthy cells. I bought one of these and found out it also strengthens your bones against osteoporosis!
*Exercise! and proper breathing. Yoga. Getting oxygenated and breathing through nostrils. Cancer thrives in oxygen-poor environment. Oxygenation comes with exercise, green plants, decreasing our exposure to toxins and glyphosates like chlorine, balancing our hormones, and especially! getting good sleep. (apnea is common and very destructive to the body)
*Ozone therapy - A fantastic way to increase oxygen in the body. It is antiinflammitory, helps with healthy aging (alzheimers deterrent), is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, enhances other cancer treatments, suppresses tumor cell growth, improves your microbiome, detoxifies heavy metals and aids the nervous system. You have to be consistent in this therapy - every day. I purchased a home ozone treatment system.
*Juicing - consider 2-3 cups per day, or 4-5 cups at least once a week. 80% veges, 20% fruit. Why juice? It's the quickest way for nutrients to penetrate the cells.
*3 day water fast (Christ Wark). This consists of fasting from food for 72 hours, while staying hydrated with water during that time. You can add electrolyes to the water, drink teas, or vegetable broth The gut gets a good rest and cancer stem cells die. Also kills virus and bacteria. I have done this and consider it to be an economical and relatively easy way to help any protracted illness. The hardest part is preparing food for the family during this time. You might try this when they are out of town, or you are!!
*Intermittent Fasting: letting your gut rest and repair, especially at night. Shoot for a 13 hour fast.
*Coffee enemas. I haven't tried, but this will release toxins from gallbladder and liver and cleanse lower colon.
*Castor oil - I need to practice with this one, but we should all use it, as it has a historical track record in holistic health.
*Replace toxic personal care. Our skin and lungs are on the front lines of absorbing whats good and whats toxic. This could even be #1 for women. Those great smelling hand lotions and soaps can add a heavy load to "xenoestrogens" which, when compounded, are causing a heavy load for our bodies to carry. It's not just cancer that results, but a host of toxic overloads that put a drag on us, big-time.
*Replace toxic household cleaning products with those made from all natural products. EWG (Healthy Living app) I use doTerra's "On Guard" cleaning consentrate exclusivley. I don't mess around with noxious cleaning solutions.
*Grounding - I sleep on a grounding mat and use another one when I exercise in the house. Walking barefoot on grass in the summer is excellent, so is hugging trees, swimming in oceans and playing in the sand. See "earthing.com."
*Consider your home environment: mold, radon, furishings and materials that have been treated with toxic chemicals.Beware of carpets, those squishy foam mattress pads, etc. Electro magnetic waves.
Emotional work is crucial. You may have to dig deep. (Recommend book, "The Emotion Code")
Along with working with your emotions, you will learn to "muscle test" yourself. This opens up a whole new world is aiding you to know just exactly what your body wants and what it does not. I use this technique constantly and it has aided me immensely to figure out everything from supplements to skin care products to foods. It's quick and very efficient.
NAET (see at end) can also address emotional issues, and eliminate the bad ones we hang on to.
Spiritual - includes prayer, meditation, scriptures, quiet time, music, temple attendance.
Diet - the cancer diet is based upon organic vegetables and fruits. Think colorful and be consistent. I learned that good compliments to the vegetables are basmati rice and black beans. Meat is cautioined against, but for someone like me, who is also fighting against osteoporosis, I have to focus on getting a good portion (that is: a lot!) of animal protein. So the advice is: make sure your beef is lean and clean (easy for me on the ranch), make sure your fish is wild caught, chicken is good, and especially eggs, but go easy on the pork as it is the hardest to digest. Anything I can do to aid my digestion is paramount, I've learned, because if my body is so focused on digestive issues, there is little reserve to combat the cancer cells. Considering this, I like to eat fermented foods consistenly like saurkraut, greek yogurt, sourdough bread in very moderate amounts, etc. Raw milk has become important to me because it is less inflammitory to the gut and aids my bone strength. I purchase raw goat milk and yogurt from a friend. (Amazingly, there is no "goat" aftertaste.) The conventional wisdom at mealtime: eat your veges first, protein second, carbs last. This method prepares the gut very quickly and aids your digestion. ALSO, taking the supplements of Hydrochloric Acid and Digestive Enzymes with meals is recommended because they aid in digesting your meals more efficently. Good hydration throughout the day is important, but drinking a lot of liquid around mealtimes is cautioned against.
Supplements. There are so many to consider. Here are a few that are strongly recommended. Rather than feeling like I have to take all of them, I have instead tried to dicipher those that my body will tolerate the best (I use the technique of "Muscle testing" to figure out quite quickly what my body wants and what it refuses - the book "The Emotion Code" goes over the rudiments of muscle testing)
*Vitamin d3 with K2. Vitamin D3 has received the gold star for cancer prevention. Your levels need to be 70-90 and will need to be checked to see where they stand. I take 10,000 units daily, 5 in morning, 5 in evening.
*aloe vera -from "Stockton Aloe" take 1-8 ounces daily. If you have gut problems, this would be a must!
*Amla powder - 1/4-1/2 teaspoon daily.
*Apricot kernals (B17) 3-4 kernals/10 lbs body weight per day, or "Apricot Power", a B17 powder.
* Maringa (organic) 1/2 teaspoon
*Black Seed Oil
*Turmeric - Curcumin C3 complex. As much as you can tolerate.
*Boswelia (Frankincense ) synergistic with Turmeric.
*Liposomal Vit C. - take several thousand per day. Suppossed to take until your stools are loose, then back off slightly.
*Mushrooms and mushroom supplements - RM10, Host Defense, Mushroom Wisdom.
*Probiotics - HDP oregano, Quercitin, Protolytic enzymes (up to 45 gms on an empty stomach), Nutricology Pancreas.
*Dandylion root
*Fennel - I use doTerra essential oil drops
* chili peppers, jalapenos, spicy salsa, etc.
*Essiac Tea - essiactea.org. I took these in pill form when I had active cancer.
*Jason Winters Tea - (highly recommended), original is best and delicious.
* HMD - detoxmetals.com
*coffee enemas
*Dr. Hulda Clark Parasite Cleanse (18 day protocol)
*Incurables - herbdoc.com
*Digestive enzymes and Hydrochloric Acid
Out of these supplements I currently take turmeric, fennel, amla, vitc, mushrooms, dandylion root in a drop form, vitd3 with K2, digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid. I also take magnesium, selenium, fish oil, methyl folate.
Holistic Cancer Clinic- Dr. Jason West in Pocatello Idaho ( West Clinic) a third generation practitioner, is a bastian of knowledge and really delivers on outstanting cancer treatments. This man is insane in his pursuit of how to help people. I received a ten week course of high dose vitamin C along with B17, got started on mushroom supplements and purchased a home ozone system. Dr. West can track cancer in my body. He does a simple blood test by pricking my finger and analyzing the sample under a microscope. On a large screen in his office, he shows you the blood sample which can indicate cancer, infection, parasites, yeast or fungal infections, and so much more. Having "Doctor J" in my back pocket is a huge blessing and relief.
NAET - Allergy Elimination was something I did know about before my cancer diagnosis. I went to work on eliminating as many of my allergies as possible, food and otherwise. Allergies= inflammation=lowered immune response=cancer. I felt this was a huge factor in giving me a leg up when my conventional treatments started. NAET is a simple "energy" process, is economical and a way to move forward knowing your allergies are not part of the problem. In addition, NAET can address emotional "allergies" as well, promoting even more healing to our bodies and spirits. Go to NAET.com, enter a zipcode and find a practitioner. Pick one with the most credentials and experience; their certifications are listed under their name.
Getting in the "Know" with SQUARE ONE's Chris Wark and his cancer modules. His step by step approach is so positive. He is a cancer survivor and shares his wealth of knowledge. Reading Antonio Jimenez 's book is eye opening and comforting. I love "Tony"!