
This story was told to me by Lloyd Steinkamp. I have been unable to forget it so I guess it must be important. I feel it is my duty to write the story down now so that others who read this might ponder it and see if it is a parable or what? Lloyd gave me permission to repeat this story.

Many years before Mexico was controlled by Spain the famous explorer Cortez was there looking for treasure. He was first to bring horses and soldiers with armor to North America. While searching Mexico they found natives wearing gold and silver ornaments. Cortez had taken many of the trinkets away from the people and sent the treasure to the queen of Spain. The Queen continued to supply Cortez with whatever he needed to continue his quest for riches.

Cortez searched for many years without finding a really big treasure. He always figured he was on the verge of striking it rich. He was searching near the Pacific ocean when one of his men came back from a search party. The soldier said he had learned from a dying Aztec priest about great treasures kept in a holy city located in the interior of the country. He told Cortez that the dying priest said, "Only the high priests know where the treasure is hidden."

This time Cortez really felt lucky, and he marched his men through mountains and jungles to the holy city. When he entered the city he captured the high priest and killed all the city people, as well as killing all the mutes who served the high priest.

Fortunately Cortez brought along a wise man from India who spoke all languages, even Aztec. So Cortez asked the Indian to act as his interpreter. Cortez ordered the Aztec priest be brought before him and said to the wise Indian. "You tell the priest if he doesn't tell you where the treasure is, we will make a fire and roast his feet."

The Indian spoke to the high priest. He warned him he better tell Cortez about the treasure or Cortez would roast his feet. The priest answered speaking Aztec, "You have killed our people and you can kill me too. I won't tell where the treasure is!"

The man from India explained this all to Cortez. Cortez understood and ordered his men to tie the priest to a long pole. They built a fire and held the priest so his bare feet could be roasted in the fire. Soon the priest screamed and yelled that he couldn't stand having his feet roasted anymore, and that he would gladly tell where the treasure was if they would only stop burning his blistered feet.

The Indian interpreted the message, and Cortez ordered the high priest be removed from the flames. Then the priest spoke, "You will notice there are three great pyramids at the edges of our city. Go to the one in the north and climb down thirteen steps from the top. Lift the loose stone and enter the pyramid. There is another loose stone in the south corner of the room and under that is a room filled with gold , silver, pearls, and many other treasures."

The Indian turned and spoke Spanish to Cortez. "The high priest says we have killed his people, and he has no reason to live anymore. He says you can torture him all you want, and even kill him. He won't tell. You might as well kill him right now."