Macho Beads

Each bead is unique and different from the others and several sizes and shapes are used. Some are red, others green, yellow or blue. A variety of colors is best so that no matter what color shirt is used the beads will be in harmony. A lack of symmetry and balance is desirable to conform with the Native American idea that men enjoy being off center. This is why most men prefer to wear only one earring and most part their hair on one side. The large bold sizes and colors of the beads also show masculinity.

These beads are compatible with the quiet and shy male personality who may feel his face is not handsome. Whether true or imagined, the man will feel less self conscious when women look at him. He will notice that they are studying his beads, not his face. The beads also seldom fail to cause a women to begin a conversation with a man. She will tend to think he is more interesting than a man who wears a neck tie or nothing at all. When a man holds a baby, sometimes the baby cries. If the man is wearing macho beads, the baby will usually become interested in the macho beads and be entertained. The baby stops crying.

At the present time macho beads may be purchased at Venice Beach and in the city of Beverly Hills. The cost of the beads varies with the quality of the material, but the workmanship is very important. The artist who designed macho beads, Annette Robinson, designed them especially for men to wear. Women are being discouraged from wearing macho beads. However, certain women refuse to stop wearing them. Some women will wear almost anything just to get more attention.