Day 5: IV and SQ Practice and Other Diseases

Day 5: IV and SQ Practice, and Other Diseases

Other Diseases

Many of our puppy patients have other diseases which will be treated concurrently. Volunteers and staff must take care to not spread diseases between patients. Some of these diseases are also contagious to humans. See Isolation Protocols for proper protocols to prevent spread of other diseases within the Parvo ICU. See the following pages for common diseases found in shelter dogs:

While under treatment in the Parvo ICU puppies are not treated for ringworm and mange. These conditions will be treated once the puppy leaves the ICU and the clinic can provide routine diagnostics. In severe cases of mange puppies may start treatment once they are 100% symptom free from parvo. 


For your next training shift, you will be practicing more IV patients as well as SQ patients. Let your trainer know where you need the most practice still. Expect to be quizzed on the drugs being used on your patients. You should be familiar with all primary drugs in the ICU by now (Baytril, Polyflex, Reglan, Ampicillin, Cerenia). Reference the Drug Chart when needed. 

End of Day 5 Quiz