Stunt Pilot

He came out to see the therapy pool of the Society for Crippled Children and Adults in Orange, California. The Society director introduced him to me and asked me to show him around because I was the chief physical therapist. We gave him a clean bathing suit and he took a swim in the warm pool. He was a very handsome forty year old man about six feet tall with smooth long muscles and no fat on his belly. After swimming he told me his story.

"I hurt my back in a work related accident and it didn't get well. My doctor sent me to a top orthopedic surgeon and he operated, but my back kept hurting. I had several back surgeries, but nothing made the pain go away. Finally, I was willing to do anything to relieve the pain. I wrote to the U.S.S.R. and told them I would become a Communist and support their government if they would cure me. They wouldn't give me the time of day. But I was angry with the United States because all the operations had failed to relieve my pain.

"I decided to leave the United States and went to South America and lived down there for several years. My back kept hurting. Then the country I was living in had a revolution and all hell broke loose down there. I became disgusted with the Latin world and decided to return to the United States and to do what I really wanted to do with my life. I decided to ignore the pain and become a stunt flyer.

" I purchased a cheap old bi-plane for trick flying in San Diego and learned to fly it. I did a lot of crazy tricks because my back pain continued, and I didn't care if I lived or died. Once my plane crashed and I hurt my back some more and for a while I couldn't walk. As soon as I could, I flew again and I had my own flying circus and made good money. I went to Hollywood and they let me do stunts and are still paying me a lot of money for stunt flying. I meet a lot of beautiful women and take them out on dates and have a good time, but I never tell anyone about the pain in my back. They don't want to hear about it. I am telling you only because you are a therapist and you should be able to understand. I came here to see how you are helping crippled kids. Next week I am doing a special air show at Catalina Island to raise money for crippled kids. I want to do something good. Someday I may have a fatal crack-up and die, but I don't care. I get tired of this pain all the time. You understand, don't you?"

Weeks later I read about him in the paper. He had been flying upside down close to the water near Catalina Island. A wave reached up and tripped his airplane. He died in the crash.