I am interested in UFOs and I saw one of them myself. It was August of 1954, a perfectly clear night, and I was standing on a flat roof at Balboa Beach, California. I was hugging a girl facing her as she looked west toward the sea. She asked me to look as she pointed out over the Pacific to a saucer shaped UFO flying north thirty degrees above the horizon. In 1944, I had been a plane spotter for the United States Civil Defense in Anaheim, California and was trained to identify aircraft. The UFO was in level flight, about ten miles away, and it must have been huge because it seemed half as big as the moon looks when seen in the southern sky. The lighted object was going north but banking toward Los Angeles and going much faster that anything I'd ever seen fly before or since. The disc was lit with an opaque white light that came from within, and only the top half of the saucer was visible. It flew across the clear black sky and banked back out to sea before it came over land. As soon as it banked west it became invisible because no light was seen on its underside. There was no sound and no vapor trail behind it. The girl said, "When I first looked it was bouncing around the sky like a bug."

I have not attended UFO meetings. I have read only a few books that mentioned UFOs, but occasionally I have asked people about them. About ten percent of those people I ask say they have sighted UFOs.

In 1958 I was visiting Mike and Betty Sulsona in Garden Grove at 11:30 PM when eighteen year old Mike Jr. came home. He was pale and frightened. He said, "I looked up and saw three cigar shaped objects flying in formation over Garden Grove. They were too fast to be planes. They left puffs of blue and red colored smoke in the sky." The boy reported his sighting to the police. The newspapers ignored the report.

I talked with an eighty year old Anaheim man who had been a commercial fisherman during World War Two in the forties. He was a serious man, and seemed truthful. He said, "I made many sightings of UFOs while I was fishing alone off Newport Beach, California. Usually it was at night, sometimes at early dawn. Some were huge, others small, some shaped like a rocket, others saucer shaped. Some came out of the water, and some came flying fast, stopped, tilted at an angle, and slid under the water without making any waves."

A lady in Garden Grove said to me, "My son and three buddies were driving on a straight desert road in New Mexico. They were all in the Air Force. The telephone poles were on the left of the road. My son drove as the others slept late at night. Suddenly a large light came toward him at a right angle from his left. It came very fast and he screamed and slammed on the brakes because he thought it was going to crash into his car. The object made an impossible left turn because it did not slow down and it was just above the ground. Everyone in the car woke and saw it as it flew straight ahead out of sight staying below the height of the telephone poles."

In 1987 I met Barbara Hill in Fallbrook, California. She said, "It was ten o’clock on a clear night. We were living on the outskirt of Solvang, California. My husband and I were having a snack in our kitchen. I looked out the window and saw a fifteen foot long cigar shaped UFO coming toward us slowly about one hundred feet high off the ground. As it reached our house we walked outside to look up. The back half of it seemed to be red hot with smoke rising from it, and we could smell the burning. It stopped for a minute directly over us. Then it suddenly turned left and flew out of sight at terrific speed. It made a humming sound."

An eighty year old lady was one of Mrs. Hill's room-mates. She said she had sighted a huge cigar shaped UFO with many lighted windows on the side. "It was going too fast to be a plane. I was with a bunch of people who saw it, and it was reported in the papers all across the state of Florida."

The third lady who slept in a bed near the window was listening to us. She told her story of a U.F.O. sighting she had made in New York many years before this conversation.

I said, "This must be a coincidence to have four random people together in one room who have all made UFO sightings."

I believe sightings are less frequent now than thirty years ago. I do not believe people who say they were kidnapped and raped by outer space creatures. If outer space beings were here, their species would be different from us, and we could not mate. It's like a dog can't mate with a monkey. The genes don't mix.

I have heard Mexicans from remote parts of Mexico who never learned to read tell me in Spanish that they sighted UFOs in Mexico. I will be afraid to go near a UFO if the opportunity comes. But I am curious about them and feel the government does not tell us all they know about them.

I notice that all the documentaries about sightings have the same endings. The narrator or some scientist tells us the sightings are untrue. That’s because none of them had ever sighted a UFO.