The first two paragraphs were written by John in the 1990s. The last paragraph was written in 2001. He continued to write until he passed away on June 8, 2005.


Several months ago my wife Barbara and our four children purchased a home computer as a gift for me. I decided to write down some stories. Over the years I have learned to keep my notes brief and the habit persists in my story writing. Experts have told me to smooth out and lengthen them but I don't know how.

Also, if someone I wrote about gets their feelings hurt about something I said, I hereby deny it was them I was talking about and apologize as well.

Sometimes my sense of humor is stronger than my desire to be factual. This is especially true in the Book of Miscellaneous, and the Book of Thoughts. Everything I write has a little truth in it but you should take it all with a grain of salt. In other words, sometimes any reference to fact is purely coincidental. Some of this is a work of fiction.


JOHN BROWNE, Physical Therapist